If you like to build your own firearms, the Liberty MkIX line of 80% 1911 frames may be of great interest to you.
The new Liberty MkIX pistols from Freedom Concepts Laboratory promise fewer parts, lighter weight and improved fit for a range of shooters. With a range of frame sizes, you will be able to build a 1911-style handgun that meets your needs instead of trying to arrange your life around the gun’s size.
Sizes & Models
Initially, there will be three basic models:
- MkIX-G – a government sized model with a 5″ slide, short accessory rail, full grip and 8 round magazine
- MkIX-Gx – an extended model with a 5″ slide, full length accessory rail, full grip and 8 round magazine
- MkIX-O – an officer sized model with a 4″ slide, short accessory rail, full grip and 8 round magazine

All three models are made of a proprietary blend of glass filled polymer. The frame rails are made of steel for increased durability.
I should be careful to note that these are 80% receivers, or frames, and not completed firearms. To be used as a firearm, you must complete a number of machining actions on the part before it can be assembled into a working handgun. Once you complete the required machining operations, you can complete it with 1911 parts.
The machining process will require some simple tools and work on your end. Until the machining is complete, this is (legally speaking) just a hunk of polymer. It can be shipped straight to your home without paying $30 or more to have it transferred through an FFL.

Yes, it is perfectly legal to build your own gun. Homemade firearms are completely lawful under federal law and most states. See my article on the federal requirements about applying a serial number to a homemade firearm for more information.
Fewer Parts
According to Freedom Concepts Laboratory, the new 80% 1911 frames use standard 1911 magazines, slides and internal parts. However, the company says the frames require 40% fewer parts than a standard 1911 pistol.
In addition to the 80% 1911 frames, the company will sell a reusable jig. This will be sold separately since it can be used to complete multiple firearms.

Freedom Concepts Laboratory states it will support the frames with a full line of parts kits to make assembling the guns as easy as possible for the home builder. This includes a “one box, one gun” package that includes all of the parts you need.
Hand Fit, Lefties
One of the things that 1911 shooters tend to love about the guns is the way they fit into the hand. However, that doesn’t mean the traditional 1911 grip is ideal for all shooters.
To improve the shooting experience for folks of all hand sizes, the company designed the frame to accept different sizes of backstraps. Interestingly, the patent pending backstrap system also captures the mainspring assembly. I look forward to seeing exactly what the designers did here.

Left-handed shooters may be interested in the ambidextrous nature of this frame. The frame comes with the parts needed for a right-handed shooter: magazine release button and frame mounted safety on the left side of the gun.
However, the company will also offer an ambidextrous upgrade kit for $75. No modifications to the frame are needed to install the ambi kit.
Pricing, Where to Buy
The pricing of these new 80% frames is interesting. The full suggested retail price is $139. This puts them in the same ballpark as the Polymer80 frames for Glock compatible pistols.
However, to sweeten the deal, Freedom Concept Laboratory will offer full pistol kits that include everything you need to assemble a completed frame into a working 1911. These kits will have a MSRP that starts at only $399.

One of the complaints I hear regularly about building your own Glock-style pistol is that the cost of all the parts exceeds the price of just buying a new factory Glock. At $399, the Liberty 1911 is a real bargain. Not only do you get to build your own gun, but it comes in a lot cheaper than nearly any 1911-style pistol on the market.
All three of the models are expected to ship in March 2018.
Last Update: October 23, 2022
According to Freedom Concept Laboratory, the Liberty MkIX pistol frames will be sold through Brownells and the Glockstore. I’m a fan of both companies, and would not hesitate to do business with either in the future. If you like doing business with Brownells, please use my affiliate link here so that I receive a small portion of the profit from that sale. It doesn’t affect your price and it literally helps me feed my family. I do not have an affiliate relationship with Glockstore, but I recommend them regardless. You can access them through this link.
35 replies on “Liberty MkIX: 80% 1911 Frame with Significant Advances”
It looks a little fatter through the back than I might normally like, but I love the concept. I build my own Glock and would love to try one of these out – especially at just $399!
It’s actually the same as a standard 1911
Calibers ?
I imagine any of the normal ones. After all, this is a gun you are building, so you should be able to build it around whatever caliber you like: 9mm, .45 ACP, etc.
I was thinking of a .45 ACP with a Kimber .22LR conversion kit for the Wifey — shes a wee-bit recoil sensitive —
Too bad no 1911 frame for double stack p14 mags…
The company is just getting started. Give them a little time and I bet they will be happy to roll out some double stack frames.
So where can one order one of these $399 kits? I have followed all the links and have not seen anywhere to order or pre-order.
Intriguing. I predict a big seller if these are readily available and get solid reviews.
I went thru your affiliate link and Brownells has no listing of Freedom Concept or Liberty Concept pistol frames. When/where can I order one?
Any updates about these so far? Sounds like an awesome and easy project. Great article by the way.
Freedom Concepts Laboratory has a lot more info on their Facebook page. Dyeable frames, possible 10mm & .38 Super models. Might want to check it out.
Will do. Cant wait to get build one of these when they come out.
I don’t like the “40% less parts†thing. Plus I sell real 1911 80% kits for about $399 now, so I’m a little biased I guess.
whats ur web page
Yes please where do you sell these 1911 kits for $399? I have built a couple of 80% ar’s and I’m salivating to build a 1911, but all the complete kits I’ve seen land $800 plus.
What concerns you about having fewer parts? Just that the deviation from the original 1911 specs might cause reliability problems?
whats word on sell date
The company is hoping to ship by the end of this month. My guess would be April, though. This photo is from recent function testing with off the shelf 1911 parts that they have been doing.
Whats the work on the reles date
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
anyword on when they will be avalibel
Any news? They kinda went dark.
Hey guys, July 1st is right around the corner for us worried Commiefornians. Any word yet on release?
I was told recently by a Polymer80 rep that they are coming out with a polymer 1911 frame and now these guys have gone awol. I have a feeling they sold out to Polymer80, which would be fine, but I bet they will be more expensive than originally advertised.
looks like everthing about this went dark. nothing on their homepage has been updated. and its months past the date they said.
i was super excited about this.
Unfortunately, you are correct. I’m hoping they are working hard to get it developed and simply don’t have time to update their page, but I suspect that is not the case.
Yeah I think I might just spend my cash on something else I think their company is dead. Disappointed lol
I’m guessing their not gonna be releasing this any time soon if ever.
That’s disappointing this fell apart, I was excited about it. Well, I hope someone else picks up the idea and runs with it- Polymer 80 would be a prime candidate, although I think they have all they can handle with NotGlock blanks.
Yep pretty disappointing. Thought this was gonna be something big lol.
This really sounds great but I can’t find in either glockstore or at brownels ???
heard anything new from them?
Did American Tactical pick it up?
Looks to be dead in the water