Guns Holsters And Gear will be at the 2012 SHOT Show this year. This marks the fourth straight year of our attendance and reporting from the floor of the show. As with prior years, we will bring you news, photos and videos of all the new guns and gear months before most of the magazines will publish anything about them.
Of course, SHOT Show 2012 rumors may also find their way onto the site hinting at new products – be it military small arms, outdoor gear or innovative optics.

The SHOT Show, or Shooting Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show, is an industry event sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation. The SHOT Show is the largest firearms trade show in the United States and one of the largest trade shows of any kind in the US.
A major part of the SHOT Show is the law enforcement and tactical equipment section. The police gear will be reported here in addition to the other firearms, shooting and related information, so stick around right here. We’ll be hitting all of the booths in Las Vegas to get the details on all the new weapons.
Pre-SHOT Show Announcements & Rumors
- Hornady Critical Duty Ammunition
- Hornady 17 Hornet
Hornady announced a 17 Hornet load for varmint shooters. The Hornady load pushes a 20-grain VMAX bullet to 3650 fps. According to Hornady, this load mimics the trajectory of their 55 grain .223 Remington load, but at a lower cost and with recoil akin to the .22 WMR.
The 17 Hornet is a centerfire cartridge made from the 22 Hornet case. According to Hornady, they are essentially necking down the 22 Hornet while increasing the sharpness of the case shoulder and removing some of the overall taper. The 17 Hornet uses the company’s efficient Superformance powder.

The 17 Hornet has been around for more than 50 years, beginning life as a wildcat cartridge developed by P.O. Ackley. The Hornady round is the first commercial load of the round that I have found (I could be wrong – please post in the comments if you know either way.)
- Hornady Heavy Magnum Turkey Shotshells
- Sierra Bullets for 300 BLACKOUT
- Ruger LCP, LC9 with LaserMax CenterFire Lasers
- Gould & Goodrich Taurus Judge Holster
- Hodgdon Copper Fouling Eraser Powder
- Hornady Lock-N-Load Ammo Plant
- New Barnes VOR-TX Ammo for 2012
- SIG 516 Rifle in 300 BLACKOUT

- CZ P-07 Duty Pistols in OD Green, threaded barrels, more
- Dan Wesson Razorback in 10mm
- New Barnes Bullets for 2012
- Dan Wesson Specialist 1911 Pistol
- SIG SAUER P938 Pistol
- Kahr CM40 Pistol
- New Winchester PDX1 Defender Ammo Loads
- Statue of Liberty Glock Auction

- Safety Harbor Firearms: New Shotguns!
- Crimson Trace Lasergrips for Gen 4 Glock Pistols
- Ruger Set to Announce Another Big Thing
- Ruger LCR 22 Revolver
- More Hornady Zombie Stuff
- Knight’s Armament SHOT Show Tease
- SIG P238 with Ambi Safety
- Carson Lens Cleaners
- Hornady Z-Max Bullets: When Varmints Attack
- SHOT Show Requests
- Federal Vital Shok Trophy Copper
- CCI Quiet-22 Ammo
- Zombie Insectoid Targets
- 2012 SHOT Show Rifle
- Radetec Speed Shot
- Legacy Sports at the SHOT Show
- Ruger SR-22 Pistol
- Magnum Research MLR22AT Rifle
- SIG P224 Advertisement
- Chiappa Rhino in .40 S&W
- DeSantis Mad Max Holster
- Bersa Thunder .380 Combat
- .22 UZI

- Zombie Gun Cleaning Kit
- SWR Suppressors at SHOT Show
- Masterpiece Arms 5.7×28 Pistol and Carbines
- New Kel-Tec RFB Sporter Model
- MGI .308 Modular Rifle
- New Magpul PMAG
- Daniel Defense ISR Review
- ATI FX45 Thunderbolt 1911 Pistols
- ATI GSG STG-44 Carbine
- FMK 9C2 LE Compact Pistol
- H&K MR762A1
- HK45 Compact Tactical
- H&K MR556A1 Upper Kit
- ATI Omni Lower Receiver
- H&K G28 Marksman Rifles
- ATI-15 Rifles

- Navigate the 2012 SHOT Show
- GSG-9 Pistol
- 2012 SHOT Show Travel
2012 Media Day at the Range
- 2012 Media Day at the Range Preview
- 2012 Media Day at the Range
- Media Day At The Range
- Springfield XD-S
- Winchester PDX1 Range Testing
- SIG P224 Review

2012 SHOT Show
- Smith & Wesson 586 Returns
- SIG P938
- Mossberg Tactical Lever Gun
- SIG P224
- SIG 556 xi
- Kel-Tec SU-16 in 300 BLK
- SIG P224 Photo
- SIG P938 Photo
- Sphinx SDP Compact
- Mossberg Shotgun FLEX System
- Elzetta ZFL-M60 Flashlight Video
- SRM Arms 1216 Shotgun
- Bear Grylls Survival Knife
- ERGO 2 Grip
- SWATSCOPE Surveillance Tool Review
- PCP Polymer Cased Ammunition
- Diamondback RTS Shotgun
- Rapid Containment Baton
- SHOT Show Wrap Up
- First Light Demonstration
- CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1 Airsoft Gun
- Cool SHOT Show People
- Photos of the Kel-Tec SU-16 in .300 BLK
- Kel-Tec RFB 24

- More Photos of the SIG P938
- Chiappa Rhinos at SHOT Show
- New Winchester PDX1 Ammo
- SIG P224 Photos
- Tan Kel-Tec RFB
- CMMG Revolution and M300 Rifles
- CZ P-07 Duty in OD Green
- Bersa BP9CC
- Kel-Tec Colors
- SIG P238 Scorpion – Ambidextrous Safety
- Cabot Guns South Paw
- FLIR Entry Level Thermal Imagers
- Todd Jarrett on Dry Firing
- Rock River LAR-47
- Caracal Pistol Photos
- Stag Arms 3G
- Caracal “Quick Sights” Photo

- Caracal SC SubCompact Pistol
- Heizer DoubleTap .45
- 2012 SHOT Show Time Lapse
- Olympic Arms K16 300 SST in .300 BLK
- Smith & Wesson M&P15 VTAC II
- CRKT Eat’n Tool
- Browning Black Label Shadowfax Knife
- Thunder Ranch Mossberg 500 Shotgun
- CZ550 Urban Counter Sniper Rifle
- KRISS Vector Airsoft
Show Wrap Up and Final Thoughts
The 2012 SHOT Show ended yesterday, but we are nowhere near done with reporting on the show. All of our writers have stacks of notes and gigs of video and photos to publish during the next few weeks, so stick around. We got to see some amazing new automatic firearms, a neat innovation in trigger manufacturing, a new AK publication, several high quality bolt-action rifles, a number of new 22s, plus a variety of new law enforcement and military products.

General Thoughts on SHOT Show 2012
More than 61,000 people attended the 2012 SHOT Show: a record attendance. When taking a cab to dinner one night, the driver showed us the list of conventions that they are given. According to “official” projections, the SHOT Show was supposed to bring about 45,000 people to town. It would seem that guns are hugely popular in spite of (because of?) a down economy.
The day before the SHOT Show at Media Day, the crowd of media folks hoping to get hands-on with the products on display – from fully automatic machine guns to guns like the ultimate slick 7.62 patrol rifle (and related products and other amazing stuff.) The products and services offered during the past year set up an attractive strategy using factory accuracy, custom bolts, quad rail rifles chambered in 5.56.
Internet Media
There is still quite a bit of anti-internet media sentiment among some manufacturers and the traditional media. “Blogger” is a pejorative term, and applied to anyone operating online. With little exception, all of the online media I dealt with during the week were extremely professional and patient.
A few companies “get it” when it comes to social media and online media. Finding them on the show floor was refreshing, and you can expect to see a few of them coming on board with sponsorships here over the next few months.
I was sitting in the airport with another writer on Friday and overheard the conversation between two executives from one of the most popular firearms manufacturers. Their discussion: How do we tap into the internet media? Even though they were entrenched in “old school” approaches to media, it was clear to them that their customers were online, not watching TV or reading magazines.
The NSSF put on a great show. They managed to take the population of a small city, channel them into a single convention center and make sure everyone had a productive show. Problems will always pop up, but the NSSF does an exceptional job of promoting and running the event. Without them, there would not be an SHOT Show.
Last Update: June 1, 2024