
Smith & Wesson Income and Sales Above Expectations

Smith & Wesson, one of just a few publicly traded gun companies, released a statement announcing preliminary sales and profit data for the second quarter of fiscal year 2013. The numbers were a significant improvement compared to the same time one year ago and beat previous expectations for this quarter.

According to S&W, net sales were up $44 million, or about 48%, compared to the second quarter of fiscal year 2012. Net income is expected to be between $0.23 and $0.24 per diluted share, which is above the company’s prior guidance of $0.19 to $0.21, and well above last year’s $0.01 per share.


Heizer Defense vs DoubleTap Defense

It looks like there is a storm brewing in one corner of the firearms industry. Let me explain…

I was sitting outside the main hall at the 2012 NASGW Expo working on an article when I was approached by a man asking if I was in the media. When I said “yes,” the man introduced himself as Jim Bruchas, the director of sales for Heizer Defense. The next few minutes reminded me that even in such a friendly industry as the gun business, feelings can get hurt and egos bruised.

For those not already familiar, Heizer Defense was, until recently, associated with DoubleTap Firearms, the developers of the DoubleTap two-shot pistol. DoubleTap Firearms issued a press release in October announcing a parting of ways between the two companies, stating that Heizer’s inability to manufacture the DoubleTap pistol prompted the split. After the split, DoubleTap Firearms changed names to DoubleTap Defense and partnered with Azimuth Technology to make the DoubleTap pistol.


Hornady’s New .32 H&R Magnum Critical Defense Load

The Critical Defense .32 H&R Magnum is another self defense load announced by Hornady at the 2012 NASGW show last week. Designed for any revolver chambered for the .32 H&R Magnum, the ammunition performs equally as well in .327 Federal Magnum revolvers also.

This load uses an 80 grain FTX bullet. The FTX bullet is a polymer tipped hollowpoint that has proven to be very successful in both self defense and hunting applications. A friend who uses the Hornady Leverevolution .30-30 ammo with an FTX bullet tells me the wound channel they create is unbelievable. These rounds use the same bullet technology.

Hornady .32 H&R Magnum Ammunition

Velocity is listed as 1150 fps at the muzzle. I did not see what kind of barrel was used, but I suspect it was a 4″ test barrel based on other Hornady tests. So, if you have a shorter barrel gun, expect less velocity. At 1150 fps, the bullet generates 235 ft-lbs of energy.


Weatherby Vanguard Back Country Rifles

Weatherby announced they will be producing the new Vanguard 2 Back Country rifles in 2013. The Back Country rifles feature many of the same features found in other Weatherby rifles, but the guns are designed with an eye toward reliability in rugged, off-the-beaten-path areas.

First of all, the rifles are lightweight, coming in at just 6.75 pounds. This is critical for anyone who has to carry their gun over long distances, especially in rugged regions with significant elevation changes.

Weatherby Stock

The Back Country’s stock is synthetic with spiderweb accents. The stock is pillar bedded and in the Monte Carlo form. The butt end of the stock is topped by a Pachmayr Decelerator pad to assist with absorbing recoil.


Hornady .38 Special Critical Defense Lite Ammo

For 2013, Hornady is introducing a reduced recoil .38 Special load in the Critical Defense line of ammunition. The Critical Defense Lite is a light weight .38 load loaded to standard pressures specifically designed to minimize abuse to the shooters of small, light revolvers.

Seemingly everyone carries a snub nose revolver in their pocket. I’ve got a J-frame Smith & Wesson in mine as I write this. They are easy to carry and have numerous advantages when compared to other guns and style of carry. But, small revolvers carry at least one significant disadvantage: recoil. That’s where the Critical Defense Lite comes into play.