I find the new Edge Arms Reliant pistol to be a very intriguing concealed carry handgun. It is a four barrel, subcompact pistol chambered in .22 WMR (aka .22 Magnum). A second pistol chambered in .17 HMR will also be manufactured. The pistol uses a break open design, not unlike the DoubleTap pistol.
A lack of a slide, cylinder and external hammer means the gun can be reliably fired from a concealed location (such as from within a jacket pocket*) or in contact with an assailant’s body with little chance of malfunction. Edge Arms highlights this fact on the company’s website, stating “shoots every time, cannot jam from ammo misfeed or ejection.”
While not as powerful as many centerfire cartridges, the .22 Magnum is not to be trifled with. The Edge Arms Reliant barrels are 2.89″ long. Checking Ballistics by the Inch, .22 WMR loads run about 1100 – 1300 fps from a 3″ barrel. Four shots of this will likely handle many defensive firearms situations. And for a gun of this size, the .22 Mag is going to be much softer shooting than a .40 S&W.
Even with four barrels, the gun is still fairly thin: only 0.94″ wide with the grips, 0.815″ wide elsewhere. It is 5.25″ long and 4.25″ tall. In comparison, the Kahr CW380 is 0.75″ wide at the slide (but wider, when you include the slide stop), 4.96″ long and 3.9″ tall.
One issue that subcompact pistol designers content with is safety. Whether true or not, many people feel that a smaller gun runs a greater risk of negligent or accidental discharge. To contend with this perception, pistols in this size range are often outfitted with heavy triggers. Edge Arms specs the trigger pull at 8-10 pounds, which is a vast improvement in my opinion.
caliber | .22 WMR, .17 HMR |
capacity | 4 with 4-round speedloader in the grip |
barrel length | 2.89″ |
sights | sight groove, green laser optional |
weight (unloaded) | 16 oz |
finish | black hardcoat anodized and black phosphate, Cerakote options available |
trigger pull | 8-10 lbs |
MSRP | not announced |
shipping date | not announced |
The Reliant has the option of having a built-in green laser aiming device. This would really help overcome one of the inherent problems with many small guns – aiming. Some of the ultra-compact handguns have tiny, nearly impossible-to-use sights, relegating the guns to extreme close quarters defense. With a built-in laser, the Edge Arms Reliant could be used at longer distances with a high degree of accuracy. Plus, by using a green laser instead of a red one, the aiming device would be daylight visible.

Edge Arms states the laser is grip activated. It appears the gun has a device that looks like a grip safety. I am guessing that the “grip safety” is actually the laser activation switch.
No MSRP has been announced, and a shipping date has not yet been given.
Signal 9 Defense Reliant
After some time, the company changed names from Edge Arms to Signal 9 Defense. Changes were made to the design including the abandonment of the rimfire cartridges.

Signal 9 Defense decided to offer the handgun in four different calibers:
- .32 ACP
- .32 H&R Magnum
- .380 ACP
- .38 Special +P
The company also was to offer barrel conversion kits so that you can swap between cartridges depending on your needs.

The new design had the following features:
- aluminum receiver and frame
- stainless steel barrel assembly
- all internal action
- smooth 8-lb trigger
- grip with automatic activation of green or red aiming laser
According to the company, the new Reliant pistol would have a MSRP of $499. Options include the red laser kit ($149), green laser kit ($299) and barrel conversions ($175).
Jacket Pocket Carry
It was recently brought to my attention that a few people didn’t understand why one would ever fire a firearm from a jacket pocket. I will explain.
Self-defense situations typically happen very quickly, with the aggressor often having the advantage of speed and surprise. The faster a defender can respond, the more likely he or she will be able to survive the confrontation. During the winter, many people will wear a jacket with large pockets to warm the hands. These pockets can also be used to conceal a handgun.
If you are dealing with an unknown situation, you can have your hand already on the gun without displaying it to anyone. Should the situation warrant it, you can even fire the gun through the jacket to defend your life. Having a hand on the gun decreases the time needed to bring a gun into play. Shooting through the jacket eliminates the draw time. Obviously, shooting through a jacket is only useful at very close distances, but that is where a lot of violent encounters happen.
The pocket liner can get hung up in a normal semi-automatic handgun as it cycles, rendering it useless beyond the first shot. The exposed hammer on a revolver can also be fouled by the jacket. A “hammerless” revolver typically works well from a pocket, but even it has a moving cylinder, which can present a problem on occasion. An enclosed system, like the one used in the Edge Arms Reliant pistol, offers the best possible reliability in such circumstances.
Update: As near as I can tell, the company went out of business. If anyone has more information about what happened, I’d love to hear about it in the comments section below.
37 replies on “Edge Arms Reliant Pistol: Quad Barrel .22 Magnum”
Whoa. I really like it. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I really do.
Please, like it all you want! You really have to feel the gun in your hand and pull the trigger to appreciate it. If you go to the website and get on the Advance Notification list, you’ll be among the first to know when Reliant becomes available.
Thank you for the compliment!
– Kevin
OK so they have reinvented the old COP (Combat Offduty Police) but in miniature.
Nice, but lets hope its less expensive than the Double Tap
Yeah – the doubletap guns are too expensive. Maybe this one can use less expensive manufacturing since it is lower pressure cartridges
Without spilling too many beans (we still haven’t completely finalized everything that goes into price) I think you will be pleasantly surprised both with performance of the gun and with the price. Our goal is to make it as accessible as possible to everybody who wants a carry gun.
– Kevin
The Reliant will also be available in .380 at the same time the .22 comes out, which will be Q1 2014.
Thanks for the additional information Kevin. Will Edge Arms be at the SHOT Show in January?
Hi Richard,
Yes, we will be there, but we’re not sure we will have a booth due to it being sold out (we still have a chance to get a booth though!) Either way, we’ll be there!
– Kevin
Excellent! If you do not wind up with a booth, I’d still like to catch up with you somewhere and get more information about the gun for a more in-depth article. When you have the chance, drop me an e-mail at [email protected].
I really like this. I’m curious about the speedloader.
Comparing the velocity of the .22 WMR out of this 2.89″ barrel to that from a 3″ barrel is deceiving.
The barrel length of this pistol, like that of autoloaders, includes the chamber. Since the cartridge length of the .22 WMR is 1.055″, that leaves only 1.835″ of actual barrel to generate velocity. That is just over 61% the length of that 3″ comparison barrel.
You are correct. However, at between 0 and 5 feet, which is the distance this weapon is designed to operate at (it is truly a “get off me” gun, for critical close quarters use) the differences in velocity probably will not hamper Reliant’s effectiveness.
I don’t understand the operation. There is no listing of “action” in the description. What happens when the trigger is pulled: does one barrel go off or all 4? Has this been designed/decided yet?
Hi Dan,
I apologize, you are not the first person with that question and I feel a bit sheepish that we did not make that clear from the outset. The Reliant fires one barrel at a time, and the next trigger pull indexes the firing pin to the next barrel to fire. So it’s 4 consecutive shots if you do 4 consecutive trigger pulls. We could have made 2 barrels fire at once, or even all 4 fire at once, but decided that would not be to the best tactical advantage to the person defending their life.
NOTE: our patent pending firing mechanism keeps the firing pin behind a steel pin block and out of alignment with the round until the peak of the trigger pull, and when the trigger is released, the firing pin automatically rotates back behind the block and out of alignment with the round. That’s part of what makes Reliant so safe, the firing pin never rests on a live round. It requires a full, intentional trigger pull to discharge a round.
Thanks for your question, I will make sure I clarify that on our site to avoid others having to ask!
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the details on the firing pin block. I know this will be reassuring to some people who expressed concerns about a different design used by another manufacturer.
Looks like a clever and usable design. I cannot tell by the picture – does it have sights?
Great question. There is an indented groove running the length of the top, but no real sights to speak of. This is partly because Reliant is designed for extreme close quarters engagement (where you may be in physical contact with your assailant) but also because we concluded that the optional grip-activated laser would simplify aiming under duress. The green dot essentially confirms your instinctive aim without requiring you to fight your sympathetic nervous system to engage the analytical sphere of the brain used for aiming. Less thinking, quicker action, higher chance of suvival.
make that “survival”. That’s what we’re shooting for!
great idea
It would be interesting to try the Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel Personal Protection .22 WMR round (p/n 954) in the Reliant – it might be a good match.
Here’s info on this ammo on Speer’s website:
The penetration is surprisingly good for a relatively low-energy round.
For detailed specs on this round, I found the link at the bottom of this page:
Speer doesn’t list this round on their main Short Barrel ammo page yet, so this seems to be the only link to the detailed specs.
The one on the website has sites on it?!. Is this a new feature?
What size is the grip from back to the trigger?
Hi Rob,
The Reliant is still in development, so things will change with it until the final product hits the market. The good news is the company will be at the SHOT Show this week, and I plan on stopping by and seeing what they have going. I believe they are planning on getting to market this year, so I hope to see a nearly final prototype.
Hi Rob,
Yes, that is a new option we thought we should offer in case people wanted it. Some people may not be able to bring themselves to purchase a gun without sights regardless of whether they will actually use them in the moment…
When will I be able to buy this weapon (214-715=6380) 6713 Summit Ridge Drive
Watauga,Tx 76148
Hi George,
We did some design enhancements and therefore do not have a release date yet, but anticipating it to occur this fall. If you’re not already on the Advance Notification List, go to http://www.edgearms.com and sign up, it’s free and you get a free ebook called 10 Must Have Features Of A Concealed Carry Gun as our way of saying “Thanks!” That way you’ll be on the list to updated automatically when we nail down the release date. We’d sure appreciate it if you’d visit us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/edgearms and “Like” our page too. Thanks for your continued interest, and we’ll be in touch!
To machine 4 usable parallel or semi-parallel rifled barrels into a square piece of steel will be expensive. That receiver alone will spend as much time on a CNC machine as a high-end 1911. Plus, a rotating firing pin sounds inherently unreliable and over-complicated.
I see this as a solution looking for a problem, since modern firearms (even the no-name brands) have had a century to work out any reliability issues. I’d sooner ask my wife carry a rock in her purse.
Please keep me posted. Thanks.
We want the weapon get it out on the market my wife and are very interested
17 weeks way too much
What’s up with this gun? Manufacturer changes its name and no recent info on when sales will begin. Is there a problem with patents or what?
So did the company ever get around to making this gun? I can’t ever find anything about it
You know YouTube shows this gun at a shot show in 2015 chambered in 38sp +p. I have literally been awaiting availability for that version for 5 years. I thought woah, a COP .357 done right in my price range with a better trigger? Heck yeah! But as usual, groundbreaking firearms people get excited about never make it to market. If I wanted a 4 barrel .22 I could have gotten an Iver Johnson derringer. I really wish the larger caliber was still an option. I have been waiting on it for 5 years and feel
Really let down now.
Where can the Reliant be purchased?
Hi Mary,
I believe the company went out of business. I do not know how many (if any at all) made it into the market. IF any exist, Gunbroker might be the best place to find them.