
New Ruger SP101 Revolvers

Ruger announced two new SP101 revolvers. Both SP101 revolvers are larger, target-sized revolvers featuring longer barrels and fiber optic sights when compared to the standard SP101 handguns.

The two new Ruger revolvers are very similar in appearance and demensions. The first is chambered in the classic .357 Magnum cartridge, while the second new model is chambered in the ubiquitous .22 LR. Capacity on the Magnum is five rounds, while the rimfire will hold eight cartridges.


2012 Media Day at the Range

Every year, the day before the SHOT Show has been Media Day at the Range. It is a chance for vendors and reporters from the firearms industry to meet at the range and get hands-on time with all of the new guns coming out in the new year. It is at Media Day that I have gotten my hands on the first Ruger LCR revolvers, Gen 4 Glock pistols and some pretty trick stuff from Wilson Combat.

The 2012 Media Day at the Range promises to be even better than in the years past. Previously, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (the organization that puts on the SHOT Show) has not been a participant at Media Day. This year, however, the NSSF is throwing their weight behind the event.

Handguns Military news

Delta Force and the Glock

The following e-mail was forwarded to me by Gunner, a fellow blogger over at Gunner’s Journal. Gunner is a 1911 expert and has contacts with various people who spent some time in the Special Forces community, including Delta Force.

A lot of what Delta does is understandably secret, and there have been much debate about the weapons and tactics they use. There have also been questions about if Delta is still carrying the 1911, or if a complete swap to Glock pistols had been made. Attached is some information from someone who has intimate knowledge of Delta’s operations. None of the information is classified and it was ok’d for publication.


Most Popular New Guns of 2010

Well, the 2011 SHOT Show is closer than the 2010 Show, so I thought I would take a look at some of the most popular new guns of 2010. Popularity was determined based on Google keyword searches and forum posts that I read. So, yeah, this list is pretty arbitrary, but hey, it’s my list. Your feedback is encouraged!

Gen 4 Glock (any) – Like them or hate them, the Glock line of pistols is one of the most popular series of handguns currently in the US. One of the few complaints about the Glock has been the size of the grip. Answering public demand, Glock introduced the Gen 4 series of pistols that feature an adjustable grip size, new grip texture, a magazine release button update, and a double recoil spring assembly.

Initially offered in the models 17 and 22, the Gen 4 Glock 19 is now available, and the Gen 4 Glock 23 should begin shipping in the next 30-45 days.

Taurus 740 Slim – Based on the success of the 709 Slim, Taurus introduced the .40 caliber version in 2010. The 740 Slim is a compact, single-stack pistol chambered for the .40 S&W cartridge. Larger than the current crop of .380 pistols in the market, the 740 is still a very compact package that offers 6 + 1 rounds of a respected self-defense cartridge. Also unlike many diminutive pistols, the 740 Slim has good sights that, while smaller than a full-size gun, are easy to pick up and are adjustable. Read this for a full Taurus 740 review.

Ruger SR9c – The SR9c pistol is the compact version of the full-sized SR9. Ruger has re-made itself in recent years, offering many more concealed carry and tactical products like the LCP, LCR, and SR556. The 9mm SR9c is a continuation of their self-defense concept. I have not been able to shoot an SR9c yet, but from all indications, Ruger has a real hit with this pistol.

Smith & Wesson Bodyguard – Smith & Wesson has always been known for their great revolvers. Armed citizens and cops alike have favored the J-frame revolvers for pocket and ankle carry, with models like the 442 and 642 being some of the most popular guns in the S&W catalog.

This year S&W introduced a polymer-metal hybrid revolver with an integrated laser called the S&W Bodyguard chambered in .38 Special. The revolver looks similar to the J-frame ‘hammerless’ revolvers that sell so well for S&W, but apparently are a complete redesign, sharing no parts with their all-metal predecessors. One of the obvious changes is the ambidextrous cylinder release that was moved from the side of the revolver to the top where you would normally find a hammer on a revolver.


Charter Arms .44 Bulldog Classic

Charter Arms announced the “new” classic .44 Bulldogs will be shipping in September 2010. Modeled on the old-style Bulldogs, the new .44 Special revolvers will feature a 3″ tapered barrel, exposed extractor, and checkered walnut grips. Finish will be a high-gloss blue. The hammer will be exposed, and the cylinder will hold five of the big-bore .44 Special loads.

The image to the right is of an original .44 Bulldog. Photos of the new revolver have not yet been released by Charter Arms.

MSRP is $521.00 and the model number will be 34431 for those interested in placing an early order. The rep I spoke with said the new guns are in production now, so delivery should be on-time.