At the 2009 SHOT Show, Glock introduced a new texture called “RTF2.” Claiming to be the “the new standard for operators working in the harshest conditions imaginable,” the RTF2 features a new style of texturing on the grip frame, and a new serration pattern on the rear of the slide.

The new RTF2 texturing on the Glock 22 is described in the Glock literature as “thousands of polymer spikes.” I couldn’t agree more. The RTF2 texture was not comfortable to hold. In fact, it was downright unpleasant. Yes, the RTF2 texture does seem to increase the bond between hand and gun, but at what cost to the hand? I would not want to shoot one of these, but I suspect I will have to in the near future.

Glock states the “crescent-shaped grasping grooves” on the slide “offer a new stylish dimension to the term efficient improvement.” Uh…right. I’m not sure what efficient improvement was gained, and neither was the Glock representative I spoke with.
Fortunately, the Glock representative told me that the RTF2 was limited to the Glock 22 at this time. Additionally, the G22 can still be purchased with the normal third-generation frame. If the RTF2 proves to be popular, the Glock 17 will be the next firearm to receive the treatment, followed by others in the line.
Glock RTF2 Second Impression – Update
I caught a bit of heat after the 2009 SHOT Show when I posted that I was not impressed by the third generation Glock pistols with the RTF2 texture. I didn’t much like the texture, nor did I think the groovy design of the crescent moon slide serrations did much for the user.
Recently, I had the chance to shoot an RTF2 Glock, and I stand by my initial impressions.
Rough Texture and the Hands
Shooting standard-pressure practice rounds did not cause my hands to bleed, but after 30 minutes, my hands were pretty well scuffed up. I looked like I had gone over the handlebars of my bike and caught asphalt, rather than spending just a few minutes shooting.
Maybe I do have ‘girly’ hands, but I don’t think so. I work with my hands (and not just on a keyboard.) On my days off, I’m far more likely to be holding a shovel than a TV remote.
Shooting for 30 minutes was fine, but I wouldn’t want to be on the range all day with one. And yeah, for me that is a regular happening, thanks.
Rough on Your Clothes, Too…
Although I didn’t think of this potential problem when I first reported on them, the RTF2 pistols are pretty rough on clothes. After the pistols hit the market, I started hearing complaints from police officers that the rough texture was prematurely wearing out their uniform shirts. Oops.
In the 30 minutes I spent shooting an RTF2 Glock, I managed to ruin a darn nice golf shirt. Using an exposed, strong-side belt holster, I really damaged the side of my shirt. Serves me right, I suppose, for wearing a nice shirt to the range.
Hippie Serrations
The crescent moon slide serrations are a mystery to me. They don’t seem to do anything more than the standard Glock serrations. Frankly, they appear to be for looks only. To me, they don’t add anything (looks or otherwise) to the design. In my mind, it goes back to the old adage, ‘don’t fix what ain’t broken.’
Maybe they do enhance the grip for someone – just no one I have spoken to.
The RTF2 Glocks are good for military guys who are in combat. The finish does provide better friction for the hand, and gloved hand, to hold on to.
For law enforcement and everyone else, I don’t see that the RTF2 offers enough positives to overcome the negatives. Regular training and carry will wear out exposed skin and clothing. In my opinion, the Gen 2 or Gen 3 finish is fine.
The Gen 4 Glock pistols offer a variation of the RTF2 (called, oddly, the RTF) that is more aggressive than the Gen 3 finish, but not as sharp as the RTF2. I’ve shot the Gen 4 Glocks, and I really like the finish on those. If you are a prior generation Glock owner, skip the RTF2 and take a look at upgrading to the Gen 4.
53 replies on “Glock RTF2 Finish on the Glock 22: Thousands of Polymer Spikes”
Once again Glock has nothing really new to offer. Just the same old stuff recycled, either in different colors or in different finishes. Boring!
If I want tupperwear I’ll buy an XD. Much better gun.
Please the Glock is still the standard and functions for what it was made for…. to shoot! As far as the XD being better based on what, its a quality piece but its a glock copy….
the glock did not enter a beauty contest i have the new style and i have put about 250 rounds through it and it perfection. there is a reson it has been around and been the standerd for a long time.
Glocks work, but no matter what they do with “plastic” it will still never be on the same level as the 1911 in .45ACP. If Glock was smart they would come out with a full size 4.5″ or 5″ barreled Glock 36 with the single stack grip
I couldn’t agree more with Archie. I got it, it’s the best. XD’s are great for the civilian target shooter, for that matter all bullets kill. Glocks though are a serious tools that are the best at what they do, and really, like the people that really put them to the ultimate test don’t have gloves on, or really care about their hand hurting a little, they are not at your Saturday morning club target match. Don’t hate…..congratulate.
I’m not sure which generation Glock refers to when they talk about perfection. I know that they could have stopped at the second gen and I would have been happy.
What hurt your hand??? Nonsense!! I own one and have already put 100 rounds through it. Perfection is an understatement. My accuracy has improved from those “Polymer spikes”. My Glock magazine refers to them as “Polymids”. Don’t be surprised if you see copycats. I am a huge fan. Granted it is the same Glock 22 revamped. Wouldn’t you like to up your HP in your car? That is what we have here. More performance under the same hood. By the way I also own an XD too. So don’t think I am a hater.
I like the idea of a more aggressive grip texture. My Glock 17 can get slippery with wet hands. But the “fish gill” cocking serrations not only look silly but seem like they would be too shallow and easier to slip off of than the current rectangular cuts. I can’t believe they didn’t get rid of the hated finger groves either. They’re quite possibly the biggest criticism of the pistol among glock fans. Also they should have abandon those worthless plastic sights years ago. For the supposed 10 years of R&D they put into it I am extremely underwhelmed.
What Glock should have done is taken the Glock 26 and made it single stacked with a thinner slide. They would dominate the pocket pistol market over night with a gun like that.
I just picked one up and, though I like the look of the previous version better, I like the feel of the new finish. The only way to inprove your grip would be to super glue your hand to the frame. Also, the new model does not have the half-moon cut-out on the bottom of the front strap (below your pinky) which I didn’t like. The slide serrations look kind of weird, but like Archie said, it’s a tool and a darn good one. That’s why I bought it. As for it hurtin’ your hand? Go chop some would and build up some callouses, man!
Also, if it doesn’t sell well and they discontinue it, someday it may be a rare collectible!
I mean chop some WOOD!!!
Ok.. for the record.. I own HK 45, glock 21sf, and looked at the new 22 .40 cal today.. I get it guys, not everyone likes serrations or grips but at the end of the day they all have 1 purpose! Self defense, so as long as your behind the barrel and not looking down it then we are all on the same side here… simmer down soft hands!
Why Has Glock not improved thier handgrips yet.
Everybody sends them in for grip reductions still.why have they not introduced an interchangeable backstrap?
Hahaha seems like they took your advice!!
Can a Glock 17 can be converted to Glock 22?
The grip is a good improvement over the previous generation. I’ve shot 200 rounds and the feel is good for those with medium size hands. I was leaning towards the XDM but the Glock had better balance and feel which is why I went to the Glock 22.
You basically need to test one. Yes has a sandpaper feel, if you have soft hands probably annoying and will hurt after several rounds of firing. If your hands are rough like mine, feels more secure in the grip.
Just bought one today. The new grip feels awesome and the serrations look and perform great. You really can’t beat a Glock for reliability/dependability. I hope they make the G17 with RTF2. Remember it’s not a fashion show ladies.
picked one up a gun shop today ,loved the grips ,and i must say i will be buying it this week .i carry a g27 who needs a big brother
I picked one up at the Gun show on the 18th. I have a g17 3rd gen as well. I’ve only put one box through it but WOW! I love it. My buddy bought a USP .40 same day and said the only difference he could tell was the safety! Made him jealous cuz I paid ALOT less for my Glock then he did his USP. ($510 OTD)
That grip is sweet. I really didn’t think it would make much of a difference, but it is like glue. Now if they’ll just get it on a G19 I’ll be in line to make my purchase.
The Glock is exactly that “Perfection”. its simplicity and above average reliability sets the standard for others to follow (i.e. M&P, XD’s) and they have been doing it for years. The guys who say the new RTF2 texture hurts their hands stop crying and suck it up. Its ideal for operators of the world to include Delta Force who recently transition to the G22 from their 1911 Caspians due to the harsh condition of the middle east. I recently bought the G22 with the new texture and fired 500 rounds and not once did I complain about my hands hurting.
Glock got rid of the RTF2 and the girly crescents just as fast as they could. Perfection my ass.
I have never been a fan of the glock and was actually looking to purchase a S&W. After being shown the glock rtf2 design, I fell in love with it due to its grip.
I’d agree, this isn’t designed with weekend outings at the rang in mind. It’s suited for the harshest conditions (blood is slippery) and is built to get a job done.
If you plan on spending most of your time poking holes in paper and tracking scores, this most likely isn’t the firearm for you. That would be like buying a HMMWV (Humvee) for the soul purpose of hauling groceries.
I have the 22RTF. Unless you have soft manicured hands or sensitive skin, the texture is great.The Beretta 92F I carried in the Army Special Forces was junk compaired to the Glock. If you don’t like it,don’t buy one. I think it was great right out of the box. Even an ugly weapon can kill. Again, I personally like the way it looks. No performance issues so far. Just an opinion of a combat vet.
Danny, just picked up the G17 RTF2. As far as my preference, I like it a lot. Just like a good portion of the comments, I think the texture is great. The serrations look a little silly and modernistic but work fantastically after a two hour session in a 90 degree range. I have some of the smallest hands you will see on a grown man and the first thing I noticed after the first box was that I wasn’t constantly fumbling with my grip like I do on “older” Glocks, Sigs and 1911’s (all good guns). My grip stayed high and tight and I noticed better grouping overall. Now I’ll never use this thing in the mud, rain, underwater, plus 180 degree, minus 100 degree or any blood soaked situations, but I know that if I need it, it will be there and it will work.
I just purchased the new Glock RTF 2 and it feels just fine in my hand, in fact, you truly have terrific bonding with your hand and gun. What can’t be beat on the Glock is that there are 36 or 38 parts all together. I’m a gunsmith, and I’ve stripped down many many weapons and Glock is best bar none. For instance, if you totally strip a Beretta, it’s like taking apart your grandpa’s watch. You have pins and springs and screws from here to next Christmas. The authur of the above article didn’t like the new Glock grip, and that’s fine. He’s certainly entitled to his opinion. Personally, I did like it. It’s a grip that you won’t have any trouble with if your hands are wet or sweaty. Obviously this is just my opinion and take it for what it’s worth. Like anything, some will like the new grip, some won’t.
Very nice pistol. I definitely feel a difference in both the grip texture as well as the slide. A good weapon is not designed for personal comfort in a controlled environment. This grip will not fail you when such a failure could cost you your life, and that in itself is a comforting thought. Others will copy this texture, just as they have copied most other aspects of the Glock. “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”
I recently had the chance to handle the 17 with the new finish and the crescent grooves. In a word..FANTASTIC!
The grip felt like it was alive and holding me back. The grooves made the slide a bit more handleable(?). As minor as the changes may seem the feel was radically different and exciting.
I was shopping for a 19 when I saw it and now I have to hold off until Glock releases the 19 with the RTF2 Finish and curvey grooves..or is that groovey curves? no, no…
Oh…if this finish hurts your hand you probably should stick to writing scathing letters to the editor and leave the guns alone.
i belive that the glock has been the standard of guns.There is a bunch of people sayin that the xd is the upgrade to a glock.psshh pleace.Think about it if it was so much better why do almost all law enforcment carry they best gun know to the shooting world Glock. i have the 22 rtf i think its one of my fav guns i own a g19 g22 g23 and soon to be a g32 ,thank you glock
I just handled the first Glock 19 with the RTF2 I ever saw & liked it alot.. So much so that it’s sitting right here in front of me..
As some others said it’s realy rough, I’d guess the same as 80 grit sandpaper, You know like the stick on grip tape products that people have been putting on the Glocks for years..
There’s always someone trying to perfect most products that are out there & the Glock is “Just About” Perfect as it comes..
I aquired a Metal Recoil Rod Assembly, 3.5lb Connector, & a Butt Plug for the rear lower trigger assembly opening..
Just got this Glock on “Black Friday 2009” & have to say it’s grip is amazing, I don’t see how you could ever drop it Realy!!
This will be the standard for Police Officers as with a duty gun the gun is carried in a exposed holster away from the body..
But with the G19 being carried IWB with the guns grip against your Kidney might be a problem as it would grab clothing & almost rip your skin.. Also I think the grips thousands of micro spikes will wear a bit smoother over time or could even be helped along with some super fine sandpaper..
BTW I bought this Glock 19 RTF2 from Sling Point in Lexington Kentucky for $450 @ The RK/Keny Woods Gunshow NIB..
I stood there with a G19 2nd, 3rd Generation & the RTF2 in my hands for quite a while trying to decide which one to get & kept going back to the RTF2 G19.. If your hands are Smooth & Wimpy this texture may not be right for you, My hands are Rough & Tough & so is the Glocks texture.. I figure Glock will always offer the smooth finish to thier line of handguns & have several other “Improvements” coming in the 4th generation of Glocks that we may start seeing in the next few years.. Something tells me being my G19 RTF2 was the first one I’ve seen that were gonna be seeing alot more of them..
BTW Back in 1987 I had the first G17 I ever saw, It’s grip was smooth & I put a piece of bicycle inner tube on that pistol long before Hogue, Pachmayre etc. were making those slip on grips.. In fact I may have been the one who thought of the idea.. But anyway most people who saw the Gun said they were Junk just from what they read or because there Handguns were Steel or Aluminum, But after shooting my Glock they all wanted one, Lightweight, Super Tough, Accurate with it’s Polygonal Rifleing, Scratch Resistant, Water Resistant, Just a great tool @ a Great Price.. Back then Keisler’s Police Supply couldn’t get them in quick enough to satisfy the customers & I’ll bet the RTF2 Glocks will be the same way..
I need to get to our range a shoot a couple thousand Isreali +P+ Sub-Gun 115gr balls threw this little beast to run it threw it’s paces..
Range Report Still Due ASAP..
I just bought a Glock 22 RTF and I think it’s awesome. I own quite a few guns and I’ve been into firearms for about 25 years now. I love classic 1911s as much as the next guy. I have hunting rifles, shotguns, pistols and black guns too. When people say they think that the RTF is ugly I just can’t agree. I think that the new slide serrations look great and offer plenty of grip but I’m aggressive and I charge my weapons like I mean it. It’s a gun not a baby bird grip it tight, rack it hard!
I think of Glocks like I do my AK47. All of you people who keep asking for “improvements” are nuts. It’s like calling Arsenal Bulgaria (makers of the finest AKs that money buys) and asking them to make the AK more like the M-4. Just buy a damn M-4 if that’s what you want. A Glock will never be a Springfield TRP or custom Kimber, but those guns will never be Glocks either. The triggers on Smith & Wesson M&Ps suck, period. Springfield XDs and XDms are nice but I don’t think of them as any better or worse than Glocks. Interchangeable backstraps are great and all, but it’s just one more weak link and something that could fail at the worst possible time. A Glock is intended to be a combat weapon not a one gun, gun show.
During a zombie apocalypse I’ll grab my AK and Glock over my M-4 and 1911 without reservation. Sure my M-4 has a vertical grip, floated barrel, Magpul EVERYTHING, EOTech 512 holographic sight, and flashlight, but my AK is rugged, reliable, and plenty accurate with iron sights. My AK doesn’t whine or get bitchy because it’s dirty, loaded with cheap ammo. Like my Glock, my AK is like a biker chick and not a prom queen. Have you noticed that almost every 1911/revolver handgun maker is trying to make Glock style guns but Glock isn’t making 1911s or revolvers. Kinda like the new “revolution” in ARs is gas piston operation. I don’t hear anyone asking for gas impingement AKs with floated barrels…
People who complain about Glock not changing their gun radically must be the same folks that complain about the 1911 Colt pistol being “boring”.
Listen, I have never shot the RTF but, Glock is the best gun design ever maid. From the research I have done it out performs evry other gun, even the 1911, no matter what make. Sorry 1911 fans. When you buy a Glock it is not for the looks it is for the quality. That is just my humble opinion, I cant wait to get my 22 RTF. And for those who complain about the grip being too rough, man up and stop being a baby, it is what it is.
WIMPS! Man, i had some people in my academy class complaining about how the RTF tore their hands up, made them raw, etc….. I was perfectly fine with it, and I dont mind the RTF finish at all. That being said, Im still going to get a hogue slip on!
I think the new gen 4 glocks with their grip inserts are too gimicky.
There was nothing wrong with the gen 3 texture and those who can’t seem to shoot well with original grip angle need to take some shooting lessons and stop blaming the gun. The only good about the new glock models is that they did not need the silly half moon thumbnail cutout at the front bottom of the grip, it serves no real world purpose. I’ll just stick with my gen 3 glocks.
I got my 22RTF today at a gun show after not being able to source one locally for a realistic price. I am VERY please with the RTF grip, and the contours of the grip. I have large hands and worry about my hand getting pinched but I see there is aftermarket parts to help with that but it fits PERFECTLY in my hand and I dont have to feel like my hands could slip when wet or wearing gloves.
I have both the Glock Gen4 and the RFT. I don’t care for the Gen4 frame. The RFT frame doesn’t bother me as much. I would rather stay with the RFT frame. I have had many Glocks, but the RFt is a keeper.
yes, I am going to sell the Gen4 soon.
After shooting 150 rounds with the RTF I gotta tell you that I regret buying this frame type because it actually did hurt my hand to the point that it took some of my skin off and I have a bunch of little holes in the palm of my hand. Now I gotta buy some pistol grip tape to fix it because it’s very unpleasant. DON’T BUY IT !!!! Get the regular frame.
Inherited a RTF Glock recently. After it macerated my right palm I put Talon grips on it. Problem solved.
If anyone doesn’t like their rtf and wants to trade for a basic 3rd gen just let me know.
Just Qualified with my new Gen4 Glock 22. Performed flawlessly with both FMJ and duty ammo. And yes, I’ve carried a 1911 for the last 4 years. Glock just works for Police duty.
Ive owned my Glock 22 since January 2010 Ive put 400 rounds thru it and it works great. The spikes maybe uncomfortable in the beginning but your hands will adjust. My friend is a law enforcement officer he has the glock 22 with the NON spiked handle he shot 50 rounds from his and 50 from mine. With the upgraded handle and sights from the new model he out performed his own glock. He said it was better more accurate and the spikes attached to his hands making it impossible to drop unless he let the gun go.
To the pistol pros,
I just bought a new Glock 19 RTF and it seems that when I grip the pistol there’s not enough room for my hand on the grip on the bottom. Does anybody know if there’s any after market parts I can buy? and where??? or anything else I can do to help my grip? Thanks in advance.
I just bought my friend’s G17 RTF2 with a nice shooting bag to hold 6 standard mags and 2-30 round mags plus lots of ammo, with a Glock Light included all for $700. The textured finish is far better than most plastics out there. I’m sure others will follow suit like always. They all used to complain about Glocks being plastic and all and the no hammer and square design. Now, all copy the same design. Yet, they still complain. I like CZ’s, 1911’s, Hi-Power, and a host of handguns, but I am still impressed by Glocks, even back in the 80’s when they first came out. My sister’s BF is selling his first-gen 17 with lots of ammo and mags. I’m thinking of buying it so I get the nostalgic effect.
Just purchased a 19 RTF, ……… love it.
“It hurts my hand, ….”, someone wrote, …. give me a break.
Just bought a G19 RTF2 and put 200 rounds down range today. The grip is very secure with all of those micro pyramids. The only thing is that it will tear up your skin a little but you will never find a more secure surface on any firearm period. I am glad I purchased this gun and feel like I could shoot it with the frame and grips covered in grease and not have any issues with it slipping out of my hand.
I held an G22 RTF and it feels alright. I just don’t think it’s worth trading a good G23 gen 3 for it thought.
Oh, PounUmOut, your funny.
The Glock RTF2 is a great gun, too bad that grip texture is no longer avaialble! Shoots point of aim right out of the box, great grip & functions as all Glock’s perfectly!
As for harsh on the hands, if you do any work at all with your hands you won’t notice at all!!!!!
As much as I love the 1911, (best ergonomics and grip period!) any 45 acp is better than any 40cal! A 45 glock is a great gun and one would not feel underarmed with one! I love everything about glocks except the trigger! I hear great things about the XD but they are really blocky and ugly-so I like the 1911 the best. BTW tuppaware is “ok” on 1911s, Wilsons polymer hi-cap narrow grip is probably the best polymer 1911 around. Still the 1911 deserves al the steel frame and slide!
Perfection, huh? Here’s proof that Glock effs up just like every other gunmaker.