Second Amendment Issues

McDonald v. Chicago: A Unique Perspective?

The McDonald v. Chicago decision was released on Monday. I purposely avoided the news and other blogs so I could read the entire opinion with a fresh and open mind. And, that is how I have written this look at McDonald.

I’m sure most of the other gun blogs have gotten basics of the story right: McDonald incorporates the Second Amendment and Heller to the states via the due process clause, the gun bans in Chicago and Oak Park are illegal, and the decision was a 5-4 split. But there are some other interesting aspects of this case that I will explore, and I hope this will provide a different perspective.


Gripwell Review for AR-15

Recently, I received a new product for review. Called the Gripwell, the polymer shell assembles to form a dedicated holding location on the magazine well of the AR-15 rifle. It also incorporates a mag funnel to help speed reloads.

So, how did it work? Was it easy to install? Let’s take a look.

General Information

Don’t Kill Yourself: Gun Safety Tips

I feel the need to review the rules of gun safety with my readers. Not that I think any of you don’t know them. Actually, I think most of you could recite them in your sleep.

I’m more concerned about people who get so comfortable with guns, they no longer respect what they can do. The moment you don’t respect the lethality of a firearm, and fail to follow the rules, you will most assuredly find yourself in a bad way.

Some of you know that I am a full-time cop with an urban agency in Florida. Well, the first call out of the gate yesterday was for a real “gun guy” who failed to follow the rules. The good news is he lived. The bad news is he may not be able to use his left hand…or what’s left of it…after this little gun handling faux pau. A .357 Magnum will do that, you know.

Let me try to explain the damage that one casual disregard of the rules made. I don’t have photos for you, so I can only hope my words are enough to impress upon you to pay attention!


Father’s Day Gift Ideas for the Gun Enthusiast

Father’s Day is June 20, 2010. Looking for a gift idea for your gun-enthusiast father? Here are a few ideas…

$25 or Less

Para-Cord Survival Bracelet – The survival bracelets enable you to carry several feet of Para-Cord that can be used in an emergency for countless survival applications. Basically, every inch of your wrist diameter equals approximately one foot of Para-Cord. The bracelets use 5/8″ curved side release buckles for maximum comfort, convenience and strength. With over 40 different Para-Cord colors and over 1,500 possible color combinations, you are sure to find a color combination to suit your liking. Price? Only $14.95.

The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery by Massad Ayoob - This book is loaded with essential information to help you survive a violent encounter with a hardened criminal. Ayoob is the foremost legal expert on the use of arms for self defense in the US. This book is a great read, and a must have by anyone who carries a gun for protection. This book is $16.49 through Amazon.


Taurus 380 Revolver

The new Taurus M380 is a 380 revolver. Yes, that’s right a wheel gun chambered for the rimless .380 ACP cartridge.

380 revolver

I love the panache of Taurus. They aren’t afraid to try new things, and they can often start a little stir in the industry. Who would have thought the original Judge would sell well, much less spawn specialty ammo and a whole series of revolvers based on the idea.

“It’s the neatest little gun you’ve seen in a long time,” said Bob Morrison of Taurus USA. Morrison appeared on the May 30, 2010 broadcast of Tom Gresham’s GunTalk radio program.

Since then, the revolver has been released and we have all of the specifications on the new handgun.

The Taurus 380 revolver is in the company’s Ultra-Lite line of handguns, and it comes in two finishes: stainless steel and black. Otherwise, the two guns appear to be identical.