Crimson Trace manufactures high-quality red laser aiming devices for a wide range of self-defense pistols and revolvers. The Crimson Trace LG-401 is the lasergrip aiming device for the Government and Commander sized 1911 pistols.
The LG-401 replaces the grip panels with the Crimson Trace lasergrips. The red laser emitting diode, sits above the right grip panel and is activated by a switch that wraps around the front of the magazine well. When you obtain a shooting grip, you naturally activate the laser when you are ready to fire.
The laser is easily adjustable by the user; it does not need to be installed by a professional gunsmith. Trust me – if I can do this (and I can,) anyone can.

Crimson Trace lasergrips are used by a wide variety of law enforcement and military organizations and are generally considered to be very rugged. The LG-401 is no different, offering the same reliability found in all of the Crimson Trace products. This can be carried on duty by law enforcement officers and military servicemen.
I have shot a number of pistols and revolvers wearing the Crimson Trace lasergrips. They fit my hand well and the laser actuation is easy and natural. No switches to fumble with.
The only issue I have with Crimson Trace laser is the use of red lasers. In low light conditions, they work great. Unfortunately, in bright conditions you are not likely to ever see the red aiming spot. For example, if you are outdoors on a sunny day, you will not be able to use the CT lasergrips to aim. While you can still use the gun’s standard sights, if you have extensively trained with the laser, but no the irons, you may not revert to the proper sighting technique when the pressure is on.
This Crimson Trace Lasergrips product is a great addition to anyone’s 1911 if they are needing a laser aiming device. These have gotten very positive reviews in recent years. Until they start making green lasers, this is one of the top-quality choices available for shooters today.
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