Knives are an integral part of any firearms owner’s life. A good knife is a tool for so many tasks – from opening boxes to skinning a deer, to self-defense. Here are some of the knife reviews we have done recently.
Bear Grylls Ultimate Survival Knife – Too often, a “name” attached to a blade means inferior quality. While this knife is not for every outdoorsman, we did find it was better than we thought it would be. If you are looking for a survival knife, you could do a lot worse than this one.
Blackhawk Be-Wharned Knife – The term ‘tactical folder’ gets thrown around a lot, and it has become largely meaningless due to all of the mall ninjas calling their $4.95 Walmart knife “tactical.” However, this Michael Janich designed blade is a serious tactical/self-defense tool. It is wicked sharp and fits the hand great.
Browning Black Label Shadowfax Review – If you want a high-end, fixed-blade knife for hunting and other outdoor activities, take a look at this offering from Browning. It will not be for everybody, but it might be for you.
CRKT Foresight Knife – Columbia River Knife and Tool offers some nice blades at reasonable prices. This one is a Ken Onion-designed knife. Onion is well known in the blade community, and this one has a number of his design details.
Gerber Swagger Knife – Any blade called Swagger is sure to catch the attention of the knife-buying public. Gerber proves why they remain one of the more popular knife companies with this blade. It is a winner.
Kershaw Asset Knife – Kershaw makes a wide range of folding knives that are of good quality, yet are at a price point that budget-constrained enthusiasts can still manage. I’ve owned a number of Kershaw knives, and I have always been pleased with their long service life.
Kershaw Compound Review – The Compound is one of my standard knock-around knives. It has a good blade on it and the opening action is smooth and positive. If you need a general-purpose knife that won’t destroy your wallet, you should check out this review.
S&W ExtremeOps CK5TBS Knife – Smith & Wesson will lend its name to virtually anything that will bring them some royalty cash. This knife is one example of that. However, the knife isn’t all bad, and as a dirt-cheap folder, it does pretty well.

Knife Review Information
Although focuses mainly on firearms and shooting gear, we consider blades to be an integral part of a gun owner’s life. So, we include the discussion of knives, blades and other edged weapons on the site.
A good work knife should be carried at all times. The exact kind will depend on your normal needs. I spend a lot of time working in the yard and opening packing boxes. My needs will be different from the doctor who spends most of his time in an office or the mechanic who is working in a shop all day.
Many of the knives we review have an outdoor or survival bend to them. However, we also cover quite a few daily folders and self-defense blades. If you have any specific requests, please let us know about them.