Optics and Sighting Systems

Crimson Trace LG-441 Lasergrips for NAA Guardian Pistols

Crimson Trace released a new model of Lasergrips, the LG-441, that fits the compact semi-auto Guardian from North American Arms. The new Lasergrips fit the .380 and .32NAA Guardian models.

The LG-441 has a front activation button that is located near the top of the front of the grip itself and is instinctively activated with the middle finger of the shooter. When you grip the gun as if to fire, the laser aiming device automatically activates. When you loosen your grip, the laser shuts off. It is arguably the easiest activation method yet devised.

Crimson Trace LG-441

They have been ergonomically designed to increase comfort and control of these small firearms while shooting. There is a slight palm swell on the right side of the grip that gives you the feel that the small gun is actually bigger than it is. This feature helps to hold the gun more securely while pointing and firing.

“The 441 has the smallest profile of any Lasergrip to date,” said Adam Wollander, VP of Sales and Marketing. “The engineering department has truly opened up the future to miniaturization of our products to make them even more compact.”

The entire grip except for the activation area is molded from a hard polymer to decrease drag while drawing the small semi-auto from a pocket or holster. As with all other Lasergrips, the LG-441 has both windage and elevation adjustments for shooters to make sighting adjustments on their own. All Lasergrips come with an accessory pack that contains batteries, hex wrenches for user adjustability, a cleaning cloth and several cleaning swabs. A three-year warranty is standard.

MSRP on this model is $279.00.

Second Amendment Issues Self-Defense Issues

D.C. vs Heller: Supreme Court Strikes Down Handgun Ban

In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled the District of Columbia’s draconian handgun ban is unconstitutional. Specifically, the Court held that “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.”

The Court also states that “The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment. The District’s total ban on handgun possession in the home amounts to a prohibition on an entire class of “arms” that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the lawful purpose of self-defense.”


DeWalt AR-15 Nail Gun: Great Gag!

For those of you that have not yet seen it, meet the DeWalt AR-15 nail gun.

Someone released a photo of their AR-15 rifle made up as a DeWalt nail gun. Personally, I love the originality behind it. As one forum poster observed, maybe it should be called a DeWalt ‘Tack Driver’.

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When I originally posted this DeWalt AR-15 nail gun several years ago, I had no idea it would become such a popular post. It has actually become one of the most read pages on the website. I still chuckle about how viral this photo has gone.

Dewalt AR15

Also, if you have not already done so, please read through the comments on this thread and join in on the discussion about this rifle. There is quite a bit of lively chatter regarding its status as an M16, M4 or AR15. Also, which version of which gun… for example: if it is an M4, is it an M4A2 or M4A3. I find it all humorous, and I hope you do as well.

I’m curious: have you ever done anything like this to dress up your gun? Would you consider a Black & Decker paint scheme? How about a Chevy or Ford styling? The truth is a lot of people like to customize their firearms to give them a unique feel and flair.

Gun companies have cashed in on this in the past, creating limited or special edition runs of some firearms. You may have seen some manufacturers rolling out everything from Texas commemoratives to zombie guns. Sometimes these guns carry some collector value, but mostly they are simply an option for someone that wants to stand out from the crowd. Since many gun owners are independent-minded, adding a little flair to their rifles makes sense.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to dress up one of your guns? Would you be willing to buy a limited run rifle with an unusual paint scheme?


Thanks to one of our readers for sharing this video of the gun in action:

If you watch the video, you can see the gun is capable of full-auto fire. Hopefully, that will help settle some of the arguments in the comments section.

Special note for all of those who have been e-mailing me – I’ve got the Glock 19 holster page up now.


Smith and Wesson M&P15R: 5.45×39 Rifle and Upper

The new Smith and Wesson M&P15R is a rifle chambered in 5.45×39. S&W developed this new AR variant due to the rising costs of .223/5.56 NATO ammunition. The 5.45×39 cartridge was developed for the AK-74 rifle in the early 1970s.

Few guns in made the United States are chambered for it, and consequently, surplus ammo is comparatively cheap. The 5.45×39 is not interchangeable with the 5.56×45 NATO (or .223 Remington) cartridge which is the standard cartridge AR-15 platform rifles.


Charter Arms Patriot Revolvers in .327 Federal Magnum

The Charter Arms Patriot was a short-lived line of revolvers chambered for the .327 Federal Magnum. In all, three Patriot models were manufactured between 2008 and 2011. The three models were the standard model, the Target Patriot and the Crimson Patriot.

Let’s dig into this line of handguns.