
More Reviews and Information

review of the DoubleTap pistol

I wanted to let everyone know about some of the recent reviews and resource articles I have posted on the site. Also, I’ve updated a number of reviews with additional information in case those are of interest to you.

New Reviews

Updated Reviews

Resource Pages

As I made mention of in my last site update, I am working on providing the best reviews available on the internet. This requires I spend less time posting about every small gun and gear announcement as I am putting more time in on the range, behind the camera and at the keyboard.

Right now I have about two dozen gun and gear reviews in various stages of completion. Sometimes I run into an issue and have to send an item back to a manufacturer for repair (which I always describe in the review) or problems with getting range time set up to work with a model or photographer. As I am able to complete these, I get them onto the site.

For what it is worth, I picked up a new Trijicon MRO sight recently, and I’m impressed so far. I’ve run it on a 5.56 NATO AR-15, a pistol caliber carbine and a SIG 556 xi in 7.62×39. To this point, it is performing extremely well.

I am also preparing the site for a move to a new server. The current dedicated server I use now is underpowered and the hosting company has been a huge disappointment to work with. Finding the right hosting company has been a bit of a challenge since so many of them are either just resellers or owned by the same folks who run my current host. However, I hope to have this resolved this month and will roll out some performance tweaks soon after.

I will be at the 2015 NASGW show later this month, so you can expect to see some sneak previews of new guns and gear from that show. Of course, I will be at the SHOT Show in January as well. Make sure you check the SHOT Show news page during the show (and before for some sneak peeks and rumors).

By Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson is an American author, editor and entrepreneur. He's done a lot of silly things in his life, but quitting police work to follow his passion of writing about guns was one of the smartest things he ever did. He founded this site and continues to manage its operation.