Glock 43 Holster List

The Glock 43 may go down in history as the most popular pistol the Austrian company has ever made. As one might expect, a lot of holster makers are jumping in the market with concealed carry rigs of all types.

I’ve assembled an ever-growing list of scabbards for the G43 handgun. They are listed below by brand, and then models available under each brand. As new manufacturers and models are introduced, I will add them in the appropriate sections.

As with all of my other holster lists, if you see one that I’m missing, feel free to contact me directly or leave a note in the comments section below.

Also, please leave your feedback on these rigs in the comments. I know that other readers and I really appreciate hearing how some rigs are working, and what different people recommend. I know that feedback on rigs on the Glock 42 holster page led to two manufacturers revising the existing rig to better suit customers’ needs. I can’t think of a better outcome.

A Note About G42 Holster Compatibility

The G43 and G42 pistols are similar, but they are not the same. The 9mm gun is both wider (+0.08″) and longer (+0.32″) than the .380 handgun. As a result, some holsters designed for the G42 will not fit its bigger brother.

As a general rule, nylon and leather rigs may work with both guns. However, I would expect that any Kydex rig would not due to the tighter tolerances. Additionally, any scabbard made for the G42 with a security feature is not likely to work as intended with the G43 pistol. So, if you have a Glock 43, the best thing to do is ensure you are buying an actual G43 holster.

Alabama Holster Company

With a full range of carry rigs for the G43, the Alabama Holster Company might have what you are looking for. The company offers a variety of IWB, OWB and pocket holsters for the little 9mm pistol. The company backs the rigs with a 30-day return policy and a lifetime warranty. The only question I have for these guys is Roll Tide or War Eagle?

Alien Gear Holsters

Alien Gear makes hybrid-style IWB holsters and offers fits for the Glock 43 pistol. I found the company’s holsters were comfortable and did the job at an affordable price. Check out my review on the Cloak Tuck 2.0 here.


Long time holster maker Bianchi is making a pair of concealed carry rigs for the new G43. The first is an inside-the-waistband holster that is made of leather and uses a clip to attach to the belt. It is called the Professional. Make sure you order size 9A.

The second carry holster offered by Bianchi is the Triad ankle holster. This is a holster made of synthetic materials with a padded back. I’ve not used these, though I’ve been told they work well. Make sure you get size 12.


Blackhawk offers a number of inexpensive synthetic holsters for the Glock 43 pistol. These include the recently introduced A.R.C. IWB holster and a whole line of nylon rigs.

Blackhawk A.R.C. Holster for the Glock 43

The Appendix Reversible Carry, or A.R.C., is a holster made of plastic that is softer than Kydex. This allows the rig to bend slightly to match the contours of the body, yet retain enough rigidity to securely hold the gun. The holster can be adjusted for ride height, cant and belt size. Plus, the holster can be reversed and set up for left-handed users also. These rigs carry a MSRP of only $22.45. (Note: You can read my review of the A.R.C. holsters here. I highly recommend the A.R.C.)

Blackhawl SERPA

The SERPA is one of the more famous holster designs from Blackhawk. Fortunately, the company is now offering a fit for the G43 pistol. It is up to you to determine if the SERPA is one of the best or worst G43 holsters available due to the safety complaints about them.

In the nylon line, one of the more popular rigs is the company’s pocket holster. This simple holster keeps the handgun upright in the pocket and hides its outline. There is a rubber-like strip that runs around the outside of the holster to keep it in the pocket when the gun is drawn. The last thing you want is the holster to come out with the gun if you need it to defend yourself.

Blackhawk Ankle Holster for Glock

I have a hard time recommending this next rig to anyone except those on the tightest of budgets. It is an open top, synthetic holster designed for inside-the-waistband carry. It has no retention and it folds flat if drawn, preventing re-holstering. It uses a plastic clip to hold the entire package in place. It is cheap though: less than $15 in many places.

Ankle holsters are great for back up guns and deep concealment. Blackhawk makes an ankle holster that is pretty good for both, though I’ve found it a little uncomfortable over a thin sock. I found wearing this rig on top of a thick winter sock or a duty boot works best for my needs. These can usually be picked up for less than $30.

Another back up gun carry option for police officers is the body armor holster. This lightweight rig is made of sueded nylon and fits over the straps of a bullet resistant vest to provide a pouch for the G43. I’ve used another company’s version of this holster for many years. As far as I can tell, this is a nearly identical product and should work very well.

BluePrint Holsters

BluePrint Holsters makes IWB rigs for the G43 that are made of Boltaron. Boltaron is a synthetic material that is similar to Kydex, but with properties that some people prefer (increased heat tolerance, etc.) The company also makes custom molds for their holsters instead of using a simple Blue Gun. In theory, this will provide a more precise fit.

Update: The company’s website seems to be down. They may be out of business.

Bravo Concealment

Bravo Concealment Holster for G43

Bravo Concealment is a popular brand with many in the shooting community. Though I’ve not used one, I hear they are good quality rigs. Of course, being made in Texas can’t hurt either. For the G43, the company makes four different holsters:

  • BCA (Bravo Concealment Adaptive) – an OWB that can covert to IWB
  • RTT (Range Time Tactical) – another OWB that can be used as an IWB
  • ACER DG2 – an IWB (only) holster that can be lined with suede for increased comfort (Ed. note – As of late September 2015, this line of holsters has been discontinued.)
  • DOS (Drop Out of Sight) – another dedicated IWB carry rig that rides very low for better concealment

Can Can Concealment

This is a company that makes concealed carry rigs for women. The designs are fairly specialized and look very effective. I have not tested any of the company’s products since I am not the target user. However, I am arranging to have a woman test a few of the Can Can products for review on this site.

Can Can Sport Belt

Sport Belt – This appears to be an interpretation of the belly band. It rides around the hips and offers a number of storage options in addition to the firearm. Hook and loop material fasten the elastic band to the body while rare earth magnets add a level of retention to the firearm beyond friction alone. The rig does not need a belt or any special clothing.

Hip Hugger Classic

Hip Hugger – This rig is similar to the Sport Belt above, but appears to be smaller for both easier concealment and more compact firearms. Instead of using rare earth magnets, this rig uses non-slip Tacti-Grip to help the gun stay in place. Since this rig is not designed specifically for jogging, cycling and other physically intensive activity like the Sport Belt, the Tacti-Grip should provide more than enough gun retention.

Hip Hugger Classic with Pink

The Hip Hugger Classic is available in plain black or with colored accents like pink.

Garter Holster

Garter Holster – These rigs attach to the thigh to conceal a firearm under a skirt or dress. The rigs use rare earth magnets to ensure pistol retention in the holster. Purple, blue and pink accents are available if desired.

While the Garter Holster is ready to go as-is, Can Can Concealment does offer a matching garter belt to help displace some of the weight and guarantee the rig does not slide down the leg. These are available in black and come in a variety of sizes.

CNC Holsters

I’m afraid I’m new to CNC Holsters, but the owner reached out to me to offer a rig for review. I hope to have time to do this so I can let you guys know what I think. In the meantime, you should probably check out their site to see what they have to offer. Right now, the company is making five different holsters for the G43. They are the:

  • Lightning (IWB)
  • Mig-25 (IWB)
  • Harrier (OWB)
  • Raptor (OWB)
  • Stratofortress (OWB)

Cook’s Holsters

cook's boot holster

Cook’s Holsters is now selling a variety of rigs that will fit the G43. These include the:

  • paddle holster
  • OWB holster with adjustable belt clip
  • boot holster
  • tuckable IWB
  • small of back IWB
  • IWB holster with adjustable belt clip
  • comfort series OWB/IWB
  • appendix carry

These rigs range in price from $47.95 – 74.95.

CrossBreed Holsters

A favorite of many shooters who like a hybrid holster, CrossBreed Holsters is now making the majority of their rigs for the G43 now. This includes the company’s ankle rig, SuperTuck and MiniTuck. Pricing varies across the line.

Custom Carry Concepts

Custom Carry Concepts, or CCC, offers a number of options for the latest 9mm Glock pistol. I’ve not had my hands on any of them, so I cannot offer an opinion on how well they perform. However, you can check them out for yourself here.

Dara Holsters

Dara Holsters

Dara Holsters is now making holsters for the Glock 43. According to the company, the IWB, OWB, Action Sport and tuckable holsters will all be made for the new pistol.

Dara makes quality Kydex rigs. I have two for the S&W Shield, and I’ve gotten great use out of them. I recommend checking this company out.


Long-time holster maker DeSantis Gunhide is currently making several rigs that will fit the Glock 43 pistol. Let’s take a look at what they are currently offering.

DeSantis Apache ankle rig

For deep concealment, an ankle holster is tough to beat. The DeSantis Apache uses a wide elastic band to secure the gun to the leg, while a large patch of sheepskin buffers the gun’s hard edges from the flesh. These rigs tend to be very comfortable. The company makes these for both right- and left-handed shooters. I would not expect to pay more than $45 for these.

When I still served my community as a police officer, I always carried an extra gun or two on my person. One of the ways I carried a back up was in a vest, or body armor, holster. I almost exclusively used an Uncle Mike’s (see more on that one below,) but I see that DeSantis is making one that looks a little nicer.

The DeSantis N82 vest holster is navy blue, so it might be a problem for someone carrying under a light colored shirt. However, at less than $20, it looks like a good buy.

My favorite DeSantis holster is the Nemesis pocket holster. These synthetic rigs have been refined over the years and are a top notch option for carrying your G43 in a pocket. I’ve used the Nemesis to carry a J-frame revolver and some of the micro-Kahr pistols. They should work great for the Glock also.

For a simple outside-the-waistband holster, take a look at the Simple Slide. This is a lined leather rig that allows for a range of small pistols to fit in it. I’ve not used this holster, so I cannot speak to its usefulness. However, this style of holster can be quite good. They are available in only black, but right- and left-hand versions are available.

An inexpensive leather rig, the Insider is an inside-the-waistband holster that is designed to be as thin as possible. The soft leather is not molded, meaning that it should work with the G43 as is. DeSantis uses a spring clip to fasten the scabbard to the pant belt. However, I’ve seen some people say that the clip moves around a lot, making it less secure than other rigs. I’ve not tested this holster, so I cannot give any first hand information on it.

There are additional DeSantis holsters that have been announced for the Glock 43. They are:

  • Mini Scabbard – an OWB, open-top leather rig
  • Dual Carry II – a rig that can be worn OWB or IWB with a thumb snap
  • Thumb Break Mini Slide – OWB
  • Mini Slide – an OWB without the thumb break
  • Die Hard – an ankle holster
  • Apache – another ankle holster
  • Intruder – a hybrid holster with leather backer
  • Invader – similar to the Intruder, but with a neoprene backer
  • Inside Heat – an inexpensive leather IWB
  • Sof-Tuck – unfinished leather IWB with a tuckable clip
  • Cozy Partner – traditional leather IWB with wings
  • Pro-Stealth – inexpensive nylon IWB
  • Tuck-This II – a nylon version of the Sof-Tuck
  • Insider – inexpensive leather IWB

Detroit Holster

Detroit Holster is currently taking pre-orders on Glock 43 scabbards. Most of the rigs made by the company are Kydex, but some are hybrids with Kydex and leather components. The models available for pre-order include:

  • 8 Mile – an IWB style
  • Metro – an OWB style that can convert to IWB
  • Hastings – another OWB style rig
  • John R – a pocket holster
  • Gratiot – an IWB with a Kydex shell and leather backer
  • Woodward – another IWB that uses a leather backer; wider than the Gratiot
  • Jefferson – an OWB with a Kydex shell and leather backer
  • Dix – a “holster” that covers the trigger guard only

F3 Holsters

F3 Holsters is taking pre-orders on the Foxtrot AIWB rig. This holster is a Kydex appendix holster that is able to have a shirt tucked in over it. The MSRP is $39.95. Additionally, the company plans on selling a Kydex pocket holster for this pistol. It will have a retail price of $29.95. Rounding out the company’s offerings is an OWB with a MSRP of $49.95.

Update: I believe this company is now out of business.

Fury Carry Solutions

Fury Carry Solutions makes Kydex holster for the new Glock. Currently, they offer four different models: the Concealment, Competition, Professional and Appendix Series. The first three are all variations of OWB holsters. The Appendix Series is a low profile IWB that is designed specifically for people who like to carry in the appendix position.

Galco Gunleather

Galco announced they would now be making holsters for the G43. I do not believe these are shipping yet. The rigs include:

  • KingTuk – a tuckable IWB
  • Summer Comfort – a traditional leather IWB like the Milt Sparks Summer Special
  • Pocket Protector – a pocket holster
  • other, unspecified OWB, IWB, ankle and shoulder holsters

As I get more information from Galco, I will gladly add it.

Gladius Holsters

Galdius Holsters makes a vest holster that looks to be superior to its competitors in this niche. The rig is made of Kydex with a hook and loop backing. It holds the gun securely in place, but keeps it readily available if needed. This video shows the vest holster mounted on a concealable vest and under an external carrier.

Gould & Goodrich

G&G now offers the B802 pancake holster, B816 ankle holster and B800 open top belt slide for the Glock 43 pistols.


GunfightersINC offers a Kydex OWB rig called the Ronin. These holsters are black and come in both right- and left-handed versions. The holsters have a 10° forward cant and are made in the United States. (Thanks to reader Woody for the tip.)

Harwell Holsters

Harwell Holsters is taking pre-orders on rigs for the G43. Currently, it looks like they will offer three different holster options: the ProTuck IWB, the Clip-N-Go appendix and the ProSlide Holster OWB rig. These range in price from $44.95 – $59.95.


I’m not familiar with HolsterCo, but reader Michael left feedback saying the company’s Stealth IWB is a good rig. It is a Kydex rig with a loop that is adjustable for ride height and cant. The rig is also ambidextrous, so right- and left-handed shooters can work off the same design. HolsterCo advertises a Green-Stealth model that is functionally identical to the stealth, but uses recycled Kydex. The company also offers an OWB holster for this pistol.

Jackson Leatherwork

Jackson Leatherworks holster

Jackson Leatherwork offers a pair of carry rigs for the 9mm Glock. The first is an IWB-style holster. It is made of leather with a reinforced top. It uses a metal clip to attach to the belt. These can be had in brown or black and right- or left-handed versions.

The second holster is an OWB rig that can be had either as an open top or with a retention snap. These are made of leather and available in either black or brown.

Kinetic Concealment

Kinetic Concealment

Kinetic Concealment is now offering their patent pending IWB rigs for the Glock 43. These holsters are a hybrid design with a polymer shell and a leather slab. The leather is backed by a neoprene cushion to increase comfort and reduce sweat from reaching the gun. The company also offers an OWB and combo kit for the pistol.

Kusiak Leather

Kusiak Leather is a south Florida holster maker that handcrafts all of the rigs in the USA. These holsters are leather carry rigs and there are a variety of options available for the Glock 43. Take a look at their video above for a general idea of what the company offers.

L.A.G. Tactical

L.A.G. Tactical advised they are taking pre-orders on Kydex Glock 43 rigs now and expect to ship on or about April 10, 2015. I’ve not used any of this company’s products before, but it looks like they offers some nice designs. Prices start at $46 and go up depending on the model holster.

Lenwood Leather

Lenwood Leather announced they are accepting pre-orders for the OWB Wraith and the tuckable IWB Specter. These Kydex rigs are available in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Additionally, they can be had in both right- and left-handed models. Pricing starts at $49.99 for either model.

Milt Sparks

Milt Sparks Holster

One of my favorite holster makers, Milt Sparks, offers several options for the G43 pistol. Right now, the company is making the Versa Max 2, Executives Companion, Summer Special 2 and Nexus rigs for the pistol. These are all inside-the-waistband holsters. The company also plans to make the 55BN, an outside-the-waistband rig, for the gun.

I own a Summer Special 2 for my Glock 19. I highly recommend both Milt Sparks as a company and the Summer Special 2 for a daily carry holster.

MSR Kydex

MSR Kydex makes two different rigs for the G43 – an IWB and an OWB. Both, as the company name suggests, are made of Kydex. The company offers some basic customization options such as the color or camo pattern you want the holster finished in. Pricing starts at $45 for the IWB and $60 for the OWB. (Update: I believe this company may be out of business. Its website has been down for some time, and my e-mails to them have not been returned. If anyone has any additional information about them, please let us know whats up in the comments section below.)

MTO Holster

MTO Holster offers IWB and OWB options for this Glock handgun. The IWB rigs can be had as a CrossBreed-like hybrid style or as a clip style with a leather backer. The prices seem affordable, though I’ve not used one so I cannot speak to their quality.


MultiHolsters offers a number of custom rigs for this pistol. They also offer the Elite IWB holster that is a “quick ship” item. This holster will typically ship within seven days. It is available as a right- or left-handed holster and sells for $59.95. The custom rigs start at $44.95 for the pocket holster and go up.

Noriega Holsters

Florida holster maker, Noriega Holsters, is now offering their line of custom carry rigs for the Glock 43. Contact them directly for additional information on having them build an amazing rig for you. The company also makes a range of other products including knife sheaths, handcuff carriers, badge holders and more.



This is a nylon IWB called the orGUNizer. Frankly, I don’t know much about the company, but for an inexpensive holster, it doesn’t look bad. It is ambidextrous and can be carried in virtually any position including appendix, small of the back and cross draw. It uses a clip to secure to the pants and has nylon casters inside for a smooth draw. These sell for less than $20.

Patriot Holsters

This Texas-based company makes a number of Kydex rigs for the Glock 43. The IWB-style holsters have a small “wing” that helps to press the butt of the gun into the body to diminish the possibility of printing. I’ve not tried these rigs, but they look like good quality holsters. Sound off in the comments if you have any experience with them.


PHLster makes a pair of IWB holsters for the newest Glock pistol. One is called the Skeleton, and the other is called the ACCESS. If I understand these rigs correctly, the ACCESS provides full coverage of the gun, while the Skeleton significantly reduces the amount of material around the slide. The company also designed a magazine carrier that is unique to this pistol.

PJ Holster

PJ Holster offers a number of carry rigs that will fit the new 9mm pistol. Included among them is a IWB holster (including an option for the gun mounted with a Crimson Trace Laserguard,) an OWB, a pocket holster and an tuckable rig. PJ Holster also offers finish options to include a variety of color and camo patterns.

PJ Holster Kryptek Mandrake


Recluse is known for making one- and two-sided pocket holsters that buck conventional design. Many people who own them, swear by them. It’s really no surprise that the company is now making rigs for the G43. These are available in both black and tan. (Special thanks to reader Ron who reminded me to include Recluse in the list.)

Red Eye Tactical

Red Eye Tactical is now making a trio of Kydex rigs for the Glock 43. They are the Defender (OWB), Shielder (IWB) and Shielder-A (AIWB). The company offers a number of finish and attachment options. Plus, they offer magazine carriers for the pistol.


Remora offers a different take on how to build a concealed carry holster. The original IWB design does not use a clip or other mechanical device to hold the holster in place. Rather, the exterior of the holster grips the inside of the pants and body, using friction to hold it in place. The company suggests using a hair dryer and freezer to better fit the rig to your gun.

I know there are a lot of people who like these, but I have concerns about firearm retention in a struggle. At some point, I will have to get some of these out on the mats and see how they hold up. They could be quite good.

The company also offers a variety of other rigs from a Bra Draw to an ankle holster.


SHTF Holster for G43

SHTF Gear is now selling the ACE-1 holster for the Glock 43 pistol. The ACE-1 is a hybrid rig that uses a synthetic shell, leather backer and Kevlar thread. It is a tuckable design. The company is also making the holster for the G43 that has an attached Crimson Trace Laserguard. These holsters can be had in right- and left-handed configurations.

Sneaky Pete Holsters

G43 Sneaky Pete

Sneaky Pete Holsters offer a way to hide your pistol in plain view. Looking like an oversized phone holster, these belt rigs are plainly visible, but do not disclose what is concealed inside. I’ve tried out one of these rigs before, and I found them to be well made and perform well. I do not prefer this method of carry. However, if you do, the rigs are quality holsters and well made.

StealthGear USA

StealthGear USA is now making two different IWB rigs for this handgun. The first is the AIWB appendix carry holster, and the second is the Onyx IWB. Both rigs use a Kydex shell that is mounted to a VentCore backer. The VentCore product is padded and breathable to provide a very comfortable carry experience.

I’m currently testing an Onyx rig with a G19 pistol. So far it has been very comfortable and secure.

Sticky Holsters

A favorite of many people, the unique friction holsters from Sticky Holsters will work with the Glock 43 pistol. These rigs have a tacky exterior to work as excellent IWB or pocket holsters. Additionally, they are fairly inexpensive – typically less than $30.

The Holster Store

The Holster Store offers more leather holster options for the G43 than probably anyone else on the market. From pocket carry to shoulder holsters, the company seems to make it all. Here are a few of the rigs they currently offer:

  • Extreme Duty
  • Shoulder Holster
  • On Duty
  • Ankle Holster
  • 7
  • Hybrid
  • Belt Ride
  • Pocket Holster
  • LT Zombie
  • Shirt Tuck
  • SOB
  • Security
  • Quick Draw
  • Deep Comfort

Triad Holsters

Currently a pre-order, the Zeus rig from Triad Holsters is an IWB design made of Kydex. These will be available with finishes in black, carbon fiber, coyote tan, OD green and neon pink. The pricing starts at$44.99.


Tulster G43 holster

Kydex holster maker Tulster offers a pair of rigs for the Glock 43 pistol. The first is the Pilot. This is an open-top OWB holster that starts at $79.99. It can be had with any of 13 different color finishes and your choice in belt loop options.

The Profile is an IWB holster with all of the same options available on the Pilot. The MSRP starts at $59.99.

Uncle Mike’s

Uncle Mikes pocket holster for Glock 43

Uncle Mike’s manufactures a wide range of nylon and Kydex rigs for handguns. One of their more popular choices, the open top pocket holster is made to fit the Glock 43. The rig uses a combination of synthetic materials to securely hold the gun, break up its outline and ensure the pistol is in the right position should you ever need to draw it in an emergency. Pricing varies on these, but expect to pay less than $15 for one. I would think the size 4 would work best, but I’ve not confirmed this.

In addition to armed citizens, Uncle Mike’s offers holsters for law enforcement officers and security professionals. A popular choice for backup gun carry is the body armor holster. These nylon rigs attach to a bullet resistant vest and hold the gun close to the body. I’ve used these extensively in my career as a street cop, and I found them to be exceptionally good. The real treat is that they are very inexpensive – often about $13 or so. Again, I would expect the size 4 to be a good fit. However, I have not tested this myself.

For more concealment, take a look at the company’s nylon ankle holster. Like the body armor rig above, I’ve used a number of these ankle rigs as a cop. When strapped on top of a duty boot, they were very secure and comfortable enough to wear throughout a 12 hour shift. I do not like them as much on top of a sock alone with low cut shoes. As they say, your mileage may vary. A size 12 is likely to work with these.

If you want a belt holster, but don’t want to spend a lot of money, consider the Super Belt Slide holster from Uncle Mike’s. One of these was my first CCW rig back in the early 90’s. Though mine was for a 4″ K-frame revolver, the company does make one sized for the G43 – take a look at the size 16. I’d expect to pay about $25 for one.

Urban Carry Holsters

Urban Carry Holsters that tucks a gun out of site and below the waistband, these relatively new rigs have gotten a lot of attention in recent months. It looks like a good way to keep a gun concealed, but might be difficult to draw the gun from a number of positions – such as when seated in a car. Regardless, it might fill a need you have in your concealed carry regimen.

Note that some of the other carry rigs, such as the garter, hip and corset holsters, appear to be Can Can Concealment rigs that are listed above.

Wilson Concealment

Wilson Concealment is now taking orders on the company’s IWB rig made for the Glock pistol. The Kydex rigs are available in more than 20 finishes. Also, the holsters can be had with standard attachment clips or with versions that allow you to tuck a shirt in over the gun. The price on these is $50 with finish prices potentially driving the price up from there.

Update: The company’s website is offline, and I believe they may be out of business.

Winthrop Holsters

Winthrop Holsters makes a custom leather rig for the G43. Designed for IWB carry, the holster has a pair of snaps to keep it in place. The company suggests the gun is best carried in the 3:30 – 4:00 position, just behind the strong hip. I’ve not used one, but reader R.H. e-mailed and said he really likes his.

Update: The company’s website is offline, and I believe they may be out of business.

Wisconsin Holster Company

The Wisconsin Holster Company is now making its hybrid and full Kydex rigs for the G43. The company offers a variety of finishes including ATACS, Kryptec and digital camo options. Prices start at $64.99 and goes up depending on the model and options.

Update: The company’s website is offline, and I believe they may be out of business.

Wright Leather Works

If you are looking for a high end leather carry rig for your single stack 9, take a look at what Wright Leather Works is making. From cross draw to pocket rigs, the company seems to be making most styles of carry holsters for these guns. There are a variety of color options available, and the company is making the holsters for the G43 with a Crimson Trace laser attached as well.


YetiTac Holster for Glock 43

Made of Kydex and backed by a lifetime warranty, YetiTac holsters are now being made for the G43 pistol. The company makes both IWB and OWB style rigs for this pistol. Included in the line up are the:

  • Minilalist IWB
  • Yeti07 IWB
  • Quick Claw OWB
  • Yeti One OWB
  • Comp-S OWB
  • Flex OWB
  • EDC Paddle
  • YetiPro OWB

If you want a drop leg holster for the tiny Glock, YetiTac makes the only one I know of: the TacRig Drop Leg Holster. Get it MultiCam for all of your Official Mall Ninja activities.

Quick note: I recently reviewed a pair of YetiTac holsters designed for the Streamlight TLR-6 light/laser unit. The holsters worked great. So did the light. Click here to read the YetiTac review, and click here to read the Streamlight TLR-6 review.

Glock 43 Information

If you are not already familiar with the G43 pistol, it is a single-stack 9mm handgun that has a polymer frame and is striker-fired. It is very similar to the G42 pistol in .380 ACP, but is much thinner than the other 9mm pistols the company currently sells. The gun was introduced in March 2015.

According to the company reps I have talked to, the G43 will come with the standard sights that are typical to the line. A lot of people do not like the factory sights, so I have assembled a page of after market G43 sights here.

Last Update: October 10, 2022

Disclosure is an independent, for-profit website. I do not charge readers a dime to access the information I provide.

Some of the links on this page and site are affiliate links to companies like Amazon and Palmetto State Armory. These links take you to the products mentioned in the article. Should you decide to purchase something from one of those companies, I make a small commission.

The links do not change your purchase price. I do not get to see what any individual purchases.

Just a quick note – I will continue to build this list as new options for the new 9mm Glock become available. However, please leave a note in the comments section if you see or hear of another rig that should be added to this list.

72 replies on “Glock 43 Holster List”

Great post. You are right on about some leather and nylon rigs working for both but not the Kydex options. Appreciate you equipping readers with great info in an easy to read way. Thanks.

At Lenwood we will be launching our line of Kydex holsters next week and will be making holsters for the Glock 43 as soon at it is available. If you don’t mind letting folks know I’d appreciate it. The web address is: the holster page will be added any day.

I’ve taken my time and built two models of holsters (IWB and OWB) that are going to be a premium product at a very reasonable price.



Thank you for the great read and information.

I would love to get L.A.G. Tactical added to the list. We will have the Glock 43 holsters available and ready to ship by April 10th.

We offer a full Kydex holster that comes with both IWB and OWB belt loops. Our holsters also have adjustable retention, ride height and cant.

Please visit or contact us to get a pre-order placed.

Richard, we would love to get you some samples for testing and evaluation. Please contact us if you are interested and we will get some samples sent your way. Thank you for the helpful resource.



Hi Evan,

I’ve added L.A.G. Tactical to the list. Thanks for letting me know about the new holsters.

If you are interested in submitting anything for review, please check out my review policy here: Also, you may wish to take a look at some of my recent reviews to see how they are being written:

S&W Shield:

ExtremeBeam M600:

Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0:

Not all are positive, but all are fair.

Thanks again,


Richard, We’ve just added the Glock 43 holster up for pre-order on the website. They’re available for purchase now in IWB, OWB, Action Sport and Tuckable style holsters.

Thank you for the thorough list! It is awesome to have so many options available in one place, makes choosing the right gear so much easier.

I would like to submit for your consideration, Redeye Tactical, we make custom kydex holsters. We will begin production of our Glock 43 model holster this week, it will be available in the Shielder (IWB), Defender (OWB), and Shielder-A (Appendix). We will also be adding the Provider-Single Magazine and the Provider-Double Magazine pouches for the G43 at the same time. We will be offering a wide variety of colors, as well as belt attachment options.

We have a large selection of quality kydex products, check us out at , on Facebook, or Instagram!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for your consideration!

Thank you for the thorough list! It is awesome to have so many options available in one place, makes choosing the right gear so much easier.

I would like to submit for your consideration, Redeye Tactical, we make custom kydex holsters. We will begin production of our Glock 43 model holster this week, it will be available in the Shielder (IWB), Defender (OWB), and Shielder-A (Appendix). We will also be adding the Provider-Single Magazine and the Provider-Double Magazine pouches for the G43 at the same time. We will be offering a wide variety of colors, as well as belt attachment options.

We have a large selection of quality kydex products, check us out at , on Facebook, or Instagram!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for your consideration!

I just received my Glock 43 with a Safariland 27-894 IWB Holster. I’m not sure if it’s made for the 42 or 43 specifically, but it works great.

Alien Gear has added a new shell for the g43, to use on both their iwb and owb holsters. I have been using the cloak tuck 2.0 for my g23 for about 3 months now and love it. I’ve just ordered the new g43 shell and should be getting it very soon. I’m not in any way affiliated with Alien gear but, I have fallen in love with this holster (sometimes I forget I’m wearing it). Please add to your list for all to see. Thank you for such a great list, you’re very thorough and make it easy to read and understand very quickly. Your site will now be added to my list of bookmarks that I frequently visit.

For those who may be looking for extra security it should be noted that the 43 fits great in a Bianchi Carrylok holster for the 26/27/33. The safariland grip lock pro fit holster (#578-183-411) also will accept the 43 and gives the carrier the ability to have a holster that autmatically secures the pistol when holstered via a locking mechanism similar to how the serpa and Carrylok work. Speaking of serpa, I tried to use it in a 42 holster and it DOES NOT fit. Even with modification you will not get it in there. Wait patiently for the 43 version. Awesome gun none the less.

Hello Richard, BluePrint Holsters makes a high quality product for the Glock 43. We Make Glock 43 iwb holsters with clips and with soft loops. I can honestly say our holster making produces a good looking product that is consistent with a precision fit. We have an eye for detail, and test fit every holster with a real firearm. Would you consider adding BluePrint Holsters to your list ?

Great list. If you want something unique try They offer OWB leather’backed Kydex holsters in a completely different style from everyone else is doing and in my opinion more comfortable. You won’t wear it if it’s not comfortable!

Thanks for the suggestion, but the company does not list the G43 as an option on its website. I’ve checked weekly since you left this comment, but there is no option for the G43 in the model list, nor on the ordering page that I can see. Once they being building rigs for the pistol, I will add them.



Thanks for the information James. I checked that, but did not see it. Going back now, I see that the G43 is added at the very bottom and not with the other Glock models.

I’ll update the page as soon as I have a few minutes. If you have contact with the owners there, you might want to let them know that they could be losing sales based on the current drop down menu layout.

Thank you Richard posting this great list. We hope you will add BluePrint Holsters to the list. We have devoted a lot of time developing our Glock 43 iwb holster. We make a few different versions of this holster which can been seen on our website at Our process produces a nice fitting products with great attention to detail. I would be happy to send some products your way to evaluate in order to prove our products are worthy of mention.

Thank you BluePrint Holsters


Wonderful list!! Good to know where else to shop around. I have one company you left of the list, Alien Gear Holsters. They are hand made in the U.S.A.!!! Look them up at … They make a variety of holsters for a just about any gun make and model and if you have Crimson Trace or Viridian laser sights they custom make them for those as well.

(To save me time perusing the list) do you know of a maker for an IWB kydex holster that will also hold a spare mag. With the 43 being single stack, I like the comfort of being able to carry an extra mag without carrying a separate mag holster.

Good Morning, this is a great list. Curious if anyone as mounted a 43 holster in their vehicle yet. I am looking to mount underneath my steering column and would love suggestions. So far I haven’t found that perfect solution.
Thanks for the help!

I carry my Glock 43 every day. I have a couple of OWB holsters, a pretty nice one from Hunter and a very nice one from El Paso Saddlery, but I don’t like to leave my shirt tail out and I’ve ended up using my RECLUSE pocket holster full time. The Recluse is great, but I would like to have my pocket back so I’ve been looking for an IWB holster, but so far have been unable to find anything that has every feature I want. This is the most helpful source I’ve seen. Thanks. I’d like to suggest you check out the Recluse pocket holster for addition to your already impressive list.

Hi Ron,

Thanks for the feedback. I’ve got Recluse added to the list now. I sent an e-mail to El Paso and Hunter getting clarification on a couple of points. Once I get that information, I will add them as well.

Thanks again!


Hi Bradley – I’ve added Sneaky Pete to the page. I’ve tired out their rigs before and found them to be well made. Although I don’t prefer this method of carry, they do work well.

Great list! Alabama Holster Company just started making pocket holsters for the g43.
And you should get a remora, I think you would be surprised at the retention and the comfort.

Could you please review the Holsterworld OWB holster from eBay? They have a right handed thumb break black leather version I almost purchased for $44.95 shipped but couldn’t find a review on. Thank You -Derek

Which Milt Sparks holster is shown above? Is that the summer special 2 in black leather or versa max 2? I don’t want to order the wrong one.

Howdy from Texas, people can give us a look if they are ever in a need of a Kydex holster. All our gear comes with a lifetime warranty and we provide 10% off for Military/Law Enforcement/FIRE/EMS whether active or retired. Also a portion of our profits are donated to the SEAL Future Fund.


I have always liked the Glock “Combat” holster for my 22 and 27. Just an easy (and cheap) little holster. Unfortunately Glock just refers to caliber for fit, not model number. My 43 is too thin for it. Hopefully they will make one to fit it. I like the Versacarry as well for IWB carrry

I really like the Sticky Holsters for my G43 and G17. Very versatile. Simple to adjust. Easy to draw. No clips. STAYS SECURE.

Richard – Great list you’ve got going here. Another one to consider would be Don Hume as they offer a number of holsters for the Glock 43. However, Don Hume no longer sells to the public so interested folks have to purchase through an authorized Don Hume dealer like us ( I’ve got some pics of the Don Hume gear with a G43 that I’d be glad to send if it would be of any value for you?

Either way, keep up the excellent work!

anyone know of a good one piece IWB for the Glock 43 with Crimson Trace Laser Guard (LG-443) with a magazine pouch?? Can’t seem to find one anywhere!!!

Ted Blocker Holsters make holsters for the 43, and pretty much any other pistol. They are highly regarded and recommended by Kathy Jackson author of “The Cornered Cat”. I have one on order but haven’t received it yet. They are expensive though.

KEEPERS CONCEALMENT Errand holster is a great AIWB G43 rig (G42 also). READY TACTICAL makes a heavy duty, one-piece kydex IWB holster for both G42 & G43… ReadyTac also makes nice one-piece kydex mag pouches for both G42 & G43

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