
Ruger Updates the SR-556 Takedown

Ruger quietly updated the SR-556 Takedown rifle during Christmas week. The main, and perhaps only, change to the gun was the replacement of the heavy quad-rail handguard with a lighter KeyMod type. The quad-rail equipped rifle tipped the scales at 7.6 pounds, while the new one shaves off a full half-pound to drop the rifle’s weight to only 7.1.

Ruger SR556 Takedown profile

The front end felt a bit heavy on the original gun, so I am glad that Ruger decided to upgrade the gun with a KeyMod handguard. Dropping ½ pound will definitely be an improvement.


Daniel Defense Releases New 300 BLK SBR

Daniel Defense announced the company is now selling a new short barrel rifle (SBR) chambered in 300 BLK. The gun is called the DDM4 300S.

According to the company, the gun was designed for “those demanding a high-performance, short barrel rifle chambered in the versatile 300 Blackout cartridge.” As with all of the company’s rifles, the new 300S looks good and sounds like it will be a solid performer.


Savage Rifles in 338 Federal

Savage Arms announced the company is now shipping the six new rifles chambered for the 338 Federal cartridge that were announced at the SHOT Show. These rifles are a welcome addition to the list of guns chambered for the cartridge.

If you’ve already purchased one, please give us a range report in the comments section below. I’ve not had a chance to handle one of these and would love to get your opinions on it.

For the rest of you, let me quickly highlight some of the features and details of these new guns…


Tromix Siamese M16: Twin Barrels, Full Auto

Looking for a good time? Tromix Lead Delivery Systems can usually deliver. The company is often experimenting with gun projects that just plain look fun. The latest creation is called the Siamese M16.

Make sure you check out the videos further down in this article.


Savage Arms A17: Semi-Auto 17 HMR Rifle

At the recent SHOT Show, Savage Arms announced a new semi-automatic rifle chambered for the .17 HMR round. The new Savage A17 rifle was specifically designed for the .17 HMR, so it is expected to avoid the problems that Remington experienced with the 597 rifles.

Let’s take a look at the new A17 rifles…