I wanted to let everyone know about some of the recent reviews and resource articles I have posted on the site. Also, I’ve updated a number of reviews with additional information in case those are of interest to you.
New Reviews
- Double Tap pistol
- CMMG Mk4 PDW pistol
- CMMG Mk47 Mutant rifle
- Diamondback DB15 pistol
- Phase 5 CQC pistol
- Black Creek Precision 9mm pistol
- Navy Seal Shooting book
- Streamlight battery pack
Updated Reviews
Resource Pages
As I made mention of in my last site update, I am working on providing the best reviews available on the internet. This requires I spend less time posting about every small gun and gear announcement as I am putting more time in on the range, behind the camera and at the keyboard.
Right now I have about two dozen gun and gear reviews in various stages of completion. Sometimes I run into an issue and have to send an item back to a manufacturer for repair (which I always describe in the review) or problems with getting range time set up to work with a model or photographer. As I am able to complete these, I get them onto the site.
For what it is worth, I picked up a new Trijicon MRO sight recently, and I’m impressed so far. I’ve run it on a 5.56 NATO AR-15, a pistol caliber carbine and a SIG 556 xi in 7.62×39. To this point, it is performing extremely well.
I am also preparing the site for a move to a new server. The current dedicated server I use now is underpowered and the hosting company has been a huge disappointment to work with. Finding the right hosting company has been a bit of a challenge since so many of them are either just resellers or owned by the same folks who run my current host. However, I hope to have this resolved this month and will roll out some performance tweaks soon after.
I will be at the 2015 NASGW show later this month, so you can expect to see some sneak previews of new guns and gear from that show. Of course, I will be at the SHOT Show in January as well. Make sure you check the SHOT Show news page during the show (and before for some sneak peeks and rumors).