A few days ago, a photo leaked of a possible new tactical version of the Ruger Mini-14. At the time, I stated that it looked like a Mini-14 with the ATI stock on it. Well, that is exactly what it is.
Ruger was showing the “new” Mini-14 at the 2009 Media Day at the Range. According to the Ruger rep, ATI is manufacturing the Strikeforce stock with the Ruger emblem and shipping them to Ruger, where the Mini-14 is assembled and shipped to dealers. According to the rep, that’s it: no other new features or items that you wouldn’t get by ordering your own ATI Strikeforce stock and putting it onto a Runger Mini-14.

The Mini-14/20CF is finished in matte black and fitted with the ATI stock. This stock has a quad rail fore and an adjustable, side-folding buttstock. It is a nice set-up and feels solid. The folks at Ruger say these are already shipping and are already on some dealers shelves. The MSRP is $872.
I said at the time that I didn’t think this was a show stopper, and it wasn’t. Very few people were looking at it, and fewer still were shooting it. The Ruger LCR was clearly the big announcement from Ruger.
Regardless of what gun qualifies as a show stopper at the SHOT Show, the new tactical Mini-14 rifles from Ruger will likely be a hit. The company does not offer many tactical products, and these are the guns that are becoming much more popular with the buying product. Bill Ruger, long since gone from the company, had a bad reputation with some gun owners regarding Second Amendment issues. The Ruger company definitely is separating itself from the legacy of Bill Ruger with these tactical Mini-14 rifles. These are clearly not something he would have developed or sold.
Previous Information
It appears that the Ruger “show stopping” product may be a gussied-up Mini-14. It seems that TD over at The Unforgiving Minute (site now defunct) found a picture of a Mini-14 rifle tucked away on Ruger’s website. The rifle (pictured here) appears to be of a Mini-14 with a quad-rail and a folding, adjustable buttstock.
I speculated that Ruger may introduce something to attract the AR15 buyers, as that market is white-hot right now. Frankly, I was expecting more. As I was discussing with Eric Shelton of the Handgun Podcast, the photo looks like a Mini-14 with a TAPCO or ATI stock. The rifle looks very much like the Mini-14 with the ATI Strikeforce stock that sells for $109.00. While interesting, I would not consider it a “show stopper.”
Maybe I’m missing something, but I hope Ruger has more than a Mini-14 with an after-market stock for us in a couple of days.
8 replies on “Ruger’s New Tactical Mini-14”
it certainly looks good, i would be curious to hear how this compares to an AR-15 from someone who’s shot both
Im in law enforcement and I have a nice set up on my M-4 Bushmaster..
I also had a ruger M-14 for many years they both shot great. I like this new look for the mini and thinking on getting one to use on the road. You will enjoy either one.
I have the mini 14 and have shot a fair share of all types of AR’s. I like my mini better than an AR anyday.
I just purchased and fired this weapon today. I have owned previously AR-15s and used the M-16A4 in the Army and this Ruger is my favorite. It’s a thousand times more sturdy than what I had in the military, and more solid yet than any of the AR-15’s I’ve had.
Right out of the box, the first round hit my target at 100+ yards without even sighting it in. It feels exactly like a .223 weapon should, and for purchasing it brand new for under $700, I’d take this over an AR-15 any day.
So, Richard (author) tell me what you think is lacking on this mini?
I just recently purchased this exact model and it is a great riffle.
Light weight, accurate and highly dependable. I’m so sick of AR-15 snobs denigrating this gun. If it were so bad it wouldn’t still be around after nearly 50 years. This new addition is welcome and good.
Ruger has upgraded the barrel and with the tactical grip and stock it is a very viable and formidable weapon when the SHTF!
I’d much rather have this riffle by my side than any AR-15 that’s going to be too heavy or jam on me and who has time for a bench to shoot 1-2 groupings at 200 yrds when all hell breaks loose?!
This is certainly my first choice when it comes time to defend my home and family! And for just plain fun shooting.
I’m glad you like yours. As I stated, the sample I was able to play with was a “nice set up” and “felt solid.”
But, I was not impressed by simply dropping a Mini 14 into an already available after-market stock. It isn’t a bad marketing decision by Ruger, but it isn’t impressive.
My Mini NRA Was sub MOA out of the box after Zeroing in the scope with three rounds of 75gr. of ammo.
It is the same as the Tactical with a Hogue over moulded stock, 16 1/8 barrel and now with the ATI stock I bought from Ruger, exaxtly the same with the exception of my rifle’s serial # that starts with NRA. It deserves the NRA for it’s quality, and accuracy. My gunsmith is a retired marine armorer who shot it SUB MOA after sighting the scope.
I love the thing, it is fun to shoot again. I’m 62 and feel like a kid with a new toy whwn at the range.
Thanks for posting feedback on your rifle! It’s good to hear the current crop of Mini-14’s are so accurate.