
SCCY CPX-3 Preview

SCCY will officially announce a new .380 ACP pistol at the 2015 NASGW Expo & Annual Meeting. Called the CPX-3, the new handgun will be slightly smaller than the existing CPX-1 and -2 pistols with some upgrades that make it the best shooting gun in the company’s current line-up.

Let’s take a look at the gun and its new features…


Remington R51: Impending Demise?

It seems that the R51 will hang around Remington’s neck, much like the albatross around the Ancient Mariner’s. Whether the gun community will shrieve Remington of this perceived sin remains to be seen.

The latest word from the customer service department at Remington is:

Currently we don’t have a timeframe for the re-introduction [of the R51 pistol] but our Huntsville R&D center is working to have it back on the market as soon as possible.

So, more than a year after the voluntary recall of all modern R51 pistols, Remington does not appear to be even close to delivering a working product. I think the fundamental question now becomes, is it reasonable to expect that Remington will ever deliver updated R51 pistols?


Site News and Reviews

This is just a short post to let everyone know there are a variety of new reviews and updates to older ones that have been posted on the site.

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Updated Reviews

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Optics and Sighting Systems

Trijicon MRO: New Mini Reflex Sight

Trijicon announced the introduction of the MRO: Miniature Rifle Optic. The new Trijicon MRO is a non-magnifying red dot-type optic that is lightweight and compact. (Ed. note: Read my MRO review here.)

According to the company, the MRO significantly reduces the tube effect sometimes found with other optics. Trijicon states they managed to overcome this by using a large objective lens (25mm) and keeping the optic length to a minimum. Trijicon advises the sight is parallax free and has an infinite eye relief.


Industry Shake Ups

Change is both constant and inevitable. Sometimes change comes slowly, while at other times, it can come crashing down like a wave.

Recently, the firearms and associated industries have seen a wave of changes from Colt to SureFire. While some of these may be necessary and have long term benefits, in the short term, there is likely to be some pain. Here’s a taste of what’s going on in the industry.