Need a pair of hunting boots? Take a look at this review of the Remington RF-05 hunting boots. These Remington boots are an all-purpose 8″ leather hunting boot. The RF-05 has a Max-Dri waterproof liner, making these boots a good choice in all weather conditions.
Radians, who manufactures these boots under license, sent me a pair of these boots for review. When I first pulled this pair of boots out of the box, I was immediately impressed by the look and style of them. The leather has a rich brown color, and a pleasant feel.
The boots were comfortable to put on, and sized correctly. I wear a 10 1/2, and these fit exactly right. With a thicker winter sock, I would suggest looking at a 1/2 size larger boot.

The laces seem a little thinner than other boot laces, but they seemed strong enough for regular use in the field. The upper part of the boots had speed lace loops, allowing for easy lacing up and removing of the boots.
Wearing the boots in the field, I found them to be comfortable with very little break in needed. The soles gave very good support.
Additionally, the ankle support was excellent. I have the awful tendency to ‘roll’ my ankles. These Remington RF-05 boots fully supported my ankles, and I had no problems while wearing these in the woods.

The waterproof liner worked as advertised. I found a few puddles to stand in, and the water never got to my feet. If you have ever been in the field with wet feet, you know how miserable that can quickly become. I rarely wear any boots into the woods that are not waterproof for that reason.
Overall, I really liked these boots. They look good and are comfortable to wear. As a general purpose hunting or field boot, I think they are worth a look. They would certainly go well with the Field & Stream HydroProof gear that Aaron reviewed here. The suggested retail price of the Remington RF-05 is $129.99.

(Ed. note: This review was written in 2009. Since then, these boots have been discontinued. I’d also like to think that my writing has improved since then.
For what it is worth, I still own these boots. They continue to look and wear great.)