American Technology Network (ATN) Corp. announced a new line of thermal rifle scopes called the Thor 4. These scopes offer a wide range of options and features that are sure to interest many hunters.
At the heart of this scope is the ATN Obsidian IV Dual Core T. This is the technology that makes the rest of the features possible in this scope. In the base scopes, the sensor provides a 384×288 resolution while the optional sensor offers 640×480 resolution.
With the internal lithium ion battery, you can expect at least 18 hours of runtime with the first sensor. The upgraded sensor should still run for at least 16 hours on a single charge according to the data provided by ATN.
With this scope, you have the option of three viewing modes: black hot, white hot and color mode. A variety of electronic reticles are included in the scopes.

There are additional sensors and measurement devices in the scopes. These include a gyroscope, accelerometer, barometer, compass and range finder. These all feed data to a ballistic calculator.
Variable power magnification lenses are part of the Thor 4 system. Like any other scope, you have to select the one that makes the most sense for you.
The 384×288 sensor can be paired with one of four different magnification lenses: 1.25-5x, 2-8x, 4.5-18x and 7-28x. With the 640×480 sensor, you have four different magnification lens choices: 1-10x, 1.5-15x, 2.5-25x and 4-40x. The higher the magnification factor, the higher the final price of the optic.
Video capabilities have been upgraded in the Thor 4 models. These scopes use a dual core processor that has enough computing power to handle both recording high definition video and streaming it over WiFi.
In practice this means that you can record the entire hunt onto a microSD card while your partner can see things on his or her phone or tablet in real time. It also allows you to stream live to social media while recording locally if you wish.
I highly recommend checking out my friend’s hunting website that has additional information on hunting with thermal optics.
The microSD slot can handle high capacity cards: up to 256 GB of data. To put that into perspective, that is a quarter of a terabyte of data. Video is recorded at a resolution of 1280×960 @ 60 fps with the display showing 1280×720.
On the Thor 4, ATN opted to use a zoom wheel on the left side of the scope. Instead of pressing buttons to zoom in, you simply rotate this knob to move in or out.
Button style controls are still present on the top of the unit. These controls cover other things you may wish to change such as the reticle type or viewing mode.
WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity allows you to send data to your phone.
Ballistic Calculator
Using the data collected with its sensors and a load profile you select, the optic can do calculations for you for more precise shots. In theory, you range the shot and the computer automatically adjusts the reticle location based on all of the data its collected. All you have to do is pull the trigger.
Ranging the shot is accomplished by keying in on the height of the animal you are stalking. From the top of the animal to the bottom of the animal is enough height that the computer can calculate distance.
If you want a faster, more precise way of ranging, ATN offers an auxiliary ballistic laser, the ABL 1000. This laser integrates with the front of the scope and provides a direct measurement to the target.

Cost, Where to Buy
The cost of the new Thor 4 series of thermal scopes varies depending on how you choose to equip it. The base model, a Thor 4 384 1.25-5x has a suggested retail price of $1,999.
Upgrading to the 640×480 sensor and changing the lenses affects the price. Going to the largest sensor and using the 4-40x glass jumps the price to $4,799. While that may seem like a lot to the average shooter like me, I recognize that the technology built into this scope is far beyond anything I could have ever had just a few years ago. ATN deserves to make their money back on all of the research and development that goes into this kind of scope.
For me, I would probably buy the ATN Thor 4 640 1-10x. This would seem to make the most sense for my shooting. It offers the highest resolution with a broad range of magnification for short to medium range targets.
Last Update: October 23, 2022
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3 replies on “ATN Thor 4 Thermal Scopes: Better Performance, More Features”
No links to Brownells or other…
Sorry about that. I’ve corrected my mistake.
Thanks for letting me know!
Would like to see a side by side video comparison of the Thor 4 and HD.