In another exclusive contract with Lipsey’s, Ruger is making a limited run of single-action Bisley 44 Magnum revolvers. The new handguns feature a stainless steel finish and a 3 3/4″ barrel.
Limited Edition: Ruger Bisley 44 Magnum

In another exclusive contract with Lipsey’s, Ruger is making a limited run of single-action Bisley 44 Magnum revolvers. The new handguns feature a stainless steel finish and a 3 3/4″ barrel.
The Ruger 10/22 Takedown is a new rifle that allows the shooter to break it down for compact storage with a quick twist of the barrel. Take down rifles are simply long guns that are designed to easily come apart and reassemble for compact storage and easy transportation.
Take down .22LR rifles like the AR-7 have been popular with backpackers, outdoorsmen and preppers for a long time. Ruger is now throwing their extremely popular 10/22 into the take down mix.
On the new 10/22, disassembly takes mere moments, and reassembly is even easier. Watch the videos below to see how easy it isĀ in action.
The new 10/22 is weather resistant with a synthetic stock and stainless barrel. It comes with a black backpack (with molle webbing, of course) that can hold the Takedown and extra magazines and accessories. This rifle may wind up being the perfect backpacking gun for many people.
If you want a holster for the Ruger SR-22 pistol announced yesterday, you do have a few options available immediately. These are going to be the more generic, “one size fits many” type holsters, but they will work.
These holsters should fit the SR-22 pistol:
Ruger is now making polymer magazines for the Gunsite scout rifle. One of the complaints about the metal magazines was the price: $70 for the 10 round mag. I like the Gunsite scout rifle, but at $70/mag it is a non-starter for me. Sorry, but I’m not dropping $70 for a .308 rifle magazine.
Fortunately, Ruger wasn’t blind to the issue. To resolve the cost problem, Ruger is now manufacturing polymer magazines of three, five and ten round capacities. While not cheap, the polymer mags are much more reasonable at $39.95 each. I can’t say that a retail price of $40 is appealing, but it is certainly less horrific than $70.
Ruger announced two new SP101 revolvers. Both SP101 revolvers are larger, target-sized revolvers featuring longer barrels and fiber optic sights when compared to the standard SP101 handguns.
The two new Ruger revolvers are very similar in appearance and demensions. The first is chambered in the classic .357 Magnum cartridge, while the second new model is chambered in the ubiquitous .22 LR. Capacity on the Magnum is five rounds, while the rimfire will hold eight cartridges.