It would appear that Crimson Trace is preparing to launch several new products at the 2010 SHOT Show. Michael Bane teased to this in his podcast, Down Range Radio, last week.
In addition to the Lasergrips introduced with new guns (as they did with the Ruger LCR at the 2009 SHOT Show), I think we may see green lasers from Crimson Trace. A number of CT competitors, including Viridian and LaserMax, have been capitalizing on their green laser products.
If you have not used a green laser-equipped gun before, you may not recognize what a significant difference this is. I have used various red laser products before, including Crimson Trace. Frankly, I was never impressed by their capability in daylight or indoor lighting conditions. In bright daylight, I found them to be completely unusable. Green lasers, however, are different.
I’ve had the chance to play with various green lasers, and have found them to be much more visible in all lighting conditions. I can easily see and use a green laser in full daylight. The difference between green and red is profound.
Don’t be surprised to see Crimson Trace introduce a green laser product at the 2010 SHOT Show. Blue and purple lasers are probably not terribly likely to be seen. A green laser, though, is a possibility.
There were no green lasers from Crimson Trace – just more red lasers. Â It took Crimson Trace a couple of more years to bring out a viable green laser product for the consumers. They were not the first to market with a green colored laser, but they did bring out a high-quality line of green lasers.
The 2010 SHOT Show was a good one for Crimson Trace, and for everyone in the shooting industry. The show was held in Las Vegas, and it looks like it will stay in Vegas for a while.
2 replies on “Crimson Trace to Launch New Products at 2010 SHOT Show”
If Crimson Trace introduces green lasers, will they change their name? Emerald Trace?
Glad to hear that green lasers might be making it’s way to Crimson. If this comes true, I know for a fact that I will be making a few purchases.