Looking for a holster for your Glock 42 pistol? We’re putting together an in-depth resource for finding the perfect match for your needs. Below are a variety of Glock 42 holsters that are available or that have been announced. As more scabbards become available, we will add them here. Since the pistol is still relatively new to the market, there are not a lot of them out there. This will change, and we will list them as the new holsters are announced.
- Alien Gear
- Bianchi
- Blackhawk!
- Blade-Tech
- Bravo Concealment
- CNC Holsters
- Comp-Tac
- Cook's Holsters
- CrossBreed Holsters
- Dale Fricke Holsters
- Dara Holsters
- DeSantis Gunhide
- Detroit Holster
- F3 Holsters
- Flashbang
- Fobus
- Fury Carry Solutions
- G-Code Holsters
- Galco Gunleather
- Gladius Holsters
- Jackson Leatherwork
- JM Custom Kydex
- Keepers Concealment
- KirchComp
- MTO Holster
- MSR Kydex
- MultiHolsters
- PJ Holster
- Remora
- RKBA Holsters
- SHTF Gear
- Statureman Custom Holsters
- StealthGearUSA
- Tac Pro
- Tagua Gunleather
- The Holster Store
- Theis Holsters
- Tulster
- Vedder Holsters
- VersaCarry
- Wild Bill's Concealment
- YetiTac
On the right side of the page, you will see a table of contents. This lists all of the brands that are currently making holsters for this pistol. Click on the name in the table of contents, and it will instantly take you to the correct spot on this page. We are regularly adding new names to this list, so check back if you don’t find the perfect carry rig today.
If you know of any we have missed that will fit the G42, please let us know! We hate to miss anything, and we want to have the best resource available for you. There are hundreds of holster makers on the market today, and we really rely on our readers to let us know when these companies add products. Scroll down the page and you will see a number of rigs suggested by readers.
Out of all of the rigs listed on this page, I get the most positive feedback on the OUTBAGS. I’ve been told that for the price, these products simply cannot be beat. Click the nav bar on the right to go directly to their entry.
(Note: Since I started this page, the industry has virtually exploded around the G42. It seems everyone is now offering something for these guns. I am trying to keep up with all of the new models of holsters being introduced for this gun, but if I miss any please let me know. Also, if you are a manufacturer, feel free to e-mail me. Include a high res photo of one of your holsters with a G42 so I can include it as well.)
Alien Gear

Alien Gear is now making a pair of holsters for the G42: an inside-the-waistband (IWB) and an outside-the-waistband (OWB). The IWB is called the Cloak Tuck 2.0 and it uses a hard plastic shell mounted to a neoprene backer. It is designed to be extremely comfortable, plus allows you to swap the plastic shells to fit different gun models. Pricing is very inexpensive, starting at less than $30.
The company also offers an OWB rig. The hard plastic shells interchange with the Cloak Tuck shells, meaning you could easily mix and match if needed. These also start at less than $30.
Currently, I have a Cloak Tuck 2.0 for testing. I’ve got shells for the Glock 19, Kakr CM9 and Bersa BP9 and it has been very comfortable. From a durability perspective, the rig seems to be doing very well also. Look for a review in the near future.
Bianchi is now making a variety of concealment holsters for the Glock 42 pistol. The models include:
- 6D ATB Waistband Holster (leather)
- 100 Professional Waistband Holster (leather)
- 100T Professional Tuckable Holster (leather)
- 105 Minimalist Belt Slide Holster (leather)
- 4750 Ranger Triad Ankle Holster (synthetic)
- 7000 Sporting Holster (synthetic)
The holsters range in price from $29.75 – $64.00 depending on the model. The leather models are available in black or tan, while the nylon models are black only.
Please note: Some readers have had problems with Bianchi holsters fitting the Glock 42. We encourage you to read the comments section below prior to purchase.

Possibly the best option for appendix carry is the new A.R.C. holster from Blackhawk. This is a synthetic rig that is exceptionally flexible, durable and is made in the USA. The best part is it costs less than $25! I’ve got a pair of these holsters that I am evaluating now, and they are spectacular. (Update: My review is complete, and you can read it here. Bottom line: I highly recommend these rigs. Note the Made in USA logo in the photo above.)
A new SERPA holster is now available from Blackhawk! that will fit the 42. The new SERPA works the same as the holsters do for other pistols. There is an internal locking lever that prevents the gun from falling out or being snatched out. To release the pistol, the shooter must depress a lever button and then draw the gun.
Blackhawk! also is making the basic Sportster holster for the pistol. The Sportster is an injection-molded holster that can be equipped with a paddle back or with standard belt loops for strong side, waistband carry. Friction is the only retention method used on this model.
According to the reviews on Amazon, the Sportster has significant problems with retention. HOWEVER, it is important to note that I spoke with Blackhawk staff at the 2015 SHOT Show and they explained that the holster does fit properly. Blackhawk staff explained that the tension screw set up is slightly different in this holster than other models. To get the proper tension, the user must turn the screw 2-3x more than with other Blackhawk models.
Blade-Tech has several new synthetic holsters for the Glock 42 in the design phase. The Ambi-Eclipse is the first to make it into production. The Ambi-Eclipse uses plastic and injection molding to create a convertible holster. This Glock 42 holster can be carried like a belt slide holster in an outside-the-waistband (OWB) style. The holster can also be converted to an inside-the-waistband (IWB) carry by swapping out the hardware to a single clip.
Bravo Concealment
Bravo Concealment makes a number of different style Kydex holsters for the G42, including IWB and OWB carry rigs. The DOS holster is an inside-the-waistband rig that is designed for deep concealment. With this holster, the gun rides low and helps to hide the bulk of the pistol. The BCA and the RTT are both outside-the-waistband carry options. However, both of these holsters can be converted to IWB with the swapping of belt loops.
CNC Holsters
CNC Holsters makes a variety of Kydex holsters that fit the Glock 42. Three are outside-the-waistband holsters and two are inside-the-waistband rigs. I hope to do a review on these at a later date. When I do, I will post a link here so you can easily find it to get my take on these.

For the Glock 42, Comp-Tac has introduced three holsters that will fit the new gun: the International, the Infidel and the CTAC (Concealable Tuckable Adjustable Cant). All three guns are Kydex or hybrid leather/Kydex holsters.
Update: The Infidel Ultra is now available for the pistols as well. The Ultra is an IWB-type rig like the original Infidel, but with some modularity that allows for the addition of leather backers or other pieces for increased comfort, versatility, etc.
Cook’s Holsters
Cook’s Holsters is now shipping a an IWB Kydex holster for the .380 Glock pistols. The holsters are available in left- and right-handed models. Â Additionally, the holsters have an adjustable cant feature that allows the owner to better fit the scabbard to his preferences. Cook’s Holsters carry a lifetime warranty against defects and a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
CrossBreed Holsters
The entire line of CrossBreed Holsters are now available for the Glock 42. This includes the company’s top MiniTuck and SuperTuck holsters which have made them famous.
Dale Fricke Holsters
Both inside- and outside-the-waistband holsters are avaliable for the G42 from Dale Fricke. These Kydex rigs are not cheap ($95 base for several models,) but I’ve heard good things about them. (Thanks to reader Jeffx for the tip.)
Dara Holsters

The Kydex rigs from Dara Holsters are very good quality, and they will likely last for the lifetime of the gun. I’ve got a pair of them for my Smith & Wesson Shield, and I like them a lot. The company makes a range of IWB and OWB rigs for the .380 Glock. Some of the designs are tuckable, which will work great with these pistols.
DeSantis Gunhide
One of the largest selections of holsters for the G42 comes from DeSantis Gunhide. DeSantis is offering a variety of ankle, belt, IWB and pocket holsters for the .380 Glock.
The Apache Ankle Rig is the company’s ankle holster. It uses a wide elastic band to fit the gun to the leg and a nylon strap to retain the gun in place. I prefer the Galco Ankle Glove to this holster, but at $55, it is not a bad deal.
The DeSantis Mini Scabbard is an open top, OWB leather holster for the Glock 42. It is available in both black and tan. It retails for $60.
There are seven different IWB holsters from DeSantis that will fit the 42. They are the DeSantis Intruder, ProStealth, Sof-Tuck, Tuck-This II, the Pocket-Tuk, the Cozy Partner and The Insider. Each offers a variety of price points and features.
The only DeSantis holster that I recommend without reservation is The Nemesis pocket holster. It is a synthetic holster that keeps the gun securely in a pocket. The company is offering three pocket holsters for the Glock 42 including The Nemesis. I think the G42 will be too large to carry in the pocket for most people, but if you want to try, I’d suggest giving The Nemesis a shot. Note that the Nemesis holster for the G42 will also fit a variety of Kahr, Ruger and Kel-Tec guns as well.
A second pocket holster for the G42 is available from DeSantis. It is called the Super Fly. The holster is similar in design to the Nemesis, but uses a rubber external shell that really grabs the inside of your pocket. I would suggest caution with the purchase of this holster. I have heard that the trigger guard on the pistol does not fit well into the holster, and the gun can ride too high in the pocket.
August Update: DeSantis announced the introduction of three holster options for the G42 pistol that has been equipped with a Crimson Trace LG-433 Laserguard. They are the Mini Scabbard, the Nemesis and the Super Fly. Color options and pricing as described above all remain the same for these models.
Detroit Holster
Detroit Holster offers a number of different carry rigs for your G42. Here are a few of their offerings:
- 8 Mile – This is a kydex inside-the-waistband holster that is designed to be worn just behind the strong side hip. Like all of the Detroit Holster models, the holster can be made in any one of more than 30 colors and camo patterns. This rig can also be made to accommodate a variety of light and laser options, including the popular LaserLyte G42 laser. The base price is $64.95.
- Dix – The Dix is a trigger guard type holster. If you are not familiar with these kinds of carry rigs, they only cover the trigger guard. They offer limited support and (depending on who makes it) varying degrees of retention. The benefits are low cost and low bulk. The Dix sells for $24.95.
- Hastings – This is a paddle holster, which is a form of outside-the-waistband rig. It is an open top kydex carry option that can be had with all of the same options the 8-Mile does. It has $69.95 base price.

- John R – Typically, pocket holsters are made from leather or nylon. The John R is a pocket rig made from kydex. Detroit Holster offers similar options for this unit as they do for the other carry rigs. In addition to being good for pocket carry, the company recommends these for purse or bag carry. Pricing starts at $48.99.
- Woodward – This is the only leather hybrid holster the company currently offers. It uses a leather backing with a kydex mold to hold the gun in place. It is designed to be worn inside-the-waistband. The kydex portion of the holster can be ordered in a variety of colors. The price for the Woodward starts at $69.95.
F3 Holsters
F3 Holsters makes a trio of carry rigs for this pistol. All are made of Kydex and run from $29.95 – $49.95 depending on the model. The three models are a pocket holster, an appendix holster and an OWB rig.

The Flashbang is a unique system for carrying a small pistol under the breasts of a woman. I’m told the holsters do an excellent job of concealing the gun and making it easy to carry. The company is now making the holster for the model 42 pistol.

Fobus is now offering a paddle holster and an ankle holster for the 380 Glock. I’ve got one of the Fobus paddle holsters for review, and so far it has worked very well. At less than $35 it is worth considering. I do not have any experience with the company’s ankle rigs.
Fury Carry Solutions

The folks at Fury Carry Solutions offer a number of holsters for the G42 pistol: the Concealment Series, the Professional Series and the Competition Series. All of the holsters are made of kydex and ship as outside-the-waistband rigs. However, if you swap out the attachment hardware, they can be used as IWB-type holsters.
The pricing starts at $64 and $69 depending on the model. Options include a variety of colors, including MultiCam and Kryptek patterns, and right- and left-handed models.
G-Code Holsters

This recommendation comes straight from a reader. B.J. wrote saying:
I noticed a nice holster not listed. G-Code’s INCOG IWB holster is an awesome holster. Lightweight, very close to the body, thin, etc. it’s a little pricey but worth the money. Only flaw is that it takes forever, up to 3 weeks, to receive it. Also is available for over firearms. I am a satisfied customer and I am not affiliated with the company. Just suggesting it.
Thanks B.J. for the suggestion. I hope other readers find it as useful as I do!
Galco Gunleather
One of the larger names in mass produced holsters is Galco Gunleather. As one might expect, there are a variety of scabbard options from Galco for the Glock 42. They include:
- Pocket Protector – a leather pocket holster
- King Tuk – a hybrid material, IWB holster that is tuckable
- Stown-N-Go – an inside-the-waistband holster
- Walkabout – another IWB holster for the G42; has an integrated mag carrier
- Classic Lite Shoulder System – a shoulder rig
- Stinger – OWB belt holster with an open top for a fast draw
- Ankle Safe – all synthetic ankle holster
- Ankle Glove – leather and synthetic holster that is very comfortable (I’ve had these for other guns.)
- purses – Galco offers a number of stylish purses that are designed to carry a pistol
- Defense Planner, Hidden Agenda, iDefense – three variations on the Day Planner-style concealment clutch
- Escort – a waist pack (aka fanny pack)
- Underwraps – a belly band
Gladius Holsters

Gladius is a small shop north of Atlanta that makes several holsters that fit the Glock 42 pistol. One of the unique offerings they have is the patent-pending Vest Holster. This rig is designed for uniformed police officers to carry a backup gun on a bullet resistant vest. It is designed to allow for placement anywhere on the vest, and it is rigid to allow for the gun to be more easily holstered.
Gladius Holsters also makes IWB and OWB carry rigs. They also can do a variety of custom work to fit your specific needs. Take a look at everything they offer here.
Jackson Leatherwork
The folks at Jackson Leatherwork are offering a traditional open top holster for the G42. The leather holsters can be customized with a retention snap and/or a slot for an extra magazine. The holsters can be had in right or left hand models and in black or tan.
JM Custom Kydex
As the name suggests, this company builds CCW holsters from Kydex. They make several scabbards for the 380 Glock, each with a number of options. It looks like the pricing starts at $75. (Thanks to Jeffx for the information.)
Keepers Concealment
Keepers Concealment makes appendix-style holsters for a variety of guns including the diminutive Glock. I originally saw one of these when I met up with Deryck Poole of Echo-5 Training in Florida for a Combat Focus Shooting class. Poole was very happy with his.
These rigs use a special foam wedge between the body and holster to improve concealment while not reducing comfort. These rigs run about $170. A less expensive $90 model called the errand is also available.
Ed. note: It appears KirchComp has gone out of business. The company’s website has been down for several months, and they have not returned any of my attempts to contact them. I liked the look of their products, and I am saddened that they are no longer producing them. I wish them the best. The information on the rigs below is left in place for historical purposes.
Offering two different styles, KirchComp has jumped into the Glock 42 holster game with the KC Mod 1 and KC Mod 2. The Mod 1 is an outside-the-waistband holster, while the Mod 2 is an inside-the-waistband holster. Both models are made with 0.8″ Kydex. KirchComp is also offering a Glock 42 magazine carrier. A variety of colors an other options are available.
MTO Holster

MTO Holster offers a hybrid IWB rig similar to several others on the market. It uses a leather backer with a kydex shell to hold the .380 Glock into place when carried. Pricing starts at $45.
Unlike most (all?) of the other makers, MTO Holster offers an option to line the inside of the shell with leather to give the gun’s finish protection from marring. This is similar to the end product of the Safarilaminate process (though probably completely different in manufacturing) developed by Safariland several decades back. I have no idea how well the MTO Holster lining will work, but I know the Safariland process was very well done and did a good job to protect the gun. I imagine the MTO design will work well also.
MSR Kydex
As the name suggests, this company makes concealed carry rigs from rigid Kydex. MSR Kydex makes an OWB belt rig and an IWB holster for the G42. Base prices run from $45 – $60 and can go up depending on finish. Finishes include a wide variety of colors and camo patterns. (2018 Update – As I have mentioned elsewhere, the MSR Kydex site is down. It seems that the company may have closed its doors and is no longer making concealed carry holsters. If any readers have some insight into this, would you mind leaving the information in the comments section below? Thanks!)
I really don’t know anything about MultiHolsters other than their website is difficult to navigate. However, one of my readers said “I have one of their kydex front pants pocket [holsters] and love it.” Thanks James! I could not find a list of makes/models the company supports, but I’ll take James at his word and assume they are building them for the G42. It appears that most (all?) of the MultiHolsters rigs are Kydex.

Handmade in California, OUTBAGS is now selling IWB-style leather holsters for the G42. OUTBAGS states they offer a balance of “affordable pricing, solid manufacturing and elite customer service.” I’ve not used their products before, but this looks like a good holster. It gets excellent reviews on Amazon, where the price is only $24.95 with free shipping.
PJ Holster

PJ Holster is now making several styles of Kydex holsters for the G42. These include a tuckable and a pocket holster. Also, the company makes magazine carriers for the pistol. A variety of colors are available including black, flat dark earth (FDE), olive drab (OD) and desert tan camo patterns.
Take a look at the Remora 4ART for a “no clip” scabbard that can be used as an inside-the-waistband and pocket holster. One of our readers advised that he uses this specific model and that it is a great product. The 4ART is very affordable at only $24.95.
RKBA Holsters
I’ve personally been a big fan of RKBA Holsters for many years. When the owner started selling holsters online, I think I was one of his earliest customers. I bought a pocket holster for my S&W 642, and added additional holsters since then. I like their products, and they are very reasonably priced.
Currently, RKBA Holsters offers pocket, IWB and OWB rigs. Their handcrafted leather, tuckable IWB is a great little holster and only sets you back $47.50. I’ve got one of these for a Kahr CM9, and I really like it.
SHTF Gear announced the company is now making a new holster for the Glock 42. The holster is a hybrid design that uses a leather sweat shield and Kydex molded for the model 42. The holsters use Kevlar for stitching, which is probably one of the most durable threads that could be used in this way. The company’s ACE-1 Gen 2 holster gets near perfect reviews on Amazon.
Statureman Custom Holsters
At the time of this writing, Statureman Custom Holsters is offering Glock 42 holsters as a pre-order item now shipping Glock 42 holsters. The holsters are made of Kydex, and they are strong side, belt holsters. It appears the holsters will be available in a wide range of colors from black to FDE to purple to various camo options.

I was introduced to StealthGearUSA by a GHG reader who purchased one of these holsters for his new HK VP9. The company makes a hybrid IWB rig that uses all synthetic materials to make a system that breathes and has padding for comfort. From my understanding, the rigs are very well liked by their users.
The Onyx IWB holster retails for $99 and is made in the USA. I hope to pick one of these up for testing soon. If I do, I will definitely link to the article here so you can see what I think of them.
Tac Pro
This is another company that I’m just not familiar with. However, one of my readers (thanks Gretchen!) suggested we take a look at them. Tac Pro offers a molded Kydex IWB holster for the Glock 42 that has options for the cant angle and the side of the body it will be carried on. The MSRP is $59.95.
Tagua Gunleather
Tagua Gunleather offers good quality leather holsters for reasonable prices. The scabbards are made in Brazil, and then imported into the US. I own one for a SIG P226, and I have gotten very good service out of it over the years. Some people might be hesitant to buy one since it is made outside the country, but I have found them to be a good value.
Tagua offers a IWB holster for the G42 that sells for about $29. The leather is black. It is an open top model that uses a clip to hold the gun in place.
The company also offers a open top belt holster. The unit is a right hand model that also uses black leather.
The Holster Store
The Holster store offers a wide range of rigs for the Glock 42 pistol: from inexpensive IWB to shoulder holsters and more. Fortunately, they assembled a single page where you can see all of the rigs available for this gun here. They also make these rigs for the G42 equipped with a Crimson Trace Laserguard.
Theis Holsters
Theis Holsters offers four different carry options for the G42 pistol: an IWB holster, an EX-Clip holster, a Single Clip holster, and the OWB holster. All of the models are available in right- and left-handed versions. All of the rigs carry a MSRP of $55, and that includes the shipping charge.

Tulster sells two different rigs for the G42. The first is called the Pilot: an OWB Kydex rig. The second is an IWB holster called the Profile. Both have a variety of color and belt loop options. Pricing varies depending on the model, finish and belt loop choices.
Vedder Holsters
The crew at Vedder Holsters have a variety of models that will fit the Glock 42. Among them are the:
- RapidTuck
- ComfortTuck (standard, combat cut and mini)
- Four Way Belly Band
- LightTuck
- Pocket Locker
- Quick Draw
Prices range from $24.99 to $54.99 depending on model. The holsters are all Kydex or hybrid Kydex and leather creations, with the exception of the Four Way Belly Band. The Belly Band appears to be made of an elastic material.
I am not familiar with the Vedder Holsters. If any of you are, perhaps you could take the time and send me a little feedback on them. They look well built, and I would appreciate your thoughts. However, I should note that these are some of the most popular rigs for the small Glock based on the feedback I have gotten so far.
VersaCarry “holsters” do not have a traditional look, and I’m not sure I can call them a proper IWB holster. Essentially, they are a large S-hook that hooks on the pants. The opposite end inserts into the barrel of the pistol and holds the gun in place while carried. They are inexpensive and work. Many people are concerned about the safety of these rigs, but there are plenty of users who love them. It is my understanding that the 380 Small is the proper fit for the G42.
Wild Bill’s Concealment
Quality leather holsters is what Wild Bill’s Concealment offers. I do not have any experience with this company, but they come recommended by a reader (thanks Frank!) Not all of their holsters list availability for the 380 Glock, but a few do. For example, the Covert Carry Tuckable and the Fusion Paddle can both be made for this gun. It looks like the prices are reasonable, and the company offers packages that include a belt and mag holder.

I was recently contacted by YetiTac who advised they now offered IWB and OWB holster options for the Glock 42. The Yeti Pro IWB (shown above) is made of Kydex, and it can be had with a variety of attachment hardware for mounting on a belt or to PALS webbing.

Pricing starts at $65. The company can add custom graphics to the holsters like what is shown above.

An IWB option, the Yeti07 is also made of Kydex is a taco pattern. The end is open, and the rig can be had with hard or soft belt clips. The MSRP starts at $55 and goes up depending on pricing.
Update: After writing this article, I reviewed a pair of YetiTac holsters for the Glock 43 pistol. I really liked the rigs and suggest you take a look at my article here. I also want to add that the YetiTac Fireside with the Streamlight TLR-6 is an awesome combination.
If you are aware of other holsters coming into production, please let us know. We would like to add them so people can use this as a reference to find what works best for their needs. Also, if you are looking to upgrade your G42 sights, check out our night sight round up here.
GunsHolstersAndGear.com is a for-profit website. I do not charge readers a dime to access the information I provide.
Some of the links on this page and site are affiliate links to companies like Amazon and Palmetto State Armory. These links take you to the products mentioned in the article. Should you decide to purchase something from one of those companies, I make a small commission.
The links do not change your purchase price. I do not get to see what any individual purchases.
43 replies on “Glock 42 Holsters”
I just received the Desantis, Nemisis for my G42. I am a big fan of this holster. Bad news. The fit was not good. Part of trigger guard stuck out and it did not fit well. It appears the holster is made for several guns. It is designed for a longer barrel & is about an inch too long. I contacted Desantis customer service to discuss poor fit. The representative reluctantly took my info. Hopefully in the future they will make this holster fit the gun better. I sent back & am on the hunt for a better fitted holster
Thanks for the report Rick. I hope DeSantis jumps on the problem quickly. Like you, I am also a fan of the Nemesis.
Currently using an Uncle Mike’s Sidekick, size 1 and fit is perfect – still looking for a leather the truly fits the 42
Recluse holster will fit perfect. See my review 3/30. Fantastic product!!!
On my quest for the perfect holster I recently purchased a Recluse TS Solo pocket holster for G42. The holster was too large, had excess leather beyond the grip and printed a big square shape taking up my whole cargo front pant pocket. Mitigating these factors the materials & workmanship were suburb. I contacted the owner who was extremely professional agreed with my concerns & stated he was going to redesign the holster & send me a replacement. I am anxiously awaiting the updated version & will report my findings.
Just received my bianchi 105 minimalist holster for the g42 part number 19246. This holster was just what I was looking for but does not fit the g42 like the website reads!!! Very disappointed!!! It will be getting mail back!!!
That’s unfortunate. Assuming they sent the correct part number (double check that they did/did not), was it completely a bad fit, or is there something that is a little off that they can correct? I’d bet their customer service department would like the feedback so they can correct the production. (800) 366-1669
I called Bianchi and told them my problem about the 105 minimalist holster, they claimed they sent me the wrong one. So they did me right by shipping out the right one with a one day express, free of charge. Well, I just received the so called “right one” and the glock 42 doesn’t fit into this one either! Its the square shaped trigger guard on the glock that doesn’t fit into these round shaped trigger guard holsters they are sending me. I was pleased at how quickly Bianchi sent me a new holster but am again disappointed that it doesn’t fit!
I got back revised Recluse holster for G42. Note 1st generation not good fit sent back. The owner with my comments revised holster. People it rocks. Excellent quality, perfect fit, top of the line horsehide (my choice also leather available).
The owner of this company cares about customer is proactive and the product shows. I’m 100 percent satisfied and strongly recommend this company and quality products.
Ordered A 105 type holster from Bianchi that they stated in their website would fit the G42. It did not fit. I returned the holster and they sent another replacement, same type, that they said would fit. It did not fit correctly. Seems they are stumped by the trigger guard. Both holsters were designed for rounded trigger guards. Kind of hard to believe that a regarded manufacturer like Bianchi can’t get it right. They said they had a G42 to make sure they had a fit. The last Glock I purchased (G30) came with a hard holster. Guess they don’t do that anymore. ???
Just noticed. Looks like Chris had the same problem.
You say that blackhawk is coming out with a serpa for the g42 . Where is it, where can you get it.
You might want to try Blackhawk.com, but other places might be less expensive.
Blackhawk is now selling them on Amazon: Blackhawk Serpa for Glock 42
I’ve updated the article to include this link in the Blackhawk section.
Detroit holster makes a great, top of the line kydex IWB for the 42, their “8 mile” rig. They also make a pocket holster and a paddle holster (duty profile).
Just read the reviews on the bianchi… Here’s the deal…
A LOT of manufacturers have found that a leather holster for the 4.5″ colt 1911 are a near perfect fit and are selling them as Glock 42 holsters.
Of course the trigger guard don’t fit, the 1911 is round and of course that is where you get a great deal of the proper retention of.
I have been told by one company that is what they are doing. After that, I started looking at the trigger guard area and found a number of other holster manufacturers doing the same thing.
I bought 2 black holsters for the glock 42 from Jackson leather. The IWB holster stained my underclothes. I threw them both in the garbage. I have been used numerous types of holsters for the past 30 years. This is the first time one has stained my underpants. I will stick with DESANTIS HOLSTERS.
I have always been a fan of Desantis for IWB and in-the-pocket carry mainly due to value and great fit as well as durability, so I ordered and received the Desantis Sof-Tuk 2 days ago. Major let down. Holster was obviously designed for rounded trigger guard, and was way too tight for G42. There was a large void “open space or whatever” left towards the bottom of the holster…I prefer the barreled end to be close to flush with holster, but this was far from the case with the Sof-Tuk. I tried the “in-the-sock” stretch trick to see if that would help, and still did no good. Was really hoping this would work since it was changeable from IWB to pocket. Sending it back tomorrow and looking elsewhere. Thanks for the in-depth guide provided here…..very helpful and nice to see input from everyone and their reviews of various holsters for the New “Baby” Glock.
I had great luck with the Desantis Nemesis, im sure this is too little too late but may help some other gunnies. Cheers.
I don’t carry a new piece until I am as confident in the holster as I am what’s in it and I have now tried six G42 holsters. All of them top quality holsters, not cheap garbage or holsters not designed specifically for the 42.
Unfortunately, there are only two I have found that are acceptable and both of those are IWB holsters. I generally don’t like IWBs because they are uncomfortable but the size of the 42 actually negates this and makes it reasonably comfortable even for long periods of time.
I still am looking for that perfect OWB holster (trying the Vedder next) but until then, this is fine for me. Even after I find one, these IWBs will likely be often used because they are so convenient.
The first one I posted about briefly above. It is the Detroit Holster “8 Mile”. IMHO, this is the best holster available for the 42, at least of all the ones I have tried. It is comfortable, carrys and conceals extremely well and the thing is built like a tank. Truly deserving as the home for a Glock pistol, simple, tough and reliable.
It’s not an inexpensive holster but in my experience, no good holsters are. Bone stock it’s like $65 and you can of course add options to suit for a little more. Personally, I don’t buy Glocks because they are pretty, i buy them because they work. Same with holsters. I guess what I am saying is that to me, $65 is nothing for a good piece of leather (or kydex in this case) to house my $500 pistol, ya know?
I’ll tell you another thing they make that I love, a Kydex single mag pouch. You can get them with a clip that you can wear OWB or IWB and you can get them set up with belt loops for OWB only. I don’t know why someone would want to wear a mag this size on or in their belt but I’m sure some people do. I just took the clip off mine and use it for pocket carry. It keeps the mag upright and blends the shape as well as keeping debris out of the feed lips and first round hollowpoint.
Again, it isn’t cheap, I think I paid like $40 for it. Also again, I don’t freaking care. We are talking about the preservation of my life here and if I only have a seven shot .380 between me and certain death, I sure as hell want another six in my pocket!
If you just don’t want to spend $65 on a holster, I’ll pass along another tip. Before I got the Detroit Holster 8 Mile IWB, I bought one very similar to it on ebay for $35 and it is a fine holster. The guys name is bluelineconcealment so if my links don’t work, just search for him on ebay…
His IWB is very similar to the Detroit Holster 8 Mile but the retention is not as good and it is also not adjustable. This isn’t a huge deal on an IWB where you get some additional tension from it being tight up next to your body and if you requested a second rivet in it (like I am going to), he would probably do it for free and that would correct the light retention. In all other areas of comparison, it is really a fine holster that I am perfectly comfortable to rely on.
Which one will I carry? The DH 8 mile of course but the bluelineconcealment will serve as a great backup in case the DH breaks… an unlikely scenario that I can’t really imagine!
When I get the Vedder I will post my observations on it. It looks about the right cant for me and the hybrid leather/kydex design should make it both comfortable and concealable. My one concern from the photo of it is that the muzzle is going to project through the holster and I don’t like that. I don’t like exposing the pistol to undue wear and I don’t like my front sight unprotected. None the less, it is the only high ride, OWB out there so I’m going to try it.
Thanks for the detailed feedback!
Try a Dara Holster. They’re website is daraholsters.com. They have a lifetime warranty and so many custom options you’ll get lost.
StealthGearUSA also makes an IWB hybrid holster for the Glock 42. Ventilated and padded, it is by far superior to a leather/kydex hybrid holster. Check them out at http://www.stealthgearusa.com
Thanks for adding the StealthGear information. I added the information in the article above also.
Just bought a Glock G42. Of course I am looking for a holster, that fits, but have made the job a whole lot harder by adding a Crinsom Trace laser sight.
Anyone making a holster yet?
Thank you.
The Holster Store – http://www.theholsterstore.com
hi just bought a g42 for my wife, looking into holsters but I’m pretty sure i will order the shtf gear iwb holster for her. i currently own a shtf gear ace gen 1 holster which is my primary carry holster for my Sig p239 which i have carried every day for the last year.. the holster is great the only issue i have had was i had a screw back out on me which now says on there website to periodically check and re tighten the screws if necessary
My Co worker showed me alien gear holsters. Look well made and are very cheap for leather/kydex IWB. You can buy 2 holsters for the price of 1. I just ordered for my glock 42 and m&p shield.
+1 for Desantis Nemesis and the 42 for pocket carry, but for IWB nothing competes with Crossbreed imo.
A company I’ve started using for IWB carry is Alien Gear Holsters.
They’re extremely comfortable, adjustable cant, and low price. They
also come with a lifetime warranty and free shell replacement if you
change to another carry weapon. I’ve got two currently for a Glock 22 and SigSauer P229R and absolutely love them. I checked their website today and they are carrying the holster for the Glock 42.
You left out a few. One of which is MTO Holster. They have several styles of IWB and OWB hybrid and paddle style holsters using .080 kydex shells and .093 kydex clips coupled with very high end leather for about $40 and for less than $70 they will line the kydex with leather so nothing but leather touches your gun but still has the sturdyness of the kydex for that nice fit and easy reholstering. You can find them on ebay and at their website mtoholster.com
Hi Nate,
Thanks for the response. I’ve added the MTO Holster company to the list above.
You mentioned that I missed a few companies. Feel free to list them here or shoot me an e-mail. I’d like to add them if I can.
Here are 3 of the best for AIWB carry of the G42:
Thanks for the suggestions. They are now added to the page.
I recently stumbled upon (and ordered) another excellent AIWB holster for the G42 from SRT Concealment: http://srtconcealment.com/version-2.html
$50 shipped and I received the holster in 5 days from his eBay store here: http://www.ebay.com/sch/srt-concealment/m.html
My first choice for the Glock 42, would be a De Santis diehard ankle holster. MY second choice would be a De Santis Gun hide belt holster with thumb break. Add the DeSantis nylon magazine pouch, and Peirce magazine extensions.
I am looking for a pouch for a Glock 42. What I want is a rectangle pouch that looks like a pda pouch and therefore will not draw attention to it. Yes I understand this would be considered concealed, that is not an issue. It would be great if it had just the right room for a 2nd mag in it’s own compartment with it’s own drop flap out of the bottom. Anyone seen anything like this?
So if you are looking for something like I was then I did find one, a Bulldog vertical phone case that will hold a glock 42. I’ve ordered it and if you want to know what I think of it afterwards replay here.
I forgot to come back. the case works great for what I wanted, in essence and open carry concealed carry. Here is a link to someone on Ebay with them. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bulldog-Cases-Compact-9mm-Pistol-Holster-Concealed-as-Cell-Phone-BD-849-/182133141665?hash=item2a67fb30a1:g:o6oAAOSw3mpXOQ7J
Try Sneaky Pete’s holster. Sounds like just what you want. http://www.sneakypeteholsters.com/glock-42-sneaky-pete-holster-belt-clip/
I just bought a G42 and they sold me a Sticky Holsters MD 4 since I told them I wanted to pocket carry. Interestingly, or perhaps disconcertingly, the Sticky Holsters’ web site recommends the MD 1 for the Glock 42. Hmmm Anyway, my main objective for a pocket holster, besides its usability, is to hide the fact that I have a gun in my pocket. This does a pretty good job of that, but in my jeans pocket the very end of the gun is visible. It seems the holster wastes a half-inch at the barrel end due to the way the material is stitched (as I noticed in most of the holsters similar to this one) and if that waste could be trimmed it would be a great fit.
About $25
You should add N82Tactical.com to your list. I have one on order so I can’t yet give an opinion other than to refer to the many youtube reviews that claim it is the most comfortable IWB holster around.
Add Sneaky Pete’s holster to the list for anyone looking for a phone-case-like holster for the Glock 42.