With the promise of increasing your loading rate by at least 50% on most progressive presses, RCBS has introduced a new electric bullet feeder.
The feeder fits most progressive presses that use 7/8″-14 threaded dies, including the RCBS Pro 2000.
Designed to work with jacketed pistol bullets only (no lead), the feeder ships with adapter plates for the most common handgun rounds: .355-357″ (9mm, .38 Special, .357 Magnum), .400″ (10mm and .40 S&W) and .451 (.45 ACP). The feeder holds about 200 bullets in the hopper. According to RCBS, you should not use this feeder with cast or swaged lead bullets. While technically not jacketed, I imagine plated bullets like those from Berry’s are probably good to go.
The feeder runs on 110v AC, and features a two-year warranty. MSRP is $495.95.
2013 Update
The shipping version of the bullet feeder comes with a country adaptable plug to handle 120 – 240v AC. This means non-US residents can also use this with their reloading press.
The RCBS bullet feeder kit for progressive reloading presses now carries a MSRP of $541.95. Compare that to the MSRP of the Hornady Lock-n-Load bullet feeder which is $363.52. Like the RCBS bullet feeder, the Hornady feeder is designed to work with any press using 7/8″-14 threads. while I like RCBS products, I don’t know what their bullet feeder is offering for your extra $200.
Here is a video of the RCBS bullet feeder being used on a Dillon XL-650 press. The Dillon press is one of the better/faster progressive presses. There are a number of professional loaders using this press. Hooking up the RCBS bullet feeder can increase the output speed by a huge amount. Check out the video:
As you can see, having a bullet feeder attached gives the loader a huge increase in efficiency. If I had to guess, I’d say that you can double the output of your loading efforts. This tool is a very impressive addition to your reloading set up. Definitely take a look at the RCBS bullet feeder for your progressive press.