Welcome to my comprehensive list of Naroh N1 holsters. In this guide, I offer the most extensive catalog of holster currently available for the N1 pistol. If you’ve been asking “Who makes a holster for the Naroh N1?” you’ve come to the right place.
My top recommendations by holster type are listed above in the callout box. However, what I think is best is not necessarily what you might like. So, I’ve got every holster for the N1 pistol I could find listed here.
To help navigate the page, you should see a table of contents that allows for a quick jump to the holster company you are most interested in. I’ve then listed the different models available from each company there.

A quick note to new readers of GunsHolstersAndGear – we don’t sell these products. Rather, GHG is a news and review site that delivers you unbiased information and links to reputable companies who sell the products. Our intent is to save you money by sharing our experiences with the good and bad carry rigs that are out there.
Holsters by Company
Many people have a preference to do business with specific companies. To help you find the best holster for your Naroh N1, I have listed all of the holsters being made by company name. They are in alphabetical order and are also listed in the table of contents at the top of the page.
If I have missed any companies, please let me know. I want to make sure I build a comprehensive list for people to use.
1791 Gunleather
Based in the Sunshine State, 1791 Gunleather offers a wide range of concealment holsters for the law-abiding citizen. Here are the company’s current offerings for the N1.

BHC – The BHC is an open-top, outside-the-waistband rig made of cow leather. At either side of the gun are wide slits to handle all of the typical gun belt widths. As designed, the gun has a butt-forward cant that is popular with many shooters.
The leather is sourced inside the United States, and the holster is made in the USA. Holster color options include two different versions of black and three versions of brown.
This holster has a suggested retail price of $50. For a USA sourced leather holster, this seems to be a reasonable price.
Please note that the image shown above is of the BHC holster but with a Glock 43. I did not have a Naroh N1 on hand to photograph in the correctly molded holster.
CrossBreed Holsters
CrossBreed Holsters is an out-of-the-box company. When the founder developed the original SuperTuck CCW holster, he opened an entirely new niche in holster options that simply didn’t exist. Since then, the company expanded its offerings to include all kinds of inside-the-waistband, outside-the-waistband, ankle, belly and off-body carry options.
Here is a look at what CrossBreed is now offering for the Naroh N1 handgun.
Ankle Holster – CrossBreed makes a very comfortable ankle holster for the N1 pistol. It doesn’t have a fancy name – Ankle Holster – but it includes ample padding for the lower leg. This helps to cushion the gun and the leg from each other.
Additionally, it comes with a calf strap that helps to keep the pistol in position and relieve the ankle by spreading out the weight of the rig. The MSRP on this holster is $34.95, but the site occassionally will run a sale that substantially reduces that price.
DropSlide – The DropSlide is an outside-the-waistband holster that is very similar to the SnapSlide (below). Unlike the SnapSlide, this OWB rig allows for a carry that is slightly lower than that rig. For some people, this lower position, or drop, is more comfortable to carry and allows for easier access when drawing.
Like the other holsters from CrossBreed, the DropSlide combines the use of a leather backer with a Kydex shell for a secure and comfortable carry. The leather slab has belt slots on either end that accommodate belts with a width up to 1.75″. The suggested retail price on this rig is $51.95.
Freedom Carry – There are several inside-the-waistband (IWB) rigs available manufactured by CrossBreed. One of those is called the Freedom Carry.
The Freedom Carry uses a soft leather slab with a single metal belt clip anchored behind the Kydex shell that holds the Naroh N1 pistol. Based on the original SuperTuck design, the removal of the front belt clip allows you to position the pistol behind the strong hip, in the appendix position or even carry the gun in a cross draw configuration.
As with the company’s other IWB holsters, the Freedom Carry comes with a “Two Week, Try It Free Guarantee” and a lifetime warranty. The suggested retail price on this one is $64.50, but you can sometimes catch it on sale.
Last Ditch – A specialized holster developed for uniformed police officers, the Last Ditch may also have an application for creative citizens who have a particular need and good imagination.
The Last Ditch is a Kydex shell on a leather backer hybrid holster that has no clips or belt looks at all. Instead, the leather backer has a hook and loop panel that allows it to be directly affixed to the officer’s ballistic vest side panel. In other words, it is a new take on the vest holster many officers have used to carry a backup gun.
I carried two backup guns when I was a uniformed cop – one was an ankle gun and the other was a vest holster. All of the vest holsters I used were fairly flimsy and had to be wound through the ballistic vest’s adjustment straps. This is a superior product – one I wished I had when I had been pushing a patrol car around.
It is affordable at just $39.95 on the company’s website.
Mini Appendix Carry – This holster was designed specifically for people who carry in the appendix position (AIWB). It uses a softer leather backing that the standard CrossBreed holsters and has smoother corners. Here is a brief video on its use.
Similar in appearance to the Freedom Carry (above,) the Mini Appendix Carry holster uses a single belt clip. On this AIWB holster, the clip is moved in front of the Kydex holster shell for improved security and comfort in the appendix position. While it can be used on the strong or reaction side, the clip position makes it difficult to use in a behind the hip position. If that is your need, you will be better served by the Freedom Carry.
The Mini Appendix Carry AIWB holster retails for $59.50.
MiniTuck – Similar to the company’s flagship SuperTuck holster, the MiniTuck scales things down for the smaller Naroh N1 pistol. This allows for improved concealment while still retaining the features of the larger IWB holster – including the ability to tuck your shirt in over the top of the gun. This video shows some of the features:
The MiniTuck uses a Kydex shell on a leather backer to combine good retention with all-day comfort in any weather condition. CrossBreed uses a pair of metal belt clips spaced at either end of the leather to better anchor the gun into position and spread the weight of the gun over a wider area. As a guy who has carried many guns in a traditional IWB holster, I speak from experience when I say that this design works to relieve pressure from your hip.
As with the company’s other CCW options, the MiniTuck comes with a lifetime warranty and “Two Week, Try It Free Guarantee.” The leather is available in a number of styles while the Kydex can be had in five different colors. The price of this holster is $67.75.
Modular Belly Band – While I’ve never had much success with the Belly Band concept, many people have. It offers a way to carry a light pistol like the Naroh N1 without the need for a sturdy belt. If you are out jogging in a t-shirt and running shorts, this method of carrying can be a literal lifesaver.
CrossBreed offers a quality version of this concept called the Modular Belly Band. I’ve found this belly band to be superior to others I have tried for several reasons.
First, the company uses high-quality materials instead of cheap elastic that I’ve seen in other products.
Secondly, the rig uses a molded compartment to fit your specific pistol instead of just a loose pouch.
Third, there is a panel that goes over the molded holster for better security and weight distribution.
Lastly, the company includes an integral pouch for a flashlight or spare magazine. Also, there is a removable pouch that can hold additional items like car keys and identification.
At $69.95, this Naroh N1 belly band holster system is affordable – especially when you consider the quality of materials and design.
Purse Defender – While I am not a huge fan of off-body carry, it does have a place for many people. If you need a better way to carry your Naroh pistol in a purse or other shoulder bag, the Purse Defender deserves a close look.
The Purse Defender system combines a rigid panel with a Kydex shell specifically fir to your N1 pistol. The panel is covered in loop material while the Kydex holster has a backing with hook material. Using the hook and loop materials, you can precisely position the pistol in your purse or brief bag.
The complete system is less than $50. If you decide to carry a different pistol like the Smith & Wesson Shield or Glock 43, you can purchase the Kydex portion separately reducing your costs.
SnapSlide – Using the hybrid system of leather and Kydex that CrossBreed is famous for, the SnapSlide is one of the best OWB holsters for the money. The leather backer has slots that can handle all common gun belts and work well to pull your Naroh N1 in close to the body.
CrossBreed offers this open-top holster as shown above or with a sweat guard. The sweat guard extends up to cover the top portion of the pistol. It is offered with full coverage or with a combat cut. The combat cut minimizes the material to provide you with an easier ability to get a full grip on the gun when drawing.
This rig is less than $50 in its standard configuration. You can request a variety of leather materials and Kydex colors for personalization.
SuperTuck – The original holster of the CrossBreed company, the SuperTuck is a tuckable IWB rig for the Naroh N1 pistol. This means you can carry it inside the waistband of your pants and tuck a shirt over the top of it: complete concealment without a jacket of other concealment garment.
The rig uses a large leather backer that is soft against the skin. On the outside of the backer (away from the body) is a Kydex shell that secures your pistol. The goal is to combine the desirable aspects of both leather and Kydex holsters for the Naroh N1.
On the extreme ends of the leather backer are two metal clips. These clips anchor the rig to your gunbelt. They are intentionally spaced far apart from each other to increase the area over which the gun’s weight is distributed. If you are carrying for a long period of time, this helps reduce point pain on your hip or back. You can check out this CrossBreed SuperTuck holster review from my friend Aaron for another perspective on this IWB rig.
The suggested retail price of the CrossBreed SuperTuck is $69.75.
DeSantis Gunhide
DeSantis Gunhide is one fo the old school companies in the holster industry. A family-run company, DeSantis GunHide has been building top quality leather and synthetic rigs for years. My interactions with them have always been positive, and I’ve found their gear to be well built and durable.
I have no reservations in recommending them to anyone needing a quality concealed carry holster.
Apache Ankle Rig – Currently, there are few ankle holsters built specifically for the Naroh N1 pistol. DeSantis Gunhide offers a synthetic rig that is designed to fit a number of different medium-sized compact pistols such as the SIG SAUER P290, KAHR P9 and Kimber Solo. DeSantis advises that this rig will also fit the Naroh pistol.
The Apache is a wide elastic band that stretches over the leg and holds the gun secure with an adjustable thumb strap. It has a sheepskin backing to help pad the leg from the hardness of the gun. The MSRP is $57.99.
Typically, I shy away from “universal fit” holsters, but DeSantis does a good job with these and I’ll take them at their word regarding fit. However, if anyone has issues, please let me know and I will update this entry with the information.
Inside Heat – As described by DeSantis, the Inside Heat is a “bare bones minimum IWB holster.” In other words, it covers the basic need for a reasonably secure holster while still being affordable. It has a belt clip to hold it in place and is open-topped.
The Inside Heat is made from saddle leather, which is not considered to be a top-shelf leather but will work. The price is reasonable with an MSRP of $41.99. It is available in black only.

Mini Scabbard – The Mini Scabbard, pictured above, is a much higher quality carry rig using better leather, durable stitching and more precise molding.
It is an OWB holster for the Naroh N1 that anchors to your belt with a wide, low profile loop that is integral to the holster itself. Extensive stitching ensures the holster will not let loose in normal wear. It can accommodate belts up to 1.75″ wide.
Even with the more precise molding, DeSantis designed the holster with a tension screw to match the holster retention to your need. DeSantis offers this in both black and tan versions.
The Nemesis – One of my personal favorite holsters from DeSantis is The Nemesis. The Nemesis is the best pocket holster for the Naroh N1 on the market today.
DeSantis designed The Nemesis several decades ago, and it has undergone several revisions. The current version is flawless from my experience. It is made from synthetic materials with padding inside of the rig to help break up the outline of the gun.
I’ve found The Nemesis is easy to draw from and always keeps your gun in position. With an MSRP of only $26.99 (limited time: click here for 22% off), it is one of the best holsters on the market for the money. According to DeSantis, this holster is the same model as is used for the Mossberg MC1SC holster.
Sof-Tuck – While I normally speak highly of DeSantis products, this is one of the company’s products that I find hovers near the marginal line. The concept is valid, and there are plenty of people that like it. However, I feel it doesn’t climb to the same standards that many of the other DeSantis rigs do.
The Sof-Tuck is a tuckable, IWB holster for the Naroh pistol. It uses a polymer J-type belt hook that allows you to tuck a shirt over the top of the gun eliminating the need for a jacket or untucked appearance. DeSantis uses saddle leather with good quality stitching. The mouth is reinforced to help prevent it from closing once you draw the N1 pistol. The MSRP is $34.99.
Sof-Tuck 2.0 – A newer version of the Sof-Tuck, I feel it is a step backward. The rig remains tuckable with a polymer C-clip to anchor to the belt. Instead of using saddle leather, the company opted for a less-expensive polyurethane lined leather. In my opinion, this leather feels and looks cheaper. Additionally, it appears there is no molding of the leather to the gun suggesting that retention may be reduced.
It is a dollar cheaper than the original Sof-Tuck. However, for my dollar, I’d stick with the original.
Super Fly – Super Fly is another pocket holster for the Naroh N1 pistol. Compared to The Nemesis (above) it feels thick and bulky.
DeSantis uses a special material on the outside of the Super Fly. The material is tacky and strongly grips the inside of your pocket when drawing the gun to ensure the gun comes out cleanly. The rig also has a removable flap that further breaks up its shape. The problem is I think that all of this makes the rig too bulky for most pocket and most people. Don’t get me wrong – it works. I just think that most people would be better served by The Nemesis.
This holster is $41.99 – significantly more than The Nemesis and the alternatives from other companies. Like The Nemesis, the correct size for the Naroh pistol is the holster made for the Mossberg MC1SC 9mm.
Holster Terms
There is a wide range of holster terms and jargons you might see on this page and others. We’ve assembled a glossary of these terms here.
About the Naroh N1
If you’ve not run across the N1 pistol before, let me catch you up.
The N1 is built by Naroh Arms in Rockledge, Florida. It is a subcompact, single-stack 9mm pistol similar to the Glock 43, Smith & Wesson Shield and the Walther PPS M2. Each magazine holds 7 rounds, giving you a total of 8 shots before a reload is needed.
Designed for concealed carry, the pistol is fairly flat and light allowing you to comfortably keep it with you all day. These guns are in production and are not the vaporware that some pistols become. We should have one for review shortly.
This list was assembled to assist readers in finding the best holster for their Naroh N1 pistol. Neither the author nor GunsHolstersAndGear (GHG) has a financial interest in any of the companies listed or any other holster manufacturer. All of the opinions given on this page are strictly our own.
None of the manufacturers listed paid to be included on the list. None of them are advertisers.
GunsHolstersAndGear.com is an independent, for-profit website. I do not charge readers a dime to access the information I provide.
Some of the links on this page and site are affiliate links to companies like Amazon and Palmetto State Armory. These links take you to the products mentioned in the article. Should you decide to purchase something from one of those companies, I make a small commission.
The links do not change your purchase price. I do not get to see what any individual purchases.
If you have any questions about any of this or would like to see a company or holster added to the page, please let me know.