The Smith & Wesson ExtremeOps CK5TBS knife is an inexpensive knife designed to clip to your pocket and open one handed. Priced at less than $11 (street price), the ExtremeOps fits the budget of almost anyone needing a good quality knife for general use. But does the S&W ExtremeOps deliver the quality necessary to make this a good value? I believe it does.
As stated above, the ExtremeOps is a folding knife with a pocket carry clip that is designed to be opened with only one hand. My knife had a 3 1/4″ blade featuring a sharp Tanto-style tip, with serrations on the last 1 1/4″. The black finish on the blade has a very rich color that I found to be pleasing. The blade on my ExtremeOps knife was very sharp.

The blade has a stud set into it to allow one handed opening. I found that the stud did not catch on any clothing or otherwise hinder drawing the knife from a pocket. However, I did find that the stud seemed too small for my hands, as I had some difficulty in opening the blade one-handed initially. I did develop a technique that allowed me to open the blade reliably with only one hand. However, I could never make the ExtremeOps knife open as quickly as I could one of my Benchmade or Spyderco knives.
The handle of the knife is skeletonized metal with large and small holes. The metal has a light texture, which is non abrasive to clothing, but does not add much to the user’s grip. The black finish seemed very tough, and did not chip or wear during use.

The pocket clip is attached by three Torx screws. Also black, the clip did show significant signs of wear after light use. The clip kept the knife securely attached to my pocket throughout the day while working, runnning, and sitting.

The blade locking mechanism is the side lever inside the handle. While this is not my preferred lock method, it worked flawlessly in the S&W ExtremeOps.

Knives are very useful tools. Like most tools there are high quality and low quality knives that range from very expensive down to dirt cheap. I own several very good knives, but I also like to have a number of inexpensive knives around to handle most chores that come up. The Smith & Wesson ExtremeOps knife is better than the other knives I have handled around this price, and I found it to be a great value. If you are looking for a working knife, not an heirloom, then this knife will likely satisfy your needs.
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