Rumors of a multi-caliber revolver being introduced at the SHOT Show are true. Say hello to the Taurus 692.
The Model 692 is a revolver that is chambered in .357 Magnum. As most shooters know, you can shoot .38 Special loads from a .357 Magnum wheelgun. The twist, however, is that you can also shoot common 9mm rounds through this gun with the use of a conversion cylinder.
Taurus already offers a 9mm revolver, though it cannot shoot other cartridges from the gun. (Read more on the Taurus 905.) The 692 is designed to give your greater cartridge flexibility with a single gun purchase.
Swapping a revolver’s cylinder is easy and takes just a minute with a screwdriver. One of the things I like about the cylinders on this gun is that they are unfluted. Generally, I like a fluted cylinder, but the unfluted version looks good on this gun.

Taurus offers the 692 in two different barrel lengths: a 3″ model for concealed carry and a longer 6.5″ model for target shooting and fun at the range. Interestingly, Taurus elected to port the barrels on this model. The porting should help reduce muzzle rise and felt recoil, though it is possible this could increase the visible flash in low light.
Both versions of the revolver are available in either a matte black or matte stainless finish.
Although many people still refer to revolvers as six shooters, the Taurus 692 is not. It is a seven shooter. In both the 9mm and the .38/.357 cylinders, you have seven rounds. For the 9mm shooter, Taurus includes its stellar clips so the rounds are easily loaded and the empty cases can be extracted without any problems.

Up front, Taurus uses a pinned ramp sight. An adjustable rear sight is standard.
The Taurus 692 is a double-action gun that can be cocked for single-action shooting. The spurred hammer is fully exposed.
The suggested retail price on this gun is $659. Your dealer sets the final price, so I imagine you could get out the door with a Model 692 for less than $600.
Caliber | .38 Special, .357 Magnum, 9mm |
Capacity | 7 rounds |
Action | DA/SA |
Barrel Length | 3″, 6.5″ |
Weight | 35 oz (3″), 46 oz (6.5″) |
Sights | pinned ramp front, adjustable rear |
Grip | Taurus rubber grip |
Finish | matte black or matte stainless |
MSRP (at launch) | $659 |
Update from the SHOT Show

The 692 was on display at the 2018 SHOT Show. The gun was pretty much as described, porting and all. The one thing I didn’t like was the huger “TRACKER” logo down the left side of the barrel assembly. Otherwise, the gun looked good. Early indications show a lot of interest in this revolver, so I am expecting to see Taurus sell a good number of them.
Yes, the Model 692 made it into production and can be purchased now. I know that the company has failed to deliver some announced guns in the past (28 gauge Judge cough, cough,) but this one is real.
Last Update: October 17, 2022
71 replies on “Taurus 692 Multi-Caliber Revolver: .38, .357 and 9mm”
Both the 3″ and 6.6″ are ported? I am not a big fan of ported barrels for carry.
Now if Ruger would do the same with their LCR line…
God bless
Hi Shannon,
Yep, both versions are ported according to Taurus. You would definitely want to carry a low flash load with it. : )
Gostaria de saber da precisão das duas versões, e se é um bom custo benefÃcio
Also I don’t know if someone else mentioned this but in the article it says “Swapping a revolver’s cylinder is easy and takes just a minute with a screwdriver”.
This is incorrect..u dont swap the cylinder by unscrewing the little screw,u have to push the little button that’s next to the screw and takes about 5 seconds…
I own this revolver and it’s very cool..
What are you using for a carry holster?
I also can’t seem to find a holster, so if you come across anything please share.
Try the RVH2S by 1791 Gun Leather! It fits the 692 3″ perfctly! https://1791gunleather.com/product/rvh2s-k-frame-revolver-holster-2-up-to-3-inch-barrel-lengths-2/
Gun Leather 1791 RVH2S – K-FRAME REVOLVER HOLSTER! Works Great! Also Moon clips can be bought at TK customs, Speed loaders from 5 Star Firearms!
I Carry the Model 66 Taurus 7 shot in my same duty holster as my S&W 66 6 shot. I am going to guess you can find a holster fairly easy. Check Uncle Mikes and other holster manufacturers. They should be able to fit it. I have an off duty belt slide the my 66 also fits in. I am looking to purchase the 692. Also check H. K. S. mdl. 587, 7 round speed loaders. They fit the Taurus Mdl. 66 7 shot.
I use the Sticky Holster. It’s very comfortable and is very versatile for concealed and carry.
I have this also an I love it (change the grip, first thing) but cant find a holster for my 3″.
I’m very interested in one of these with the 3″ barrel. I’d practice with 9mm (cheap but high pressure like the .357) but carry the .357 Magnum (easier to reload IMHO). Well done Taurus!
My 1st gun bought back in 1991 was a model 66 2.5inch Magna Ported gun. I carried that gun in NY for over 5 years.
This Taurus if of decent quality has peaked my interest in revolvers yet again. Find a low flash load like HST for short barrels and I feel in 9mm or 38spc. I would not be under armed.
357mag is not a problem in a gun of this size by any means. Choice is nice.
Oh good pork sausage gravy, this is awesome. Wife has a .357 Taurus, I carry a G2 Millennium 9mm. I loves me a wheelgun; the G2 is awesome, but I love old school mechanics. Looks like a new purchase!
I really like this # 692. Maybe in the future they might Have a 8-3/8 in Barrel Length in Blue. Then I would really like to purchase this Pistol.
Bobby ~!~.
Lose the porting, and I would be interested. It’s not needed on a steel .38/357 like this.
Taurus get rid of the god damn porting! At least give people a choice.
Ron go wash your nasty mouth out!
try the 692 2.5 barrel
Now do the same thing in a 6.5†with a .45LC and .45ACP .
The Raging Judge M513
45LC / .410 2-1/2″ / .454 casull / .45 ACP (moon clip)
the 45ACP is rimless so it does not work in revolvers without installing moon clips on the rounds.
Ruger has a 45 ACP/45LC revolver.
Yeah Buddy!
Now if the barrels were interchangeable also?
I wouldn’t buy a handgun with porting. I put it on a 6″ Ruger Security Six many years ago, and forever regretted it. If the buyer wants it, he can have it custom installed. Also, it would seem to me this 9mm/.39/.357 flexibility would make for a perfect BOB handgun, if they made it both lighter and handier by fluted the cylinders and putting a 5″ barrel without an under lug. S&W’s 686+ Pro is a 5″ and probably the best balanced and most useful handgun I have ever owned. They made it in 9mm with a scandium cylinder and in .357 with a stainless cylinder. I wish the cylinders were interchangeable, like your 692, and both made of scandium.
Remember the purpose of porting is to reduce recoil. Unless it is a magnum or large caliber pistol, it is not generally very useful. I own several ported pistols, and have found they are hard to clean, blinding when fired in low light conditions, and only slightly effective in reducing recoil. They do, however, look cool.
What is the deal with people not liking Porting?
My S&W has porting and shoots BETTER than ANY non-ported version….HANDS DOWN
Which S&W?
Ported 629 classic w/6.5″ barrel
Recoil isn’t that bad and best trigger of any handgun I’ve held
It has a lighter spring/pwr bar
Does anyone actually own one of these, and can give a first-hand review?
No this gun is not on the market yet. It was just first shown at the shot show. I would expect a couple months before we see the first of these and just based on past delivery schedule I think it will be a year before you can readily get one. I hope I am wrong though.
I have the taurus 692, so far so good its fun to switch out cylinders and fire the 9mm thru it. Seems very accurate and no issues after 500 rounds, porting isnt a problem not alot of flash may be helping with accuracy hard to tell but shooting nice 4†groups at 25 feet.
I’ve owned mine now for 3 months & it shots great! The stellar clips that come with for the 9mm aren’t very good, But found TK customs sells a set of 5 for 39.99 + shipping & they are well made & fit perfectly- You can find them on Amazon or go to TK custom.com. Also found Holster OWB @ 1791 Gun Leather the RVH2S fits perfectly! I carry the 692 it’s great to shot low recoild do to porting, I also have a Ruger secuirty 6 .357 There’s a big difference in recoil! The 692 is a Great shoter & Carry in 3″ version. Mine is the stainless. Love it! Got mine at sportsman warehouse $539- real good price! If you want a nice revolver this is a good one! Nice to prctice with 9mm & I carry with it loaded .357 TK customs Has the Moon clips for the 9mm, 1791 Gun Leather for holster RVH2S, The if you want speed loader for .357 go to 5 Starfirearms.com you can get a really good speed loader 7 rounds all Aluminum! Hope this Helps you!
Thanks Jeff
Boy what a monster.
Don’t like the porting? Buy the 8 shot Model 66 instead.
When will the 692 be on the shelves or at least able to be ordered?
Love the options with this gun. I’d buy right away if it had an 8 and 3 eighths heavy barrel. The porting and weight would help on heavy deer hunting loads and longer sight radius would make shooting long distance easier.
Love the options with this gun. The porting and weight would help on heavy deer hunting loads and longer sight radius would make shooting long distance easier. 9mm shells are as low as 9.00 for 50 compared to 38.00 for 50 so target practicing would be very reasonable.
Any Idea when these will go on sale? Still, have not seen one.
Hi Tim,
I’ve reached out to Taurus for an official statement on the supply issue on this gun. I’ll let you know when I hear something.
Hi Tim,
I spoke with a Taurus representative this morning. Taurus is shipping the 692 this week, so they should start arriving at distributors and dealers shortly.
From what I understand, 9mm is slightly bigger diameter than 38/357. Just curious: What happens if one tries to drop a 38 or 357 round into the 9mm cylinder?
There are slight differences in the diameter of the bullets used in 9mm and .38 Special/.357 Magnum cartridges. 9mm uses a smaller .355 caliber bullet and the .38/.357 uses a larger .357 caliber. While these differences can make for less accurate shooting when precision is of the utmost importance, it is not unsafe (from a bullet diameter perspective) to shoot 9mm rounds through a .38/.357 barrel. I hope this helps.
I ve tried to buy this gun for over a year. No one has it for sale.
Even Taurus won’t sell me one. Shame on them.
I’ve tested many makes models and types of weapons. Never had his much trouble to get one.
Hi Jerry,
I understand your frustration with the company’s delay in shipping these pistols. However, I would urge caution in assuming that the delay is evidence that there “must be something wrong with it.” Many companies in (and out of) the firearms industry have announced a product well in advance of shipping it. While this may not be a good move insomuch as it creates expectations in its customers, it is not necessarily an indicator of poor design or manufacturing issues.
The good news is I was told by a Taurus rep last week that the guns are now shipping. So, you should see the guns available at your local gun store soon.
I have been waiting for this gun for over a year…. I am glad to hear you say they finally started shipping them!
I own a Taurus 692 model tracker looks great feels great haven’t shot it yet waiting to see if they make it to the shelves
I am a Taurus fan and love my Taurus Judges. I love ported barrels and I love lots of Flash. It’s like a party in my hand. I think I will buy one.
Like many I ordered the Taurus 692 after the 2018 shot show, only to here “not yet” for a little over a year. I picked up my 3″ SS 692 about a month ago and can say it was worth the weight. The 692 is very accurate, recoil is light (even with heavy loads) and best of all you can practice with 9MM ammo to keep training costs down.
I own a number of Taurus handguns (and a lot of others) and can say ” I think this is one of Taurus’ best guns ever, well worth the time it took to bring the 692 to market.
I have over 1200 rounds of mixed factory 38, 357, 9MM and 38 lead target loads through the gun at this time with no problems to date.
what compant’s have the 692 / 3 in. Would love to see – feel – hold this little beauty . I have had a Judge since their release — Love it — need something NEW for my collection !! YEAH !!!
Proud owner of the Taurus 692 ! Looking forward to firing it at the range, love the versatility of it and light weight .
Is the 9mm spacer ring required, or can you shoot without it?
Size-wise, which frame size of the Taurus 692 3″, most accurately matches the height, length. and weight of the S/W J-frame or K-frame.? Which S/W frame and/or model most closely feels like the new Taurus.692?I
And who makes a holster?
S&W L frame
How accurate is the 692 , with 9MM cylinder installed, at 25 yards. I have a Tracker in 357 and it is reasonably accurate but I had recently owned the Ruger SP101 in 9MM and accuracy was awful.
I want to get new grips for my 692 what are the best options?
Hogue 73000 fit on my 692 perfectly and around $26.00 pretty cheap.
Where can I find wood grips for the 692?
Would it be possible for Taurus to make this revolver in 9mm, 9mm +p, and 357 sig?
What would be the need for Taurus to produce the Tracker 692 Revolver in any other version of a .9mm, .9mm+p, or .357 sig, when it’s already made to fire .9mm, .357, and .38 special rounds? I think they hit a hone run with this revolver. It’s like having three separate, high-quality revolvers in one. I love what Taurus is doing with their robust revolvers these days. This type of design is perfect for me. I already own the Taurus Raging Judge Magnum Revolver, and I think it’s a fabulous, quality-manufactured, expertly-designed, and well-balanced hand gun/revolver. After having conducted some fairly extensive research on the Taurus Tracker 692 Revolver, I’m definitely going to purchase one with the 3†barrel and matte stainless finish, within the next 30 days. All of my research points to the 692 being a great hand gun…especially for concealed carry.
Picked mine up a couple of weeks ago. Not a huge fan of Taurus auto’s, but this revolver is one to own. Great looks, fires great, great purchase.
That gun is too heavy. Porting unneeded.
Ordered my 6.5″ Taurus 692, Matt stainless version. 4 Seasons gun shop said I should have it in a week, got it in the low $400 range. Also own a 6.5″ Judge, shoots the .45 long colt accurately. Excited about the 692!!😎
If the gun was different the negative comments would be the same, some just want to be different. Like Lucille Ball shoe shopping. She looked at a pair of high heels and then asked if they had the same thing in a flat shoe, different color and size with a fringe at the top. I own this revolver and it is just fine for what it was designed for. Perhaps a special build would be in order for some or even a different mfg.
I picked one of these up last month on sale. I was exceptionally impressed. I didn’t know what to expect since Taurus gets a lot of hate. But the gun was a great shooter!
Quanto está custando um 692
Bought one last month, flat black version. Shot it as both a 9 MM and 357Mag. Was very impressed by the accuracy of the 9mm with moon clips. Shot to point of aim with 9mm right out of the box. All rounds in the x ring under a quarter sized group ( 4 full loads ). Love the gun, but will be replacing the grips. Trigger got smother the more I shot it,l but isn’t bad as SA or DA.
A lot of negative comments re; the ported barrel on the 692.
If one needs to ever engage a bad guy at night the 8 ports may have an adverse effect on your night vision. Simply close your non dominant eye on your first shot then switch to weak non dominant eye on second shot if needed.
Remember problems hitting your target of choice is 90% shooter and 10% weapon.
Make your first round count and you won’t need to be concerned about taking a second attempt, hence the flash generated by the porting is a built in accuracy feature to tame the bite when using the .357 option.
I own the 3†version and used both options and the porting surely makes shooting the .357 a more pleasurable experience.
I have 2.5 inch barrel and love it, bought it in November 2020
I cant’t find anything to dislike about this one at at all