The Gunslick Snap-n-Pull barrel cleaning kit is a compact cleaning kit that combines the benefits of a Hoppe’s BoreSnake with the interchangeable parts of a traditional rod-style cleaning kit.
The Snap-n-Pull system does away with the ‘old-school’ cleaning rods, and uses a flexible cable instead, allowing you to clean from the chamber through the barrel, and out of the muzzle. Additionally, the cable rolls up nicely, meaning the kit can be stored in a small, soft-sided case.
Another benefit to the Snap-n-Pull system is different brushes and mops can be attached to the same cable. So instead of having a dozen BoreSnakes, you can have one Gunslick cable that attaches to your different Snap-n-Pull brushes and mops to handle all of your rifle and shotgun calibers.
I bought my Snap-n-Pull kit at a local sporting goods store for about $17. My kit covers the 10, 12, and 20 gauge shotguns, but other kits cover most popular rifle and pistol cartridges.
The kit included a navy blue, soft-sided case that had various pockets to hold all of the included pieces. The kit also included the cable and handle, two bronze brushes, two mops, a patch holder, patches, and Gunslick’s CLP: Ultra-Care.
The brushes and mops attach to the end of the cable using a neat little system. Each accessory has a set of “teeth” where the screw threads would normally be. On the cable end is a spring-loaded receiver with a mirrored set of teeth. To attach the brush to the cable, you pull back the spring-loaded sleeve, mesh the teeth, and let the sleeve snap into place.
The snap system seemed every bit as strong as the traditional screw threads, but was quicker to swap out.
The brushes and mops were all good quality bits that did an excellent job in cleaning the barrel of my 870. I don’t imagine they are any different than their threaded counterparts, and they worked exactly the same.
The Ultra-Care CLP seemed to do a good job on cleaning and lubricating the shotgun parts. I personally prefer to use Hoppe’s #9 for cleaning, and following up with BreakFree for lube duties, but I would have no qualms in using the Ultra-Care for my shotguns.
Ultimately, the GunSlick Snap-n-Pull system is a good little kit that does does a good job of barrel cleaning and is very portable to boot. If you have a bench full of cleaning gear, you may not need the Snap-n-Pull. But, if you are in the market for a cleaning kit in one of the calibers covered by Gunslick, the Snap-n-Pull is worth considering.
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