The Russian military still uses the SKS at the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School. These photos were taken by Vitaly V. Kuzmin, a photographer of amazing skill. Kuzmin took these photos at the June 23 graduation ceremony.
The SKS rifles were used by members of the Honor Guard in the unit’s demonstration. I have to admit that I am fairly ignorant of the Russian military, but I would presume the SKS is still used much like the M1 Garand is still used in the US for demonstrations and drill teams.

Kuzmin’s photography is exceptional and I have enjoyed it for a long time now. Definitely give it a look. Fortunately, Google’s translation works pretty good.

4 replies on “SKS Still in Russian Service”
Interesting that they are still being used. I figured they might have a bunch stored is cosmoline in case the big one ever hits, but I didn’t expect to see paras using them even for honor guard stuff.
It looks like some fo the stocks have seen better days, but the metal looks very clean. Also, a few of the rifles look like they have pads on the butt.
I like the historical aspect of this honor unit’s use of the SKS.
However, as an honor guard (even a graduating class and not full-time honor guard) it is surprising to see the use and abuse that the stocks on those rifles are showing. Maybe that is by design. Instead of being brought out of cosmoline, those rifles were actual combat veterans of the big war! Now that would be an inspirational charge.
I’m surprised we don’t see more SKS photos coming out of Russia. They are damn fine rifles and ammo compatible with all of the AK-47 still in inventory. Wonder if they ever developed a 5.45×39 version
Those stocks definitely show signs of abuse. Probably just from the students learning how to handle the things.