Ruger SR9c Holsters

“What are my choices when looking for Ruger SR9c holsters?” was a recent request I got via e-mail from a reader. Fortunately for him, and all owners of the SR9c, there are a lot of choices available. I figured there might be other people looking for a new holster for their compact Ruger, so I compiled a small list.

Since that initial time, there have been many new models added to the catalogs of the holster makers. Now, Ruger owners have a huge selection of carry rigs for their favorite pistol. Some of these holsters I have tested in the past or use now. I note those in the article. However, many of them I have not used. So, please leave a note in the comments section below if you have had any experience (good or bad) with a holster for the SR9c.

I cannot stress enough how useful people find feedback from other readers. Please try to include as much detail as possible, and avoid troll-like comments. “This holster sucks” is not as useful as “The holster is made of paper-thin leather, and the dye seeped out and ruined my shirt after just one afternoon.”

Ruger SR9c

Also, if I have missed a company or a model, feel free to add it into the comments section. That will let other readers know about things I have missed. I will also add your suggested scabbards to the full list here.


One of the most popular concealed carry methods is the use of an inside-the-waistband (IWB) holster. These holsters carry the bulk of the pistol inside the waist of the pants, preventing the barrel of the gun from ever showing from under a jacket or other cover garment.

IWB holsters can be made from a variety of materials including leather, Kydex and nylon. Traditionally, leather has been the most popular construction material for IWB holsters. In recent years, Kydex and hybrid holsters that use both leather and Kydex have become quite popular.

Alien Gear Holsters

Alien Gear Holsters makes hybrid rigs that use a Kydex shell to hold the pistol, while a second material is used as a backer the is in contact with the shooter’s skin. The original Cloak Tuck holster is an IWB rig that uses a leather backer. The holsters are tuckable, meaning you can tuck in a shirt over the gun and holster. This rig is very affordable, with pricing starting at $29.88.

The new generation of Cloak Tuck replaces the leather backer with a neoprene backer. Neoprene allows the rig to more closely match the shape of your body, which should increase comfort. It also makes the rig less susceptible to stink. These rigs cost $35.88.


If you are looking for an inexpensive, IWB holster for your SR9c, take a look at the Bianchi Model 6. This is a simple suede leather scabbard that grabs the pants with a steel clip. The holster can be worn on the strong side or in a cross draw location. The suggested retail price is $24.


Two nylon holsters are available for the SR9c from Blackhawk! (yes, the ! is part of the company’s official name.) The first is a simple IWB made of soft, thin nylon laminate with a plastic clip. This holster is better than nothing, but not much more than that. If you can afford it, I suggest looking at other options. The MSRP is $18.99. Click here to get it on Amazon for even less.

The other IWB from Blackhawk! is the Ambidextrous Holster with Mag Pouch (not a terribly imaginative name, is it?) This can be worn as an IWB or as an outside-the-waistband holster if you choose. It can also be worn on the strong or weak side. The suggested retail price is $29.99. However, as you know, it is cheaper if you click here and get it at Amazon.

Bravo Concealment

Bravo Concealment offers an IWB called the D.O.S. (Drop Out of Sight.) The Kydex rig is made to be thin but durable. Belt clips or soft belt loops can both be used on this holster, and the cant is adjustable. One of these will cost you $69.99.


Comp-Tac offers a number of IWB holsters for the Ruger pistol. The first is the Infidel holster. This is a Kydex rig with a traditional look. It is available for both right- and left-handed shooters. It carries a $63 price tag.

Another IWB from Comp-Tac is the popular Minotaur MTAC. This is a hybrid that uses a leather backer with a Kydex shell to secure the pistol. It is a tuckable design. This particular model is very popular with a great number of shooters. The retail price is $90.

CrossBreed Holsters

This is the company that made the hybrid leather-Kydex holsters famous, and the SuperTuck Deluxe is the holster that did it. The incredibly comfortable SuperTuck Deluxe from CrossBreed is made to fit the SR9c and is tuckable. Prices start at $69.75.

A smaller IWB from CrossBreed is the QuikClip. The rig is adjustable so you can modify the cant to your preference. Pricing starts at $66.50.

Dara Holsters

Dara for SR9c

Dara Holsters offers IWB rigs, including tuckables, for the Glock 42. I have one for the S&W M&P Shield that I really like. I can carry it appendix or behind my strong hip all day without problem. I suggest checking them out if you are looking for a Kydex rig.

DeSantis Gunhide

This company offers many holsters made for the Ruger SR9c. Here are the four rigs the company makes in an IWB configuration:

  • SOF-TUCK – The SOF-TUCK is a tuckable style holster that uses a J-clip to hold it in place. It uses a soft suede material rather than full leather. Same size fits the S&W Shield, Walther CCP and SCCY pistols. MSRP $29.99. Amazon price
  • Dual Carry II – This is an inexpensive, black leather holster with an open top. It uses a clip to hold it in place. It can be used as an outside-the-waistband rig also. MSRP $32.99, Amazon price
  • Pro Stealth – For a cheap way to carry a gun and an extra magazine, the Pro Stealth might do the job. It is made of nylon, uses a clip to hold it to the belt and has a small pouch on it for a spare mag. This size will also fit the Glock 26/27, S&W M&P Compact, S&W Shield and other guns. MSRP $38.99. Amazon price
  • Tuck This II – This is a holster similar to the Pro Stealth, but with a J-hook so a shirt can tuck in over it. It carries a spare magazine. MSRP $39.99. Amazon price

Galco Gunleather

Currently, Galco offers only one IWB holster for the SR9c: the KingTuk. The rig is a tuckable design using the popular hybrid construction. The backer material is made of leather, while the rigid portion that actually holds the pistol is made of Kydex. Like many Kydex holsters, the gun is an open top design that relies on the gun lightly snapping into the holster. At the time of this writing, the holster is only available for a right hand carry. The MSRP is $71.95.

Gould & Goodrich

The G&G Model 810 is a traditional-style, all leather IWB that is made of leather and uses a pair of leather straps to affix it to a belt. The holster looks very similar to the classic Summer Special from Milt Sparks (which is an exceptional scabbard, by the way.) Unlike the Summer Special, the Model 810 has a piece of leather that extends up and protects the skin from the hard edges of the gun. The company lists the suggested retail price as $66.11.

Another G&G IWB holster uses a leather body with a metal spring clip. It is the Model 890 and does not have a body shield. The MSRP is $36.37. A black version carries the same price and uses model number B890.


The Safariland Model 27 is an IWB holster that uses a J-hook that means that a belt is required, but any width belt will work. It is available in a plain black finish. The company uses a leather-like material called SafariLaminate that gives the look and feel of leather without the rotting or softening that can be found in low quality leather products. The MSRP is $45.

Talon Holsters

For a lightweight, relatively inexpensive leather IWB holster, take a look at this one from Talon. It uses a metal clip to hold it in place. The rig is only available in black. The MSRP is $49.95.

Talon Ruger holster
Talon Holsters IWB

Appendix Carry

While almost any IWB holster can be used for appendix carry, there are a few designs on the market that are specifically designed for carry in this location. Here are a few that I found.

CrossBreed Holsters

Called Appendix Carry, this IWB holster from CrossBreed uses their popular combination of leather backing and polymer shell to provide a tuckable carry method. In its base configuration, the holster uses a single clip to hold the rig to the pants. The base price is $62.50. Options can push the price up from there.

DeSantis Gunhide

DeSantis SR9c holster

DeSantis offers an IWB that is ideally suited for appendix carry: the Invisible Agent. The holster can be bought with a belt loop or metal clip (I think the clip is better), and it has a series of adjustments to allow it to fit many different pistols including the SR9c. It rides low on the belt and conceals remarkably well. The MSRP is $29.99. Amazon’s price is about half of that.


The most comfortable of all on-body carry methods uses the outside-the-waistband (OWB) holster. These holsters attach to the body along the waistline – typically the belt.

OWB rigs are most often seen as strong side holsters. In other words, they carry the gun on the side of the body the shooter normally will shoot with. Right-handed people will typically carry the gun on the right side of the body.

Alien Gear Holsters

Alien Gear Holsters offers one style of OWB holster called the Cloak Slide. It uses a hybrid system of a Kydex shell to hold the gun that is mounted to a leather rig that attaches to the shooter’s belt. Pricing starts at $29.88.


Bianchi offers one holster for the SR9c as an OWB style. The Model 105, or Minimalist, is a belt slide holster made of leather. The bottom is open, exposing the muzzle. The holster is an open top design, but it has an elastic strap that can go around the top of the pistol to provide additional retention. This would slow the draw, but also prevents the gun from coming out should you become involved in vigorous activity. The holster is available in a dark tan color. The retail price is $54.75.


The folks at Blackhawk! offer a number of several inexpensive nylon holsters for the Ruger SR9c. One of the most basic is the Ambidextrous Flat Belt holster. This is a thumb break rig that attaches to a pant belt. It is set up to adjust to a variety of gun sizes including the Ruger. It is not fancy, but it will get the job done if you are on a budget. The MSRP is $20.99, but can be had for a lot cheaper here.

Blackhawk Pancake holster
Blackhawk! Pancake Holster

Called the Nylon Hip Holster with Thumb Break, this rig is pretty basic, but it offers full coverage of the pistol including protection of the trigger guard. These retail for $25.99, but are significantly less than that at Amazon.

For an inexpensive nylon OWB holster, I like the Blackhawk! Pancake Holster. It offers good coverage, decent retention and the ability to adjust the cant of the draw. The MSRP is only $27.99. Of course, you can click here to get it for even less.

Bravo Concealment

The Patriot from Bravo Concealment is a Kydex OWB holster. They can be converted to an IWB-type holster through the addition of some clips. However, you might want to check out the D.O.S. from the same company if you are looking for an IWB. These can be had in black, pink, OD green, brown, red and flat dark earth. The MSRP is $69.99. (Update: The Patriot is now called the BCA.)

CrossBreed Holsters

The good people of CrossBreed Holsters offers two different OWB holsters for the Ruger SR9c. The first is the SuperSlide. This is a three slot holster that allows the owner to pick which slots to use as to adjust the cant of the draw. The hybrid leather & Kydex construction CrossBreed is known for is used on this rig also. The pricing starts at $52.50.

CrossBreed also offers a less expensive OWB called the SnapSlide. This is a simple strip of leather with belt slots that has a Kydex shell attached. Although it is not fancy, the rig does the job and at only $48.50, it is one of the least expensive CCW rigs the company offers.

DeSantis Gunhide

DeSantis offers seven different OWB styles that attach to the belt for the Ruger SR9c. All of them are leather. They are:

  • Mini Scabbard – This is an open top holster using an inexpensive, unlined leather. It is available in black or tan. MSRP $59.99, Amazon price
  • Dual Carry II – Previously mentioned in the IWB section, this holster can be also be used as an OWB. It is an open top rig and available in black only. MSRP $32.99, Amazon price
  • The E-Gat Slide – Inexpensive, this open top holster has a basic straight draw. I hope you like black because you cannot get it in any other color. MSRP $32.99
  • Thumb Break Mini Slide – A step up in quality from the Mini Scabbard, it uses premium saddle leather with a tight molded fit. It can be had in black or tan. MSRP $69.99
  • Mini Slide – This is an open top version of the above holster with the same color options. MSRP $69.99, Amazon price
  • The L-Gat Slide – Similar to the less expensive E-Gat, the L-Gat uses higher quality leather and comes in both tan and black. MSRP $70.99, Amazon price
  • Simple Slide – This is essentially a strap of black leather that, with a belt, makes a holster. MSRP $15.99, Amazon price

Galco Gunleather

Two Ruger SR9c holsters are available from Galco for OWB carry. The first is the Tac Slide belt holster. This is a belt slide holster with a neutral cant the uses a Kedex shell mounted to a leather backer. It is an open top holster with a MSRP of $45.95.

The Wraith is the other OWB holster from Galco for the Ruger pistol. It has a thumb break for retention, and a slight forward cant for a fast draw. The holster is an all leather design available in black only. The suggested retail price is $35.95. Amazon has them cheaper here.

Gould & Goodrich

Gould & Goodrich offers several very simple OWB holsters for the SR9c. The Model 892-2 is a small pouch shaped scabbard that can be won on either side of the body and inside or outside the body. The holster comes in a brown color. A black version of this holster is Model B892-2. The MSRP for the brown holster is $28. The black is a little cheaper at $26. G&G makes another version of this holster with a sweat shield. This is available only in brown. It retails for $38.


One of the best OWB options from Safariland – or anyone else – is the 578 Pro-Fit holster that I reviewed here. This is a Bill Rogers designed, open-top rig that fits not only the SR9c, but more than 100 other pistols also. Read the review for all of the information.

For a close-fitting, minimal style holster, it is tough to beat the Safariland Model 527. Made of the company’s proprietary SafariLaminate, this holster is durable and light. It is an open top and open bottom design. Retention is accomplished by a molded detent on the trigger guard. The holster is available in black only. The MSRP is $47.

The Model 567 and Model 569 holsters are designed to fit a wide variety of handguns including the SR9c. There are six sizes, and the one that fits the SR9c also fits the full-size SR9 and the Model 19 & 23 size Glock pistols. The holsters are made of a black synthetic material called SafariLaminate. It looks a lot like leather, but doesn’t rot or smell like wet leather can. The M567 uses belt loops while the M569 uses a clip to attach to the owner’s belt. Both models carry an MSRP of $48. The Model 567 is cheaper here, and the Model 569 is cheaper here.

Simply Rugged Holsters

Simply Rugged Holsters is a custom leather shop based in Prescott, AZ. I’ve read positive reviews about them online, but I have never had the chance to test one of their rigs myself. I found three holsters on their website that are fit for the SR9c: the Cuda, DEFCON 3 and CID.

  • Cuda – The Cuda is a three-slot, pancake style leather holster named in honor of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. Somewhere along the line she picked up the nickname “barracuda.” There are a wide variety of options available on this rig including the ability to convert it to an IWB style. The Cuda is one of the few holsters on the market that can be had for a SR9c with a Crimson Trace Laserguard attached. The base price is $66. IWB conversion costs an additional $15.
  • DEFCON 3 – This is another pancake-style holster that can be converted to IWB carry. In fact, it comes with the IWB parts standard. Like the Cuda, it can also be made for the pistol outfitted with the Crimson Trace laser. The base price is $100.
  • CID – This is a bikini style holster, meaning a lot of gun shows above and below the rig. However, the bang switch is still covered to help prevent any negligent discharges. Like the others from Simply Rugged Holsters, there are a lot of custom options available. The base price is $50.

The company’s website is easy to navigate, though there is a hitch in the ordering process. Each holster has a drop down menu for selecting the gun for which you want the rig made. That’s pretty standard. However, most of the menus are NOT in alphabetical order. So, in some cases, you have to scroll through dozens of choices carefully scanning for the gun in the jumbled mix. I really like the look of these rigs, but I wonder how many sales they have lost because people couldn’t find their gun in the lists?

Cross Draw Holsters

Some OWB holsters are designed to be carried on the weak or reaction side of the body. Cross draw was a popular form of carry with many people until the latter part of the 20th Century. However, the method is still considered very valid for anyone who spends a lot of time sitting in a car.

Paddle Holsters

Paddle holsters are a type of OWB carry. They use a wide piece of leather or plastic that slides inside the pants and secures the rig in place so a belt is not needed. Many people like these holsters because they are quick to put on or take off. Since they are so popular, I broke these out into a subcategory for people.


Comp-Tac offers an OWB paddle holster for the SR9c. The holster is made of polymer and is an open top style. It can be had in either a straight (neutral) cant or with the FBI (15Ëš) cant. You can get these in different colors including black, red, digital desert camo and more. The retail price is $65.


The Model 568 is a paddle holster very similar to the Model 567 above. There are six different sizes of holsters to fit more than 180 different pistols. The model that fits the SR9c also fits the Glock 19 and full size SR9 pistols. Safariland’s suggested retail price is $53. Click here to get if for a lot less at Amazon.

I think the Safariland 578 Pro-Fit is the best paddle holster on the market for the Ruger SR9c. Check out my review of the holster here.


Many people may find the SR9c is too large for ankle carry. Nevertheless, there are a few ankle rigs on the market for this gun. If you’ve got the leg (and pants) big enough, take a look at these.


Blackhawk! offers an ankle holster based on the Uncle Mike’s design. I know these were being built in the USA, while the Uncle Mike’s products were being made overseas. I do not know if Blackhawk! is still making these in the USA. According to the company, Size 16 should fit the Ruger SR9c. The MSRP for the holster is $39.99. Click here for the cheaper Amazon price.

DeSantis Gunhide

The Apache Ankle Rig is a wide elastic band backed with sheepskin for a soft surface against the leg. The outside of the band has a nylon holster with a thumb break to hold the SR9c. The same holster will also fit the S&W Shield, Springfield XD-S and other small to medium sized pistols.

These rigs are popular with many people, though I have not had a chance to try one myself. The MSRP is $54.99, but Amazon has them much cheaper.

Pocket Holsters

Carrying a pistol in your pocket is a great way to conceal a handgun, yet have it readily accessible in an emergency. Even though the SR9c is a bit large for my tastes to carry in a pocket, there are options available to you if you wish to carry it there.

DeSantis Gunhide

DeSantis offers the Nemesis and SuperFly pocket holsters for the Ruger pistol. I’ve carried guns in both of them, and they are great holsters. I prefer the Nemesis, which is both less bulky and slightly cheaper. However, the SuperFly does have a sticky exterior that helps keep the rig in the pocket when the gun is drawn. As with several of the company’s other products, this holster will fit several firearms in addition to the SR9c. (Specifically: most Kahr pistols, Glock 42, KelTec PF9 and SIG P290.)

The Nemesis has a retail price of $24.99, but is cheaper with free shipping at Amazon. The Super Fly holster retails for $38.99, but is more than $15 cheaper at Amazon.


Can one talk about shoulder holsters and not make a Miami Vice reference? I suppose not. The fact is shoulder holsters have been popular with some people for a very long time. Fortunately, there are several companies making them for the SR9c. Here are the ones I know about.


I’ve never run a nylon shoulder rig. I know they should work fine, but I just happen to prefer leather for this. That said, Blackhawk! is known for quality products, so I would expect the Angle Draw Shoulder Holster to work great for many people. The holster portion is adjustable, so it will fit the SR9c plus a lot of other guns.

The rig is completely adjustable. It also comes with a double magazine pouch, which balances out the rig when carried and gives you a lot more ammo should you need it. The MSRP of $61.99 is pretty reasonable, but it is even cheaper here.


The Safariland Gun Quick shoulder holster (model 1090) is designed to be a universal fit style rig. According to the company, this shoulder holster will fit more than 90 different pistols including the SR9c. The rig is also ambidextrous, meaning it can be worn on either the left or right sides. The full retail price is $125, though it is nearly $50 cheaper on Amazon.

Everything Else

There are a lot of innovative ways of carrying a gun that do not fit into one of the traditional holster styles. These include belt pouches, purses and off-body carry. Sometimes carrying your Ruger pistol off of the body is the best, or perhaps only, way of being armed. That might mean the gun is in a purse, folio or other object that disguises the contents.


Blackhawk! offers a belt pouch holster. It is sort of a modern day fanny pack. It is constructed of black nylon and attaches to your belt. The bag can be opened without displaying your pistol, so it can be used to carry things like your keys, wallet and money if you are out for a hike or run. The MSRP is $47.99, but of course Amazon has it for less.

Blackhawk! also offers a Day Planner Holster. This is a clutch that looks like a zipped up personal organizer. In the era of the smart phone, I don’t know how popular the day planners may still be, but I would imagine that anyone could effectively hide a gun in plain view using this rig. Black is the only color available. The MSRP is $69.99. Check here for a better price.

CrossBreed Holsters

CrossBreed offers a holster called the Ohai. Essentially, it is a leather backer trimmed closely to the size of the Kydex shell that retains the SR9c pistol. The holster is designed as a replacement for the cheap holster inserts found in many concealed carry backpacks, purses and other bags. Also, the unit works with the company’s Bedside Backup (attaches to your bed) and RAM mount. The RAM is an adjustable arm that mounts to any flat surface, such as the underside of your desk or the front counter of your business.

Galco Gunleather

Hidden Agenda

Galco has traditionally been willing to experiment with various forms of off-body carry. Two of these options for the SR9c are the Hidden Agenda and the iDefense.

The Hidden Agenda is a day planner-type carrier. Unlike cheaper products that look like a planner, this one actually functions as one in addition to concealing a firearm. It comes with a Day Runner calendar and a pad of ruled paper. It is makes of the same leather used in the company’s purses and is padded. The Hidden Agenda comes in one size and is available in both brown and black. The MSRP is $169.95. Click here for Amazon’s much cheaper price.

The iDefense is an extremely functional iPad carrying case that has a built-in compartment for concealing your Ruger pistol and spare magazine. Like the Hidden Agenda above, the iDefense is available in both brown and black. It is made of the same high quality leather as well. The suggested retail price is also $169.95.

Gould & Goodrich

The Body Guard (size 2) is an elastic body band that can be worn around the torso. It has a dark tan color. Pricing varies from $54.03 to $62.14 depending on the size.

Purse Carry

While there are many forms of off-body carry, one of the more popular types for women is purse carry. There are several companies that make dedicated purse holsters that have special compartments for the pistol. By having a separate compartment, the gun will remain readily available and not have a bunch of other stuff piled onto it.

Galco Gunleather

Galco offers a number of women’s handbags with a concealed carry purpose. Here are the current models they offer:

  • Meridian: Available in both chocolate brown and black, these glove-tanned leather purses offer a center compartment for concealing a pistol. A magnetic closure allows a woman to easily access the pistol from the outside of the purse in a fast and discreet manner. The MSRP is $319.95. Amazon has them cheaper.
Galco Meridian
Galco Meridian
  • Metropolitan: More than a purse, but more stylish than a briefcase, the Metropolitan is an executive’s choice for bringing everything you need – including a Ruger SR9c – to work. The bag is made of water-resistant micro fiber nylon with leather handles and accents. The suggested retail price is $299.95. It is about $60 cheaper on Amazon.
Galco Metropolitan
Galco Metropolitan
  • Pandora: This is a full leather shoulder bag that offers a lot of storage beyond the concealed handgun pocket. The purse can be had in tan with yellow brass hardware, or in dark brown or black with nickel plated brass hardware. The MSRP is $339.95, while Amazon offers them for a lot less.
Galco Pandora
Galco Pandora
  • Soltaire: This is a hobo-style bag available in black or brown leather. It has a very wide shoulder strap for comfort of carry. Although it is the least expensive Galco purse holster, it still uses high quality construction techniques and good full grain leather. The retail price is $172.95. As you might suspect, you can click here to get them much cheaper.
Galco Soltaire
Galco Soltaire
  • PAX: This shoulder bag was developed in conjunction with self-defense author Paxton Quigley. A number of people have said this is the best looking purse in the Galco line. I can’t say I am an expert on purses, but I think it is a good looking bag. Galco lists this bag at $299.95. At the time of this writing, the best price on them is on the Galco website where they are on sale for $239.96. I do not know how long the discounted price will be good.
Galco PAX
Galco PAX
  • Wisteria: The final bag offered by Galco is the Wisteria. This handbag is a stylish black or brown suede with nickel hardware. I like the look of it, but I’m not exactly an expert on women’s fashions. The MSRP is $299.95. Click here to get the best price.
Galco Wisteria
Galco Wisteria

DeSantis Gunhide

DeSantis sells a gun purse cleverly called the Hide and Chic. It is a black shoulder bag made of soft garment leather. The gun is accessible from the end. The MSRP is $229.99. Click here for a much cheaper price at Amazon.

Hide and Chic holster purse

Last Update: October 19, 2022

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12 replies on “Ruger SR9c Holsters”

Never had a handgun before – just .22 LR & shotgun. But in todays world at age 72 I bought for our protection a Glock 26 Gen 4 9mm and a Ruger SR9c 9mm, got my CC & practicing & training before I CC. I have a Blackhawk Belt & Paddle holster for my Glock that I like but it is not very concealable. Just got the newest Alien IWB for both guns; but having trouble wearing them, both for comfort and re-holstering – especially if I carry either gun near or over my hip pocket. At my age I am not as flexible as I use to be. The big thing with the Alien holsters is re-holstering is virtually impossible for me. Hope someone reading this has some help & ideas using the Blackhawk or the Alien holsters. I have a preference to carry the Ruger rather than the Glock. Thanks…!

Hi Ron,

Thanks for taking the time to visit the site. If you have not already tried this, see if the Alien holster will work for you forward of the strong side hip in the appendix position – around the 1 and 2 o’clock area of the waist. Some people really like carrying in this location, while others do not.

I would think that it might be easier to draw from that location since you mentioned limited flexibility. It might be a little more difficult to conceal here, though, depending on how the holster is set up.



Richard: Thanks. Tried it at about the 3 o’clock area. Three issues. Not very concealed ; when I sit down the end of the Ruger hits my leg pushing up in to my side/stomach; and an auto seat belt will most likely be a problem although I did not try it. I have Blackhawk SERPA for my Glock 26. It came with the paddle. I find this paddle comfortable to wear – at least for a while I tried it around the house including sitting; but not easily concealed. I really thought the Alien holster would work! Maybe I will eventually find the right place. But darn they are hard putting on! Also, at my age with some prostrate issues; going to the bathroom more often could be a real issue with CC! Also, putting the Ruger back in the holster was, for the few times I tried, impossible without doing what I had to do to initially put it on – because the leather/plus underside part of the holster bends in to the area where the Ruger goes making it impossible to re-holster. But if I do not keep my belt tight, the holster sags! Must be my “figure”! Ha!

Hey Ron, I know what you are going through with the alien gear holster I also have the same one. One thing I found that works for me on re holstering, is that when I go to re holster I will drop the back of the gun down below the top of the sweat pad that bends in the way of the holster. Then I will push against it and pull up at the same time until the end of the barrel slips over the end of the kydex and then push it in to the holster. You might have to practice it to get the hang of it. I hope I explained it good enough for you.

I carry the SR9c daily and my go-to IWB holster is the PJ Holster. He is a small holster maker that makes what I consider the most comfortable and simple holster I have tried. You can google the name and find him. I have tried the Alien Gear, and N82 IWB holsters and find any of those style of designs to be too bulky. My next purchase is a OWB leather holster that work with the Crimson Trace and I am leaning toward the Simply Rugged Cuda that you reviewed. Thanks for providing these kind of reviews.

Do you happen to know if anyone makes an active retention holster for OWB carry? I am looking but cannot find one.

I have a Crossbreed and a MTOHOLSTER for my SR9C both function well. I like the MTO better though. Its made sturdier, doesnt have those telltale metal clips with the cross, and it was about half the price of the Crossbreed.

I have a Kholster holster which sadly it looks like they went out of business. It’s a great holster. I recently picked up a Alien Cloak Tuck 2 for my son in law and it ‘s a great fitting holster that is pretty comfortable and hold the gun secure

An excellent compilation of options. Just bought the SR9c and was having a hard time finding a decent holster. Think I’ll go with the Alien Gear. Thanks!

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