
Henry Keeps the Famous AR-7 Survival Rifle Alive


Henry Repeating Arms continues to manufacture the famous AR-7 Air Force Survival Rifle. These semi-auto, rimfire rifles disassemble into three parts: the stock, barrel, and receiver. The barrel and receiver then stow in the waterproof, floating stock, making the rifle compact for storage, and resistant to harsh environments. No tools are needed, and the rifle can be reassembled in about 30 seconds.

Chambered in .22 Long Rifle the Henry AR-7 can handle both standard- and high-velocity rounds. The detachable magazines hold eight cartridges.

Assembled, the rifle is 35″ long. Stowed, it is only 16.5″. Total weight is only 2.5 pounds.

The Henry has a blade front sight and an adjustable rear sight. The receiver top is grooved to allow the installation of a scope. Note, though, that the scope is not likely to fit inside the stock.

The Henry Survival Rifle action is Teflon coated, providing an additional measure of weather resistance to the rifle. The barrel is steel, covered in ABS plastic, that is then Teflon coated. While unusual, Henry claims this design allows the barrel to be very corrosion resistant, and “allows the gun to balance properly and remain lightweight, yet withstand tens of thousands of rounds.”

The current AR-7 rifles are available in black, silver and camo finishes with the MSRP ranging from $245-310.


These rifles are awesome survival rifles. You can keep one of these in your outdoor gear, in the boat, behind the truck seat or wherever else you could possibly need it. Throw one into your bug out bag and you will always have a way to take small game in the field. A .22 LR is certainly more than enough to take rabbits or other animals for eating.

Another survival tool that would match well with this rifle is a distress beacon that can help rescuers get to you if you’ve been injured in the back country.

Having one in camo is nice, but I think I would prefer a matte black color. Something simple that doesn’t stand out. Camo is certainly understandable, though.

By Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson is an American author, editor and entrepreneur.

A former police officer and trainer, he left public service and founded Tac6 Media, LLC.

Richard is a prolific writer with hundreds of articles related to firearms and law enforcement published by Harris Publications, Athlon Outdoors, NRA, Police & Security News, The Firearm Blog, Human Events and more.

He currently consults with clients who need online publication management, editorial services, content production and organic traffic acquisition through search engine optimization.