
ArmaLite AR-31: New Short Action Rifle in .308

ArmaLite is set to announce a new bolt action rifle similar to the company’s AR-30A1. The ArmaLite AR-31 is a short action rifle that will be initially offered in .308 Winchester. Depending on popularity, other calibers are a possibility.

A nice feature of the AR-31 is designed to accept AR-10B magazines, meaning that a wide variety of existing mags, from five to 25 rounds, are immediately ready to go with this rifle. I do not believe the Magpul Pmags will fit the AR-10B, but if someone could confirm or correct this information in the comments, I would appreciate it.

Shooting Gear

SensGard SG 31 Review – Hearing Protection of a Different Nature

I’m losing my hearing. It’s not all gone, and I don’t know how much more I might lose, but I’ve definitely lost a significant portion of it. 

The combination of shooting, rock concerts and sirens from the old job have conspired to rob me of more than I would have liked to have lost. As you might expect, I have become somewhat particular about making sure I protect my remaining hearing.


Where to Buy the SensGard SG 31

If you would like to purchase the SensGard ear pro that I review here, many local gun shops carry them. Online, you can get the SG 31 through our affiliate link to Amazon. As with all affiliate links, we do earn a small commission.

Recently, I had the chance to test the SensGard SG31 ear pro. The SensGard company offers hearing protection products with various noise reduction ratings, including some past 30 dB.

Further, the company claims that the products do this without impacting your ability to hear normal conversations, and without an amplification circuit.

I was intrigued, so I gave them a try.


MPAR 556 Pistol

MasterPiece Arms announced the addition of an AR-type pistol to the company lineup. The new MPAR 556 pistol is not-surprisingly based on the company’s MPAR 556 rifle. It is chambered for the 5.56 NATO cartridge and will also fire the .223 Remington.

The pistol retains many of the same features found on the rifle version of the gun.


Brand New Ruger SR-762 Rifle

Two short months before the 2014 SHOT Show, Ruger announced the release of the SR-762 rifle.

The new rifle was chambered for the 7.62×51 and .308 Win cartridges, and it used the same type of piston system the company perfected in the SR-556 rifle.

While initial reaction seemed both positive and strong, the gun ultimately fell out of the company’s catalog. While I have no official statement from Ruger, I believe I know why.

Optics and Sighting Systems

The Best Combat Handgun Sights

Online discussions regarding what makes the best combat handgun sights will too often devolve to arguments over sighted vs. unsighted fire. The armchair warriors and keyboard commandoes often come out in strong support of their various, yet inexperienced, views.

Unfortunately, the clamor of fools often drowns out the voices of reason and experience.